Farewell from Hillside Faculty
April 30, 2020
We have to say goodbye
In this special newsletter, you will hear from some very special members of our faculty. Please read their farewell letters below.
Mrs. Dubois has already shared this news with her students. Additional farewell videos will go out next Monday to students, but we wanted to make sure parents and guardians had this information first. Share with your student(s) if you'd like to before next week!
Cynthia Bailey, Principal
Farewell from Mr. Olynyk
Hello Hillside Families,
I write this letter today with equal feelings of sadness and excitement. My experiences, relationships built, and love for teaching at Hillside have created memories I will take with me the rest of my life. Hillside taught me who I am, and helped to create the person I am today. I will cherish this building and this community forever. The time has come for me to move on and try something new, and so today I announce to you that this is my last year in education.
This decision was made in December, and was not made lightly. There are a couple of things I would like you all to know before I announce this to students.
I absolutely adore all of your children. In fact, when all else seemed too much to bear, your children helped me find the joy. I feel a great sense of pride and accomplishment when I think of Hillside’s students, and my heart smiles whenever I picture the music room in my mind. Your children have given me love, laughter, and inspiration, and are the reason I was able to stay for nine years.
Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. McGuire, and the staff at Hillside are incredible. I cannot imagine a more supportive administrative team, nor can I imagine a more enjoyable group of colleagues. I had to answer some tough questions early on, and the main question was: Do I switch schools, or switch careers? To me, there will never be any better school than Hillside. The choice was simple, and it is time for me to build new skills in a new career.
If you would like to reach out, you are most welcome to do so. I will be having classroom teachers post a farewell video that I will record for students on Monday, May 4th. I will also post this video on my website, where students have been accessing my assignments and lessons.
I am humbled and beyond grateful for the support and love I have received from my Hillside families. I have spoken with the new music teacher at Hillside several times, and have met her in person, and she is fantastic. I sincerely hope that you show her the same support and love. This position, while rewarding and transformative, is also incredibly challenging. She, as I did, will need a community of love and acceptance. I know with all of my heart that she will receive that from all of you.
Once a Tiger, Always a Tiger.
Mr. Joe Olynyk
Farewell from Mrs. McGill
Dear Hillside families,
I have some news to share with you which is both exciting and sad for me. In December, I resigned my position with Westside Community Schools to work full time as a mental health therapist in private practice at the end of this school year.
This, of course, is not the way I saw my last year ending! I had planned to tell the students in person. While you may be sharing this news with them, I will also be making a video message that will come out through the teachers on Monday, May 4. Remember, I am also available for google meets and phone calls with you and/or your children. In addition, I will arrange to see the students in person once we are permitted to do that again. Please reach out if you or your child would like to visit!
I hope it is clear to you and your children how much I love them and the Hillside community. There have been smiles and hope every day, even during the most heartbreaking and challenging times. Hillside has been my home for 14 years and that is exactly how it feels, like a home! I will always cherish my time here and remember the families fondly.
The new counselor is kind, skilled and lucky to be joining such an inviting group. He and I have been meeting to smooth the transition and I know he is looking forward to meeting you.
Thank you for your support, trust and encouragement and above all, for sharing your beautiful children with me!
My best to you, always!
Mrs. McGill
Kathie McGill, LMHP
Hillside School Counselor
Farewell from Mrs. Dubois
Dear Hillside Families:
I have made the very difficult decision to not to return to Hillside next year. As you all know, I found out I was pregnant in January. After much hesitation, I made the decision to stay home with my three children for a few years.
I want you all to know, students and parents, that this has been my most enjoyable year of teaching. Every student who was in room 221 was beyond special and will always hold a special place in my heart. Hillside really is a very special school, and I am so lucky to be able to be your teacher. I will come and visit next year, and hopefully I can bring in the baby so you can meet him or her.
I want you to know that we will all finish this year out STRONG! I believe in all of you! I want to enjoy our last few weeks "together" as much as possible, so please join those Google Meets whenever you can!
Mrs. Dubois, 5th Grade Teacher