Husky News
April 17, 2022
Happy Easter!
The Week Ahead...
Tuesday- Spring Picture Day
Friday- Seah Strong Day!
This last week, our staff and students spent time honoring and celebrating the things Mrs. Eggum loves!
Spring Picture Day-April 19th
PTA Spring Flower Basket Fundraiser
Happening now!! Beautiful, 12 inch flower baskets from local business, DeGoede Brothers, are available for sale (while supplies last) on the Maple Lawn PTA website for $35 each. Order Baskets Here
Orders may be placed through April 28th and the baskets will be available for pickup at Maple Lawn sometime during the week of June 6. You will receive more information about pickup closer to that date. Thank you for supporting our fundraising efforts!
Please be patient with our website. Here are some tips:
- You must have an account to place an order. Click "sign up" if you need to create an account. This does not cost any money and does not sign you up to be a PTA member.
- Once you have an account, click "For Sale" to purchase a basket. Please select the variety (sun or shade basket) and the student the order is associated with.
- If you would like to order more than one, just keep clicking "add one to my cart" until you get the correct amount.
- Purchase is made through PayPal.
ATTENTION: 5th Grade Parents!!
April Character Trait of the Month
Quote of the week
Maple Lawn to participate in lahar evacuation drill April 29
In our ongoing commitment to safety and preparedness, the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District is participating in a regional lahar exercise, which is designed to test and improve the ability to evacuate or shelter students and staff in the event of an incoming lahar from Mount Rainier.
On April 29 at approximately 9:30 a.m., students attending Maple Lawn Elementary, and our other schools in the Sumner valley, will physically evacuate their school building. Maple Lawn students will walk this emergency evacuation route, safely escorted by school staff. If you do not want your child to participate, you may opt out of the lahar exercise by completing and returning this form (Spanish | Russian | Ukrainian) to Maple Lawn by April 22.
What to expect
Under staff supervision, with assistance from local police personnel, students will follow a designated evacuation route on flat, paved sidewalks with one street lane closed.
Students will complete about 80 percent of the route, stopping before gaining significant elevation with an end at the Gordon Family YMCA (16101 64th St E).
Buses will transport students back to their school where they’ll complete the remainder of their school day as normal. Total time for the drill is approximately one hour.
The District’s participation in this full-scale, regional lahar exercise, known to be the largest of its kind in the nation, includes surrounding school districts, cities, towns and emergency management agencies. SBLSD has worked closely with the Sumner Police and Public Works Departments to coordinate this exercise to ensure the utmost safety of everyone involved.
For questions or more information about this lahar drill, contact Maple Lawn Elementary at (253) 891-4400.
Key Dates
Negotiated between the Sumner Education Association and the District, our school calendars are planned far in advance. Here are links to key dates that outline holidays, school board meetings and other events.
Maple Lawn Elementary
Email: MLE@sumnersd.org
Website: sumnersd.org/mle
Location: 230 Wood Avenue, Sumner, WA, USA
Phone: (253) 891-4400
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Maple-Lawn-Elementary/1501327460130382
Twitter: @MLE_Huskies