Kendallvue Community Newsletter
August 9 - 15, 2024
All Students Are Curious, Creative, and Confident Learners!
Welcome back Coyotes!
Dear Kendallvue Families,
We are drawing near the first day of school next week! Teachers came back yesterday and we are all excited about this upcoming school year. Teachers are preparing their classrooms for the first day with students and we are gearing up for the start of a great school year. We will launch our school year with our "Drop, Rock, and Pop" event on Wednesday, August 14th from 3:00-4:00pm. Families can drop off school supplies and meet their teachers and then come outside to paint a rock for our Coyote Mosaic.
Just a reminder that school hours are 8:05-3:05. Students who wish to eat breakfast can enter the building through the main doors at 7:45. All students can enter 7:55. We ask that students are in their seats, ready to learn at 8:05.
We are all excited for this school year to begin. Thank you for choosing Kendallvue! We cannot wait to see everyone for our "red carpet ceremony" on the first day of school on Thursday, August 15th in the morning. Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you next week!
Bruce Lindsey
August 14, 2024
- Supply Drop Off - "Drop, Rock, and Pop"! Meet your student's teacher and paint a rock for our Coyotes Mosaic!
August 15, 2024
- First Day of School!
- KG Camp (Half day on 8/16)
August 19, 2024
- First Day for Preschool
Upcoming Events
August 14- School Supply Drop Off/Meet and Greet- 3pm-4pm
August 15 - First day of school for K-5
August 19- First day of school for preschool
August 22- Back to school night- 4-6pm
August 23/26th- Flex Days- Assessments- Students come by appointment only
September 11- Picture Day
September 20- Teacher work day- No school for students
Office Updates
- Many students are eligible to ride the bus. All transportation information can be found here: https://www.jeffcopublicschools.org/services/transportation
- All returning families will register through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.In the menu, click More, then Online Registration, to begin the update.
- We encourage you to read these helpful tips to help you complete the annual update. If you have issues with registration after reviewing the helpful tips, please contact your student’s school directly.
- If you need help with your username and/or password, please use the Personal Account Manager to recover or reset your information.
- If you have a student new to Jeffco Public Schools and have not yet enrolled in a school, you will go to EnrollJeffco to add your student and enroll.
- Thanks to the passage of Healthy School Meals for All (HSMA) by Colorado voters, all students in Jeffco Public Schools will continue to have access to healthy and nutritious meals at no cost, regardless of income eligibility.
Families are Still Encouraged to Complete a Meal Benefits Application. Completing a Meal Benefits Application will help with additional education funding for schools and MAY ALLOW FOR WAIVERS OF SCHOOL-RELATED FEES. While fee waivers or reductions in fees will vary from school to school, the following fees can be waived or reduced, based on Free and Reduced eligibility: field trips, outdoor lab, technology and transportation. When filling out the student benefits application please check the box for "share the information with the school." While all information is kept private, sharing the information with the school allows the school to waive the appropriate fees. This application is now available on School Café.
- For those who are experiencing food insecurity, we have the Bak Pak program - BakPak Program Sign up.
Health Room
- Immunization Compliance: All students are required to be up to date on all state required vaccinations. If you need an exemption, please submit your students Certificate of Medical or Nonmedical Exemption form to the front office.
- Medications at School: All medications at school are required to have a Medication Agreement form, signed after June 30th.