Lunch and Learn
Academic Assessments and Interventions
Please join the Allegheny Intermediate Unit's Training & Consultation Team for these VIRTUAL sessions.
Designed for educators and administrators, these sessions will delve into effective strategies, evidence-based practices, and innovative approaches to enhance student learning outcomes in mathematics and literacy. We will hear from various speakers on the products, resources, and strategies available in literacy and mathematics.
Participant Information
Target Audience:
General education teachers, special education teachers, paraeducators, interventionists, coaches, reading specialists, transition coordinators, principals, curriculum directors, special education liaisons and other administrators.
Act 48 Hours: No Act 48 hours will be provided for this training.
Cost: There is no cost to attend this training series.
Registration Priority: Educators who work for LEAs in the AIU3 region will have priority registration.
Registration / Session Information
Lunch and Learn: Attainment: Math and Science K-12
Date: December 06, 2024
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm
Location: Zoom
Description: Since its inception in 1979, Attainment Company has been dedicated to helping people with disabilities succeed in school, work, and life with practical and easy-to-use products. The goal is to create a solution for teachers and students alike using digital, print, and hands on materials to reach a wide range of learners. Please join us for an overview of our Math and Science continuum, which includes foundational, evidence-based, and standards based resources for K-12.
Audience: Administrators, General Education teachers, Special Education teachers, Interventionists, and Coaches.
Lunch and Learn: Attainment: ELA K-12
Date: December 13, 2024
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm
Location: Zoom
Description: Since its inception in 1979, Attainment Company has been dedicated to helping people with disabilities succeed in school, work, and life with practical and easy-to-use products. The goal is to create a solution for teachers and students alike using digital, print, and hands on materials to reach a wide range of learners. Please join us for an overview of our ELA continuum, which includes foundational, evidence-based, and standards based resources for K-12.
Audience: Administrators, General Education teachers, Special Education teachers, Interventionists, and Coaches.
Lunch and Learn: UFLI Foundations
Date: January 24, 2025
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm
Location: Zoom
Description: UFLI Foundations is an explicit and systematic program created by the team at the University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI—pronounced “you fly”). The program introduces students to the foundational reading skills necessary for proficient reading. It follows a carefully developed scope and sequence designed to ensure that students systematically acquire each skill needed and learn to apply each skill with automaticity and confidence. The program is designed to be used for core instruction in the primary grades or for intervention with struggling students in any grade.
Audience: Administrators, General Education teachers, Special Education teachers, Interventionists, and Coaches.
Lunch and Learn: V-Math Targeted Math Intervention
Date: January 31, 2025
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm
Location: Zoom
Description: Vmath® Third Edition is a targeted math intervention program for struggling students in grades 2–8 that provides additional opportunities to master critical math concepts and skills. Vmath delivers essential content using strategies proven to accelerate and motivate at-risk students.
Audience: Administrators, General Education teachers, Special Education teachers, Interventionists, and Coaches.
Lunch and Learn: Utilizing Spring Math as a Classwide Intervention in Math
Date: February 21, 2025
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm
Location: Zoom
Description: Spring Math is a comprehensive RtI system that includes screening, progress monitoring, class-wide and individual math intervention, and implementation and decision-making support. Assessments are generated within the tool when needed and Spring Math uses student data to customize class-wide and individual intervention plans for students. Spring Math assesses 130 skills in Grades K-8 and remedies gaps in learning for grades K-12. Both new and current users are welcome to attend.
Audience: Administrators, General Education teachers, Special Education teachers, Interventionists, and Coaches.
Lunch and Learn: TransMath: Addressing Important Prerequisite Skills to Support Algebra Readiness
Date: February 28, 2025
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm
Location: Zoom
Description: TransMath® Third Edition is a comprehensive math intervention curriculum that targets middle and high school students who lack the foundational skills necessary for entry into algebra and/or who are two or more years below grade level in math. Using a dual-topic approach, TransMath improves math skills by emphasizing fewer topics in greater depth while accelerating students to more advanced math, from number sense to rational numbers, to understanding algebra.
Audience: Administrators, General Education teachers, Special Education teachers, Interventionists, and Coaches.
Lunch and Learn: Acadience Pathways of Progress
Date: March 21, 2025
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm
Location: Zoom
Description: This session will cover the functionality and interpretation of Pathways of Progress on the ALO platform. Pathways of Progress is an innovative approach that empowers educators to set goals that are meaningful, ambitious, and attainable. It increases the precision with which progress is evaluated at the student and classroom levels. Pathways of Progress, when combined with Acadience benchmark goals and composite scores, provides teachers with a frame of reference for examining where their students are, specifying where they need to get to, and evaluating whether they are making adequate progress.
Audience: Administrators, General Education teachers, Special Education teachers, Interventionists, and Coaches.
Lunch and Learn: aimswebPlus
Date: March 28, 2025
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm
Location: Zoom
Description: aimswebPlus is a tool for teachers and educational teams in MTSS/RTI and special education contexts. aimswebPlus offers nationally-normed, skills-based benchmark assessments and progress monitoring integrated into one application across reading and math domains with additional add-on measures across dyslexia and behavior/social-emotional skills. aimswebPlus informs daily instruction and provides growth results to caregivers and district/state audiences in reading and math achievement using curriculum-based assessment and standards-aligned content for students in PreK through Grade 12. Additionally, aimswebPlus links to instructional resources to support growth in reading, writing, and math skills. aimswebPlus uncovers learning gaps quickly, identifies at-risk students, and assesses growth at the individual and group levels.
Audience: Administrators, General Education teachers, Special Education teachers, Interventionists, and Coaches.
Lunch and Learn: Renaissance Solutions
Date: April 4, 2025
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm
Location: Zoom
Description: Renaissance will provide information regarding their connected ecosystem that encompasses a variety of integrated solutions to help teachers analyze data and design instructional response that is measurable. MTSS platforms and progress monitoring tools to help schools measure achievement and growth will be included.
Audience: Administrators, General Education teachers, Special Education teachers, Interventionists, and Coaches.
Lunch and Learn: What does a RIT score even mean? Unpacking key data points on NWEA's MAP Assessment?
Date: April 11, 2025
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm
Location: Zoom
Description: Tiffany Luther from NWEA MAP will unpack what the RIT score means and how to utilize the data from the NWEA’s MAP Assessment. Both new and current users are welcome to attend. Bring your questions regarding data utilization and learn more efficient and effective ways to use the data we collect to help all learners succeed.
Audience: Administrators, General Education teachers, Special Education teachers, Interventionists, and Coaches.
Contact Information
Training Content Questions:
Shelly Burr, Training and Consultation Coordinator
Registration Questions:
Jamila Robinson-Moore, Administrative Support
Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event.