Welcome back and Happy New Year! Hopefully you all had a restful and fun winter break.
Snowshoe families, please note the following important reminders regarding our school day times, Pikmykid needs, and drop off expectations:
Our school day starts at 10:15am on Monday's (door opens at 10:05am) and 9:15am (door opens at 9:05am) Tuesday-Friday and pickup time Monday-Friday is 3:45pm.
Students are considered tardy if they are not in class 5 minutes after the start of school.
Pikmykid changes MUST be made before 3:00pm. No changes should be made between 3:00pm-3:45pm, as dismissal time is a very busy time for our front office.
Drop off reminders:
Parents should NOT be exiting their vehicle in the drop off lane. Students should be able to get out of the vehicle on their own. If they cannot, please park your vehicle and walk your student to the cross walk, where the crossing guard will help them cross safely or you may walk them into school.
Make sure to read through the entire newsletter, so you don't miss any important events or deadlines.
January 11 - Math Derby @ Cottonwood Elementary
January 15 - Girl Scout Meeting 4:00 in library
January 17 - Human Growth and Development 4th/5th Grade Only
January 20 - Holiday *NO SCHOOL*
January 28 - Kids Heart Challenge Assemblies
January 29 - Girl Scout Meeting 4:00 in library
January 30 - Spelling Bee 10:00am
January 31 - Spirit Day *TROPICAL DAY*
February 3 - PTA Meeting 4:00 in library
February 6 - Battle of the Books 3rd/4th Grade @ MCS
February 7 - Battle of the Books 5th Grade @ MCS
February 7 - Spring and Classroom Picture Day
February 10 - Parent Conferences *NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS*
February 12 - Girl Scout Meeting 4:00 in library
February 17 - Parent Conferences *NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS*
February 26 - Girl Scout Meeting 4:00 in library
February 28 - Family Dance Night
You have one last chance to get your student's lost items from our overflowing lost and found. All items unclaimed by January 31, 2025 will be donated.
There are quite a few coats, gloves, hats, and more!
We have sold more than half of the yearbooks that we will receive, so don't miss out by not ordering yours.
Click the link below to pre-order yours today. Use Yearbook ID Code: 8624425
Deadline is April 7, 2025
We have a huge variety of youth and adult spirit wear items. Check it all out by clicking the button below.
There are always discounts on the website. Currently, you can get 15% off by using Promo Code: EXTRA15 until 1/12/25.
Any questions, feel free to contact me at lynn.cooper@matsuk12.us or 907-352-9535.
Looking for local events and activities? Click the button below to take you to our community flyers for many different sports, activities, and events.
As a Title 1 school, our funding is dependent upon the percentage of families receiving free and reduced meals at school. Our Title 1 funds help us provide curriculum, tutors, school counselors, family engagement events, and much more for our students.
Your student will be bringing home a paper copy of the free and reduced meal application. If you have not filled out this application since August 15, 2024, we request that you fill it out and return it to school by January 24, 2025.
Each student that returns a completed application or the attached letter stating you have filled out the application since 8/15/24 will receive a snack or candy bar AND be entered into a drawing for a new bicycle.
Regardless of whether your student eats meals at school, your application could help our funding. Please be on the lookout for the application coming home and return by 1/24/25. Families with multiple students at Snowshoe only need to fill out one application.
We appreciate you taking the time to complete the application.
From January 6th to January 31st, students can log their reading minutes using a form provided by the library. Reading log forms will go home with students on January 6th—so no excuses! The Challenge: Students are encouraged to read for 10 to 30 minutes at least five times a week. Each date on the reading log will need an adult’s initials to confirm the minutes read (we know you’re honest, but hey, rules are rules!). The Reward: Submit completed forms to the library by Friday, January 31st, and join us for a Nacho Potluck extravaganza from 11:50 AM to 12:35 PM!
We have another book fair coming in February. Preview Day is Friday 2/7/25. Book fair will run from Monday, 2/10/25 through Friday 2/21/25. Sales are allowed during your students regular library time, before school from 8:45am-9:15am, and after school from 3:45pm-4:15pm.
Make shopping easy with Scholastic’s eWallet! Set up an account for your child to use during the book fair. Family members can even contribute funds. Any leftover balance can be used for future purchases from Scholastic. Don’t miss this fun opportunity to stock up on new reads!