Bogan Weekly News
September 20th, 2024
A Message From Ms. Cannon
Dear Bogan Families,
I hope your family is enjoying the long weekend! Our staff is collaborating with their teams on curriculum. We are so fortunate to have an amazing staff here at Bogan that work so hard to meet the needs of our students. I am so honored to learn and grow with them each day!
We look forward to seeing all your students back on Monday!
Kirsten Cannon, Principal
Around Bogan
Afternoon Pick-Up
We are going to make a few changes to our afternoon car rider pick-up. These changes are first and foremost out of an abundance of caution for student safety. Additionally, we hope this will also make pick-up quicker and more efficient. Please be patient with our staff as we implement these new procedures.
1. We will place cones in front of the numbers and students will be instructed to wait behind the cones.
2. We will load 5 cars at a time instead of 7. This reduces the walk students have to take to reach the last 2 cars.
3. If your child is not ready when you arrive, we will ask you to pull up and will send them out to you when they arrive.
4. If possible, please load your student on the driver side.
5. If you need to buckle them in, you are welcome to pull into to our middle parking lot.
We would appreciate if you would discuss these changes with your students.
Morning Drop-Off
Morning drop-off continues to approve. We appreciate that you are letting your students out of the cars at the sign. Thank you for your help with this!
As a reminder, we will be closing the gate when our bell rings at 8:25am. This is so that our staff can get back into the building to do what they do best- teach your children! 😀 If you do arrive after 8:25am, please come to the office to sign your child in.
Transportation Updates
Beginning September 19, 2024, Bogan & TMS Bus #63 will be split between BUS #68 and Bus #72. This will last for a minimum of 2 weeks. Please note that there will be changes to the routes and morning pick-up and afternoon drop-off times.
Please see the temporary amended routes below.
Student attendance is crucial to your student's success here at school.
The state defines chronic absenteeism as a student being absent for 10% of the year for both unexcused AND excused. If your family has a fun trip planned, we absolutely encourage you to go and make those memories!! Please just be mindful of other days that your student is absent.
Please reach out if you have any questions or need assistance!
Nurse's Notes
Parents please be aware if your student has received a letter in regard to needing updated vaccines they will need to be turned in ASAP. Students who do not have these turned in to me by Monday, September 30th will not be able to attend school on Tuesday, October 1st.
October 4th: Fire Truck Assembly (KG & 3rd grade)
October 4th: 2nd Grade Field Trip to Metropark
October 5th: Butterfield's Shop to Support
October 8th: Author Visit (1st & 2nd grades)
October 11th: Picture Retakes
October 11th: Kids' Night Out: 6:30pm-9:00pm
October 17th: MadCap Learning Assembly (KG-5th grade)
October 18th: NO SCHOOL: Fall Break
October 21st: 3rd Grade Reading OST Testing: Specifics to come soon
PGP Corner
Pebble Go
We are excited to have Pebble Go! Pebble Go provides access to a lot of different digital books that you can read with your children at home. Many students also use Pebble Go in the classroom and have really enjoyed the content! Please see below for the login information. The subscription will expire August 30, 2025.
Site Login: https://login.pebblego.com/
Username: bogan
Password: bogan
We encourage you to sign up for the Bogan PTG! The cost is $5 and goes directly to supporting our students and staff! Please see the flyer below for more details! The deadline to join PTG is TODAY: Friday, September 20th.
Around Talawanda
Talawanda Baseball is hosting our third annual Alumni Game and First Annual Hit-A-Thon on October 5! Use the links below to sign up for the alumni game or sponsor a player for the Hit-A-Thon!
Alumni: https://forms.gle/RAXFparbWA8EDLWu8
Hit-A-Thon: https://forms.gle/4KTSVEpaFgSfNTL78
Please click here for the Talawanda Community Events Page.