Principal Message
October 11, 2024

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Superintendent Visit
Dr. Guillory, PSB Superintendent, enjoyed his visit on September 26th. He was able to see all of our first and second grade classrooms. He loved listening to Ms. Voros' students read their stories (above). Dr. Guillory visits Runkle at least once a month to see our students and teachers hard at work.
Identity Share with 2Wong and 3Hahesy
Students in 2W and 3H met to share their self portraits and identity stories on September 27th. The adults and students learned so much about what makes us different and just how much we have in common. It was a great activity to start off the school year!
Volleyball Begins
Runkle's Girls and Boys Volleyball teams are off to a great start! The girls played three close sets against Pierce but lost the match 2-1. The boys won all three sets against Pierce. Thank you to Ms. Schultz, Ms. Fitzgerald, Mr. Zobel, and Ms. Amadia (referee) for supporting our student athletes. This week we lost two close games to Lincoln School, boys and girls.
Picture Day!
Picture Day (Tuesday, October 8th) went smoothly. Thank you to Runkle's PTO for organizing parent volunteers to line up students and fix some hair and ties! We appreciate everyone who volunteered. This is our amazing 8th grade class getting ready for that "last" class picture.
Thrives Snacks
We will no longer be receiving extra snacks from Brookline Thrives. Weekend food bags for enrolled families will continue. These bags do include snacks. For the past few years, Runkle students have been grabbing extra snacks from guidance and the front office Thrive boxes. Please send your students with snacks and remind them that we will not have extras to offer. There is a plan for Food Services to provide grab and go snacks in the morning for students. We will keep you posted on this process.
Middle School Progress Reports
Middle School Progress reports will be posted on Friday, October 11th on the Parent Portal in Aspen. They may not post until midnight.
Friday Fun!
Runkle had a lot of fun today! First graders had "Opposite Day." They earned this for a great month of behavior and hard work. Dr. Leonard's class also earned a reward. They opted for "Fort Day"! It was great see so much joy today at Runkle.
Important Dates
Monday, October 14th - School Closed - Indigenous People Day
Thursday, October 17th - ART BARN for Grades 1-6 in Multipurpose Room
Friday, October 18th - Cross Country Race - Grades 5-8, Townwide at Larz Anderson (3:20 pm start)
Wednesday, October 23rd - Runkle School Site Council at 4:15 pm in the library
Friday, October 25th - Runkle Halloween Fair, 5:30-8:00 pm.
Sunday, November 1st - Daylight Savings - Fall Back an Hour
Tuesday, November 5th - Election Day NO SCHOOL - Teacher PD Day
Thursday, November 7th - Pro-K-6th Early Release at 12:40 pm
Monday, November 11th - Veteran's Day - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, November 13th - Pre-K-8th Early Release at 12:40 pm
Thursday, November 21st - Pre-K-8th Early Release at 12:40 pm
Wednesday, November 27th - NOON Dismissal for Thanksgiving Break
Thursday, November 28th - Sunday, December 1st - Thanksgiving Break
Monday, October 30 through Thanksgiving - Donations for clothing and toiletries will be collected outside of our guidance offices. Please see PTO Newsletter for specific information.
Have a Wonderful Long Weekend...
Feeling Fall,
Donna Finnegan