Pioneer Post
August 27, 2024

Principal's Message
Hello Pioneer Families!
Welcome back to a new and exciting school year! Our team is thrilled to have your child(ren) back in our classrooms. This year, we’re focusing on creating a nurturing and dynamic environment where every student feels supported and inspired to grow. We have a variety of engaging activities, new educational tools, and interactive projects planned to make learning both visible and effective.
Thank you so much for attending our Back to School Night on Wednesday evening! What a wonderful turnout – I was thrilled to see the amount of families who attended. I greatly appreciate your involvement in your child's education. Thank you also for those of you who were able to come early to join our PTO meeting. Our PTO is such a wonderful extension of our school and it was exciting to see so many of you inquiring about how to get more involved with our community.
Communication between home and school is vital, and we encourage you to stay connected with us. If you have any questions or concerns, or just want to share your child’s successes, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We believe that a strong partnership between families and teachers is key to student success.
We look forward to working together to make this a fantastic year for your child. Here’s to a year filled with learning, growth, and memorable experiences!
Warm regards,
Mrs. Blackburn
Barnett Spirit Tags
Barnett Spirit Wear
Attendance Matters
Attendance Matters! Missing just two days every month puts students at risk of falling behind. Attendance is the first way you can help your child succeed in school. This year we will be honoring a "Best in Class" for the class with the best attendance. We look forward to recognizing the class weekly at Friday Flag.
Please report all absences using one of the following:
Call the 24 hour absence line to leave a message: 951-296-5579
Call the front office during school hours: 951-296-5579
Email Gail Martin, Attendance Clerk: gmartin1@tvusd.us
Please give the date, name of your child, teacher name and reason for absence.
Early Check Out Policy
Ysabel Barnett does not allow early check outs 30 minutes prior to dismissal for all grades, TK through 5th grade. Thank you for protecting vital instruction time for all students.
Upcoming Events
August 28: PTO Board Meeting
September 2: NO SCHOOL - Labor Day Holiday
September 5 - 19: Step It Up Fundraiser
September 11: Handel's Ice Cream Fundraiser
September 13: NED's Mindset Mission Assemblies
September 21: Family Garden Clean Up Day
September 24: Fall Picture Day
September 25: English Learners Advisory Committee Meeting
& Lazy Dog Restaurant Fundraiser
September 28: PTO Board Meeting
October 4: Make-up Fall Picture Day
October 25: Harvest Festival
Labor Day Holiday - Sept 2
NED's Mindset Mission - Sept 13
Student Assemblies: During the School Day on September 13, 2024
As a Growth Mindset school, this assembly provides our Pioneers an opportunity to learn new ways to transform how they face challenges.
From the moment your child(ren) enter the room, a captivating performer will take them on a 45-minute journey filled with humor, yo-yo and magic tricks, puppetry, and storytelling. Yo-yo's will be available for purchase for a week after the event. More information to follow.
The assembly introduces a cartoon boy named NED who is on a very important mission: to find his mindset. Led by clues and memorable characters, he overcomes Mt. Everest’s toughest obstacles, uncovers inner-treasures on a Caribbean island, and grows his brain while repairing a sputtering spaceship. Throughout the performance, your child(ren) will discover how to activate their growth mindset to overcome social, emotional and academic challenges.
Please see the video below for a preview of Ned's important mission.
Garden Clean Up Day - Sept 21
ELAC Meeting - Sept 25
Nutrition News
News from the TVUSD Nutrition Department!
Device Insurance
Device Insurance for NEW students is available to purchase from now until August 30, by visiting the TVUSD web store listed on the flyer below or by clicking HERE. (If you receive the message "your user session has expired", please click START again to refresh.)
Who is considered a NEW student?
- New Students to TVUSD (all grades)
- TK students
- Kindergarteners (not previously enrolled in a TVUSD TK class for 24-25 school year)
All previously enrolled students who already have a TVUSD district-issued device were given the opportunity to purchase Device Insurance for the 24-25 school year during our Annual Device Inspection Event that took place at the end of the 23-24 school year. If your student did not purchase insurance at that time, please read below for instructions.
Device Insurance for RETURNING students
After the district Device Insurance purchase window for new students closes, sites will manage the insurance process for any uninsured district-owned devices. Any returning students who would like to purchase insurance may do so after Labor Day by contacting the library to arrange for a device inspection; by phone at (951) 296-5579, extension 2011 or by email to ncarrel@tvusd.us.
We love our volunteers! Provided below are a few easy links to help get you started:
- Complete an application online. You can find it here: ONLINE APPLICATION**
- Submit the required documents: Picture ID, Code of Conduct, Megan's Law documentation.
Additionally, volunteers are to provide:
- Proof of a Negative TB Test
Your documents will be filed in a secure manner. For any questions or concerns related to the volunteer requirements, including the mandated required documents to be collected, please email volunteers@tvusd.us.
Watch Dogs
TVUSD Homework and Study Center
PTO Corner
Open PTO Positions!
If you do not have the time to commit to a board or committee chair position, but would still like to be a part of PTO, we would love to have you! Please email David Suen, our PTO President, at president@mybespto.com for more information.
PTO Board Meeting - Aug 28
Handel's Ice Cream Fundraiser - Sept 11
Lady Dog Restaurant Fundraiser - Sept 25
Harvest Festival - October 25
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Ysabel Barnett Elementary School
Website: tvusd.k12.ca.us/bes
Location: 39925 Harveston Drive, Temecula, CA, USA
Phone: 951-296-5579
Twitter: @ybesprincipal