Weekly Update
Upcoming Schedules
Important INFO ---- READ-----!!!!!!
- Federal Programs Eligibility Forms will be sent home to those we did not collect one already
ELAR Lesson Plan Template will be on the website under balanced literacy/Guided Reading tab
Ashley will be sending an email regarding learning walks
Please read this flyer and if you think some of our parents would want to volunteer go ahead and print up the information SALVATION ARMY FLYER
Everyone needs 12 hours of professional development before Thanksgiving break. Please talk to Mr. Ramirez or Dr. Knight if you have any questions about your hours.
ELAR teachers- We will be sending home the note regarding all students guided reading levels with report cards again this year. Ashley will be sharing them with you soon.
Oct 15 PLC(ELAR) TRC Guided Reading Plans (Math) Ashley's room - look at lessons
Oct. 15 Ronnie Hawkins- Will be on campus observing balanced literacy in action and how he can help support us.
Oct. 22 PLC - (ELAR) TRC - Molly (Math) Ashley's room Scholastic Schedule
Oct. 23 Early Release day- Notes will be going home from the office soon! Please communicate this with parents early enough so they have a chance to find child care or make a plan
Oct. 25 bi-weekly - look at Math tracking sheets(re-teach plans) ELAR - re-grouping
Important Dates
Oct. 11- Student Holiday/ Professional Learning Day- Schedule ELAR & Math Solutions
Oct. 14 - Columbus Day
Oct. 15 - 22 - Molly on Campus
Oct. 15 - Ronnie Hawkins
Oct. 16 - Grades Due
Oct. 16 - Proud Eagles Certificates Due
Oct. 17 - District Learning Walks
Oct. 17 - Dress for Success
Oct. 17 - Staff Social
Oct. 18 - Main Event
Oct. 18 - First Student Leadership Meeting
Oct. 21 - Flu Shots on Campus @ 2:00
Oct. 22 - PLC (ELAR) TRC – Molly & Math) Ashley’s room
Oct. 25 - bi-weekly - look at Math tracking sheets (re-teach plans) ELAR - re-grouping
Oct. 25 - Writing Samples due to Ashley 1st-5th
Oct. 29 - PLC
Nov. 2 - Fall Festival 12:00 - 4:00
Expectation will be the same .. PTO will set up and we will just be sure that the booths are covered and if you can come for a couple of hours please do. More details soon