KEAP Updates
February 14th, 2025

Hello everyone! So exciting how the sun is now out at pick up! The dark and cold days will soon be behind us🙂 While the cold has kept us inside often recently, we have still been busy working hands on and creating many amazing things. Check out what we've been up to below:
Quilt Making
Making Granola
Making our own playdough
Dissecting owl pellets with Northwoods
Lots of New Enrichments in Session 4!
K, 1st, 2nd
New this session: cooking! Returning enrichments include photography, art in nature, and arts & crafts. The cobleigh library will be joining us more as well!
3rd, 4th, 5th
Snap circuits returns! Other enrichments includes chess, quilt making, and so much more
6th, 7th, 8th
Exploring Japanese culture, documenting the Concord cemetery return for middle schoolers, and Empty Bowl(cooking/pottery) return for middle schoolers!
Upcoming Early Release Dates/Activities
Ally Corrow
Ally is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters