The Gator Gazette
September 9 - September 13
Spirit Week Winner!
Dressing as a teacher
Spirit Week Winner!
Dressed as Mr. Z
Spirit Week Winner!
Dressed for the 60's
Grade 8 Washington DC Trip
Are you an 8th grader interested in attending the DC trip next Summer 2025 - Check out the following link using Tour Code TTSPCS5 or contact Ms. Shimmel if you have any questions.
- 8th grade Washington DC Trip meeting is tonight Monday, September 9 in the Glenview Library at 6:30pm.
Afterschool Club Registration Link SY24-25
Hello Gators!
A BIG SHOUT OUT to our WIU parent volunteers - Thank You for giving back and investing your time in our students, school, and community - we appreciate YOU!
Glenview Gators are busy - busy - busy! The school days are filled with exciting lessons and activities and so are the after school activities and athletics. Come and join in on the fun! After school clubs started, please watch for the specific dates that your club is meeting.
Glenview Cross Country and 7th grade Volleyball have been bringing home the WINS for the past two weeks. If you haven't been able to get out there and catch the Gators in action make this your week to join in on the excitement!
It’s almost time! Registration for after school enrichment clubs will begin next week. Beginning, Tuesday, Aug 27, 2024 students can pick up a paper registration form from the main office. An electronic registration form will go live Thursday, August 29. Do you have a hobby or skill you’d like to share with students? If so, contact Teresa Dothard-Campbell at tcampbell@emsd37.org or by calling 309-755-1919 ext. 211.
Student invitations to join the Lights ON Scholar Academy for 5th and 6th graders will be sent to home on Tuesday, September 3rd, with an anticipated start date of Tuesday, September 17th. The Scholar Academy is an after school program that provides small group homework help and tutoring to students who are referred to the program by school staff. Space is limited, so please don’t delay registration if your child is referred to the program. Scholar Academy invitations for 7th and 8th grade will be sent home at the end of September.
Have a GATOR Week!
Mrs. Hawley
Earbuds are available in the GMS Library for 50 cents - get yours today!
See you in the SWAMP!
Activities and Athletics THIS WEEK...
- Grade 8 Washington DC trip Meeting - Monday, September 9 at 6:30 - GMS Library
- Glenview Football v Hilltoppers - Monday, September 9 at 5pm at Soule Bowl
- GMS Volleyball v Jordan - Tuesday, September 10 at 4pm
- Glenview Football @ Geneseo - Wednesday, September 11 at 4pm
- Glenview Invitational - Cross Country - Wednesday, September 11 at 4pm @ Jacobs Park
- Galesburg Invitational - Cross Country - Thursday, September 12 at 4pm @ Lake Storey
- GMS Volleyball v John Deere -Thursday, September 12 at 4pm
- Band Parent Organization Meeting - Thursday, September 12 at 7pm
ACTIVITIES and ATHLETIC PICK-UP: Families picking up athletes after practice, please be at GMS by 4pm to ensure prompt supervision and safety of your student. Thank you!
Buy your GATOR gear TODAY! Use the link below...
Mark you Calendars
- GMS Volleyball @ Seton - Tuesday, September 17 at 4pm
- Glenview Football 7 v Edison -Tuesday, September 17 at 4pm
- Glenview Football 8 v Edison - Wednesday, September 18 at 4pm
- Pioneer Invitational for Cross Country - Wednesday, September 18 at 4pm @ Camden Park
- GMS Volleyball v Washington - Thursday, September 19 at 4pm
- GMS Picture Day is Wednesday, September 18
- School Health Link @ GMS for Student Physicals - Tuesday, October 1 - 8am - 12pm
Register Today for a FUN day of Science!
At the Western Illinois University - Moline Campus
Click on the flyer to register - See you there!
GMS Counselor's Corner
- Mrs. Debaene - 5th Grade - 309.755.1919 x232
- Mrs. Gallagher - 6th Grade - 309.755.1919 x231
- Mr. Palmer - 7th Grade - 309.755.1919 x214
- Mrs. Wieland - 8th Grade - 309.755.1919 x213
Gator Athletics and Activities
ATTENTION PARENTS - The YEARBOOK NEEDS YOU! Calling all Photographers! Please share pictures of GMS events with Mrs. Hawley - khawley@emsd37.org AND Mrs. Roselieb - jroselieb@emsd37.org - We Appreciate YOU!
Let’s cheer on our Gators and make this week unforgettable!
The Glenview Band
From the Nurses Clinic
Attention 6th grade families: Physicals and Vaccinations are due by Tuesday, October 15, 2024. If they are not received by that date, your student will be excluded from school effective Wednesday, October 16, 2024. If you need assistance finding a provider, please contact the BMS Clinic at 309.755.1919 x220 or 221.
GMS Menus
Scan the QR Code for Glenview Breakfast and Lunch Menus!
Need Assistance? We can help!
GMS Main Office...
- Mrs. Hawley, GMS Principal - 309.755.1919 x207
- Mr. Ryan, Associate Principal of Curriculum and Instruction - 309.755.1919 x208
- Mrs. Christensen, Associate Principal - Grade 5/6 - 309.755.1919 x209
- Mr. Evans, Associate Principal Grade 7/8 - 309.755.1919 x210
- Mrs. Keim, Attendance Secretary - 309.755.1919 x201
- Mrs. Gryp, Registrar - 309.755.1919 x222
- Ms. Carson, Nurse - 309.755.1919 x220
- Mrs. Martinez, Nurse - 309.755.1919 x221
- Tracy Greer, Special Education Facilitator - 309.755.1919 x216
- Mr. Singleton, Athletic Director - 309.755.1919 x160
- Mrs. Debaene - 5th Grade - 309.755.1919 x232
- Mrs. Gallagher - 6th Grade - 309.755.1919 x231
- Mr. Palmer - 7th Grade - 309.755.1919 x214
- Mrs. Wieland - 8th Grade - 309.755.1919 x213