The Connection
April 4, 2024
Career and Technical Education
CTE students in the Medical Assistant program are preparing for practical scenarios they may encounter in their future careers.
Students are testing for tuberculosis by injecting a protein derivative intradermally into the forearm and measuring the indurated area caused by a hypersensitivity reaction if the patient has ever had tuberculosis.
Bond Facts
Bullying FAQ
In the US, 1 in 5 students ages 12-18 has been bullied during the school year, so more than likely, you have heard the term in your home or community and may even have had a child who has been affected by bullying or harassment.
Ensuring the safety and well-being of our students is a top priority at Anna ISD. We understand that as parents, one of your primary concerns is the safety and happiness of your children while they are at school, so we would like to answer some of the questions that we most often hear from parents:
My child had a negative interaction with another student today. Is my child being bullied?
It depends. Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell if a child is simply having a passing conflict with another student or if something more is going on. Some of the questions to consider: Does it involve an imbalance of power (e.g. age, size, social status, etc.)? Is the behavior severe, persistent, or pervasive? Is there physical harm or threat of physical harm? Is it significantly disrupting the educational environment?
If your answer to one or more of these questions is yes, contact your child’s teacher, counselor, or assistant principal, or fill out an online bully report form (see links below) to get assistance.
Does Anna ISD have a policy and procedure for addressing reports of bullying?
Yes! When a student or parent reports an incident of bullying, we take action. Here's a brief overview:
Investigation: Upon receiving a bullying report, our protocol is to conduct a thorough investigation to gather all relevant information and evidence. This may involve speaking with the students involved and any witnesses or other individuals who may have pertinent information and examining any available evidence.
Sometimes investigations reveal that the reported behaviors don’t rise to the level of a bullying definition, or sometimes there is simply not enough evidence.
In determinations of true bullying, only the parents of the individual students will know the specific outcome with their child. We follow FERPA guidelines to protect the privacy of our students.
Intervention: If the investigation confirms that bullying has occurred, we take appropriate action in accordance with our school district's discipline policies and procedures. This may include counseling, stay-away agreements, schedule changes, detention, suspension, or other disciplinary measures, depending on the severity of the incident.
Support: Throughout the investigation process, our priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of all students involved. We offer support services to both the student who is potentially being bullied and the student who is alleged to be the bully, including counseling, education, and mediation services as needed.
I hear that there is a lot of bullying at the school. Why isn’t anything being done?
There is a lot being done.
Every campus uses a social-emotional curriculum with all students to help reinforce healthy behaviors and relationships.
Every campus employs administrators, school counselors, and mental health therapists to help assist and intervene in peer-to-peer conflict.
Initiatives on individual campuses, such as The Leader in Me, House Systems, PBIS Rewards, etc., are helping to reward positive behavior and deter negative behavior.
Teachers are trained in classroom management techniques to de-escalate minor, age-typical conflicts.
We firmly believe that every student has the right to feel safe and respected at school, and we are committed to fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment for all. Thank you for your continued partnership in ensuring the safety and well-being of all our students!
Learn more at:
Bullying Prevention and Reporting - Anna Independent School District
Nominate an Anna ISD employee for a Coyote Salute
It's our monthly employee recognition program. A Coyote Salute is awarded to individual staff members, and a Collaborative Coyote Salute is awarded to a group of staff members that have done something EXTRA special and beyond their regular job duties.
We want to intentionally honor staff members who have gone the EXTRA mile for our students.
Think of teachers using innovative teaching strategies or support staff members who go that extra mile to make our children feel safe and loved. This award is not limited to individual recipients. Collaboration encourages professional growth and student success. We would also like to honor teams of staff members who collectively worked on a positive project or had a fantastic outcome on something important to our students.
Any Anna ISD employee, parent, or community member may nominate AISD staff members who have gone above and beyond their specific job duties by filling out this form. From your nominations, a recognition committee will select the recipients for a Coyote Salute and the groups for a Collaborative Coyote Salute.
You may nominate staff anytime you see someone or a group that goes above and beyond their regular job duties. Staff members who have been selected for a Coyote Salute or Collaborative Coyote Salute will be notified by the Administration and recognized at an upcoming board meeting.
Anna ISD Bond Press Release
On February 15, the Anna ISD School Board unanimously sought voter approval for a $100 million bond issue. Following the success of Proposition A from Anna ISD’s previous November 2022 bond, a new District Stadium to serve the current and future high schools, along with the community of Anna ISD will be put before voters on May 4, 2024. This facility will accommodate programs such as football, soccer, band, cheer, drill team, Career and Technical Education classes, and graduation ceremonies.
The district’s financial advisor has determined that there will be no school tax rate increase to finance this bond. Likewise, there will be no tax rate reduction if the voters do not approve the bonds, and the existing I&S tax rate of 50 cents per $100 valuation would remain unchanged. For the homeowner in Anna ISD, this represents an increase of $0 per year. Projects are funded based on new valuations and growth within the district. The district’s 2024 bond package includes:
Bond Scope
District Stadium
Turf field
Seating up to 12,000
Press box, lighting, scoreboard, and AV equipment
Multiple locker rooms
Home and visitor restrooms and concessions
Community Room
Anna ISD residents will have the opportunity to vote on the bond referendum beginning with early voting on April 22 – April 30, 2024, and on Election Day, May 4, 2024.
If you would like more information, please contact Anna ISD: at communications@annaisd.org or visit AnnaISDbond.com
Plan to Get Involved & Stay Connected
- Register to be a volunteer at your child's school. Volunteer Application.
- Click on the Families button on the homepage of the website for a list of quick links.
- Join your school PTA or Booster club. AISD is grateful for the support of these parent leaders.
In the know: In addition to this eNewsletter, which typically comes twice a month, there are other ways to keep up with all the great things happening in Anna ISD:
- Ensure your information is current with your school, so you receive text message alerts, phone calls, and emails.
- Visit our website annaisd.org
- Follow AISD and your campus on social media. Facebook Twitter Instagram
- Download our mobile app
Tell us why you 💜 AISD.
April 8 ........................ Solar Eclipse
April 18 ...................... Board Meeting