East Central
eNewsletter September 2024
Notes from the Principal
This summer has been busy from summer athletics, to FFA leadership retreats, FCCLA National Conference, drama presentations, and marching band preparations for the 24-25 school year. Our 4th quarter Honor Roll numbers were outstanding with 54% of our student body earning all As and Bs and 31% earning all As! That success coupled everyone's efforts this summer bring a continuing expectation for success this fall and throughout the school year. EC remains a school...family in which we can all take great pride. Our mission continues to be guided by the same principles I came here with seven years ago…to make connections, to provide the best opportunities for our students, and perhaps most importantly, to offer a safe and secure school environment where your child/student can grow and thrive as an academic and as a person.
It is essential as we continue the great work East Central has become known for that we keep our focus on consistent and clear communication between students, staff, and community regarding mission, vision, successes, hopes, and desires. We must also continue our attention to best-practices and alignment across content areas to ensure continued academic success and even moreso, student growth and improvement. Please know how thankful I am to be here with your student(s), this staff, and this community. I take great pride in those words we utter so frequently and hope you do as well...WE ARE...
No School - 9/13
Homecoming - 9/16-9/20
Early Release - 9/18
End of 1st 9-weeks - 10/4
Fall Break - 10/5-10/13
Picture Retakes and Jostens - 10/17
PSAT - 10/23
“No leader is worth his salt who won’t set up the chairs.” Peter Drucker
Tom Black
Notes from Mrs. Rosfeld - Curriculum
Career Exploration
Students are encouraged to check their email for career exploration field trip opportunities. Career exploration trips include INcompass Healthcare for Behavioral Health, Cincinnati Incorporated, TP Mechanical, Northbend Pattern, Robert Jones Plumbing, Batesville Tool & Die, Messer Construction, Premier-Magnesia and Polycraft Products.
Fast Facts
Did you know ECHS offers 216 college credit opportunities to students? We also have over 150 students attending Southeastern Career Center each day. All of our students have a the opportunity to gain college and career credentials through 13 graduation pathways.
Selective Service
U.S. federal law requires all men to register with the Selective Service System within 30 days of turning 18. To learn more about this requirement, click here.
Indiana College Core
Check out this NEW short informational video that explains the Indiana College Core and the benefits of it! We are proud to announce that we offer the complete College Core curriculum at East Central! Also, be sure not to miss testimonials from an ECHS parent and student in the Learn More Guide!
Dual Credit vs Dual Enrollment
Ivy Tech dual credit is college credit that students earn from credentialed high school teachers at ECHS at no cost to our families. Students do not need to leave ECHS in order to earn dual credit. Alternatively, dual enrollment is college credit that students earn from Ivy Tech faculty at the Ivy Tech Campus. ECHS has a flexible accommodating schedule for students who are eager to get on the Ivy Tech campus to earn additional college credits. Our Ivy Tech College Connection Coach, Mrs. Wendi Karle has office hours at ECHS each week. Students are encouraged to utilize her services or speak to their Guidance Counselor.
College Application Week
September 23-27, 2024
College Application Week is part of College GO! And is a national initiative of the American College Application Campaign (ACAC). The goal is to help high school seniors navigate the college admissions process and ensure each student submits at least one admissions application. Many Indiana universities join in the celebration by taking away their college application fees for a week or longer so that students can apply for free. Be sure to go to learnmoreindiana.org to access college and higher education resources in the state of Indiana. This website connects students, families, and educators to college resources and information, financial aid, and the 21st Century Scholarship.
Welcome Back!
Mrs. Rosfeld
Students of the Month
Annabelle Black
East Central High School happily announces Annabelle Black, daughter of BJ and Kelly Black, as Student of the Month. She carries a very impressive 4.288 grade point average and ranks first in her class of 291. Her school activities include varsity soccer, basketball and softball. She is also a member of the National Honor Society.
She is a two year captain for both soccer and basketball as well as receiving three years of all conference in soccer and all county in basketball and soccer. Academically she has been on exemplary honor roll her entire high school experience. Annabelle is a recipient of the ECHS Academic Jacket as a junior for maintaining a 4.0 grade point average for 5 consecutive semesters.
In the community she coaches a youth basketball team and assists with youth softball. She has also been a volunteer at various youth sports camps. Not surprisingly she enjoys participating in sports and also likes hanging out with friends and family as well as traveling.
Annabelle plans to attend college and play soccer but is undecided on which college and major. She does have an interest in optometry. She thanks her parents for who she is today “because I wouldn’t be here without them and their continuous support. They have truly shaped me into who I am today and have always been there for me.”
Her advice to other students is “to not only work hard and try your best , but also remember there is more to high school and growing up than just grades alone.”
Delaney Donawerth
East Central High School is proud to showcase Delaney Donawerth, daughter of Chad and Brittany Donawerth, as Student of the Month. She carries a very impressive 4.261 grade point average and ranks second in her class of 291. Her school activities include Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) as a three year chapter officer and 3 time STAR event national qualifier. She is a 3 year varsity starter in softball and has two varsity letters in cross country. She is also a Student Ambassador and member of the National Honor Society.
She has earned all conference and all county in softball as well as most improved for 2024 and in 2023 for cross country she received all conference, academic all-state honorable mention and most improved awards. She is a class of 2025 Rising Star of Indiana awarded by the Indiana Association of School Principals. The College Board has given Delaney the National Rural and Small Town Award.
In the community she has worked a bake sale for Ronald McDonald House as well as decorating cookies at North Dearborn Village. She helped with the Snowflake Dance for individuals with disabilities and has sewn blankets for wheelchair bound patients in nursing homes.She enjoys reading, sewing, painting, camping, running and arts and crafts. She also likes to attend tractor and steam shows.
Her love of science leads her to a major in Biochemistry at Indiana University or Trine University to eventually become a Sports Medicine Physician. Delaney thanks her parents and teachers because, “They push me to achieve my full potential both inside and outside of school.”
For classmates she encourages, “Take advantage of your education. Good grades and a quality education can lead you to achievements you never thought were possible, even if college isn’t your main goal.”
Mr. Brad Wynn: A-G
Mrs. Lisa Tupper: H-O
Mrs. Murdock: P-Z
ECHS Guidance Department
The school year is quickly progressing and classes are continuing to work on specific items of completion. Listed below is an overview of tasks that each grade should be focused on completing.
Key items per grade:
Parents are encouraged to join the Senior Class of 2025 Google Classroom with code 3yhuf3r.
Graduation details, scholarship, and important senior information will be emailed to students and posted to this classroom.
ECHS will be holding our Financial Aid Night on December 18th from 6:30- 8:00 pm in the Performing Arts Center. We will have our representative from INvested who will do an overview on how to complete the parent and student sections of the FAFSA for the class of 2024.At this event we will also have staff from INvestED here to help parents and students complete the FAFSA. We highly encourage all parents and seniors to attend. If you can not attend the presentation, it will be live streamed on trojanmediaproductions.com and available to view at a later date if needed.
Seniors are also allowed to have two college visit days to explore or finalize colleges of choice. Fall break also serves as a great opportunity to visit colleges that are still in session without missing classes at ECHS. Several college representatives have met with seniors who have voiced interest and more are scheduled to arrive.
Seniors who are undecided about what to study after high school are encouraged to connect with Ivy Tech Community College’s Associate Accelerated Program (ASAP). This program helps high school graduates earn an associate degree in just 11 months and prepares them to transfer to a four-year college to earn their bachelor's degree. Contact Wendi Karle at wkarle@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us for more information.
The PSAT (10/23) digital test will be available to the Juniors during the school day. The PSAT is a practice test for the SAT and a qualifier for the National Merit Scholarship.
SAT School Day: The Digital SAT is a required test for all Juniors in the state of Indiana. The SAT will be given during the school day on March 5th. This test is free and used by the state for school accountability. The benefit of the test is that students will be able to use this score report for college applications. More information will be provided as the March date approaches.
Sophomore and Freshman:
These students should focus on their grades to build a strong transcript which will enable the most opportunities for them. Sophomores will take the digital PSAT on October 23rd during the school year.
As always we are available to meet with students individually to support academic and emotional needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Rhonda Murdock
Director of Guidance
Ivy Tech College Connection Coach
For students working on achieving the Indiana College Core and their Associates Degrees and needing to pick up courses, Ivy Tech has multiple eight-week sessions throughout the school year. These are online, virtual, in-person, or blended classes; students choose whatever works best. As an East Central High School student, there is potentially a full scholarship for these courses and books may be free.
Contact Wendi Karle for more information. wkarle@sunmandearborn.k12.in.is.
Save Time, Save Money, Get a Degree
The Associate Accelerated Program (ASAP) is an 11-month program, which is student focused and designed to support, encourage, and mentor students throughout their first year of college. This program is great for students who prefer smaller class sizes and who prefer to be on a first name basis with their professors. ASAP works with students to build confidence before transferring to a 4-year university to get their bachelor’s degree or going into the workforce. Applications are now being accepted for the next cohort. If you are interested in applying to ASAP, joining one of our information sessions, or would like a tour of Ivy Tech’s campus, email Heather Gard at hgard3@ivytech.edu.
**National Honor Society Tutoring in Room#114
Every Wednesday 3pm-5pm.
**Do you have a study hall? Talk to your counselor about peer-to-peer tutoring during study hall.
**Talk to your teachers. Teachers arrive daily at 7:30am and could possibly help you before or after school.
**KhanAcademy.org Completely free online educational videos in all core classes.
**AskRose.org / (877) ASK-ROSE 24/7 homework help (Ran by the students of Rose Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, IN).
Don’t tell us the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon! This is the motto elected by the 24-25 ECHS Student Council as they celebrate the return of school after summer. Students, faculty, and staff are honored on The Wall in the form of colorful planetary arrangements to kick off the school year reminding us of our individual importance to the EC family.
In addition, StuCo hit the ground running in the first week of school concerning philanthropy by launching a new initiative called Helping Hat Fridays. Each month, StuCo will choose an area of great need. Students, faculty, and staff will be allowed to purchase The Helping Hat pass to wear hats every Friday of the month. For August, all Helping Hat proceeds will support Tyler Darringer and his family as he battles cancer treatments. Weekly or monthly passes may be purchased as well.
Homecoming is quickly approaching. ECHS StuCo will host spirit week from September 16th-20th with a dance after the game on September 20th. This is an informal dance, and all EC students are welcome. More information to come!
East Central FFA Donates to Indiana FFA Leadership Center
On Thursday July 25, three East Central FFA members visited the Indiana FFA Leadership Center in Trafalgar, Indiana to deliver some new landscaping tools to the center. The chapter used its own funds to purchase 2 heavy duty wheelbarrows, 2 scoop shovels and 8 leaf rakes. These tools will be used by center staff and FFA volunteers on projects around the leadership center.
Photo L to R: Alayna Workman- chapter vice president, Tyler Stenger- chapter sentinel, Isabelle Leurck- chapter president and Adam Sweet- FFA Center Director
Krista Hutzel - khutzel@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
Trojan Exchange News
With football season starting up, it is important to get your East Central Trojans merchandise. Our cart, as pictured above, will be at all home football games selling all of our new merchandise. We have new crewnecks, hoodies, short sleeves, long sleeves and even sweatpants (new this year!) Come and visit us at games to get merch!
Can’t make it to the game? Visit our website to purchase EC merchandise. Available to pick up during lunch, or we could even ship it to you!
Throughout the past month in my engineering classes, the students have been carrying out a number of different types of projects/assignments. Recently, the Engineering Essentials class finished Designing, Building, and Testing Cardstock “Skimmers”. The Students had to use their knowledge of Multi-view Drawings and Measurement to create the “Skimmers” and then we tested/launched them to see how they did. I have a couple examples posted below
The Civil Engineering class has spent the majority of the last few weeks working on their Foam Board Model Houses. The students had to choose a house style, and then create sketches of a house that resembled their house style. Then they were able to start the building process. Many of the students have decided to create their walls on Inventor and then Laser Engrave them. They are beginning to look like houses, I can’t wait to see the finished products.
The Aerospace class has carried out a number of different projects including creating a class timeline of the most important aerospace/aeronautical achievements, Learning how to calculate Air Temperature, Pressure, and Density at various altitudes, as well as how to calculate the lift and drag of an aircraft. Along with that, they have been practicing on the X-Plane simulator software, to help them prepare for their “Cross Country” Solo flight. Where they will have to successfully fly a Cessna 172 from one airport to another.
Mr. Meiners’ English 10 students have had a great start to the school year. They have kicked off our Short Story Unit with a focus on reading comprehension. Students have also started working on their vocabulary skills by completing 30 minutes of Membean.
Ms. Huber’s classes just finished reading "The Most Dangerous Game," and students are working on analyzing the setting in the short story in order to map out Ship-Trap Island.
Freshmen in Mrs. Stanley’s English 9 (pictured) are currently reading "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell. Students are working on identifying the elements of the plot through various short stories. They are also working on identifying different types of figurative language such as personification, irony, alliteration, symbolism, and foreshadowing. Mrs. Stanley’s juniors are preparing to read The Crucible by Arthur Miller by learning the background/history of the Salem Witch Trials.
In Dr. Rose's classes, students have jumped in feet first with understanding their "Why." They watched a motivational speaker, created a Stanley Cup design with stickers, and presented it to the class focusing on why they feel it is important to do well now for their future endeavors. In addition, students chose their independent reading novel for the first semester, which they will reflect on in their writing journals.
Mrs. Gooodpaster’s sophomores are working collaboratively to analyze short stories before they begin work with Julius Caesar. While her seniors are working on a unit to help with their future goals (and graduation requirements) before reading and comparing early English literature.
Mrs. Cecil’s English 9 students are working on their Short Story Unit.
Mrs. Trossman’s English 111 students are composing personal narratives, and her English 10 Honors students are working on Mythology presentations.
Ms. Jackson's ENG 111 class participated in a getting-to-know-you scavenger hunt during the first week of school.
Mrs. Ketcham’s Honors English 12 students began the year writing their college application essays. Rough drafts are looking great! They are finishing up the final product and are ready to submit them to their colleges of choice. Mrs. Ketcham’s AP Literature students are beginning the process of analyzing poetry by piecing together and analyzing the poem “Taking Your Olympic Measure.”
Brenda Osman bosman@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
Advanced Fashion and Textiles Classes - The Advanced Fashion Classes have research trends in fashion. They have also developed mood boards and sketched garments that were influenced by their mood boards. Lastly they practiced draping fabrics and designing a garment using our new ½ scale dress forms.
Advanced Child Development - As a class we discussed why it is important to study child development. We reminisced about our own childhoods and shared some memories each of us had. At the end of the unit, after the quiz, students fingerpainted to reflect on their youth.
Education Pathways I & II - The ‘cadet’ teachers have now had the opportunity to investigate the characteristics that they find important in a teacher and to share why they want to be a teacher. They have also had the last 2 weeks to begin shadowing in the classrooms at the elementary and middle schools. The cadet teachers are already experiencing a lot of opportunities.
Fashion and Textiles 1 - Students have recently finished exploring different influences on their personal clothing choices. We are examining a variety of sewing tools and ways to stay safe while working on sewing projects. Students were able to use creative and critical thinking skills during a classroom breakout activity to help them review sewing safety and equipment. Students also received information on the supplies that they need for their PJ pants project which we will be starting on at the end of September. They are very excited to start working with the sewing machines.
Adv. Nutrition and Wellness 1 - Students in Adv. Nutrition and Wellness 1 are investigating foodborne illnesses and identifying ways to safely handle food. We have reviewed a variety of safety tips and even re-examined basic handwashing techniques.
Intro to Culinary Arts & Hospitality
Students in Intro to Culinary Arts began the school year by learning about Food Safety & Sanitation. They learned about the most common causes & symptoms of foodborne illness and how they could prevent them by applying their knowledge of the 4 C’s (Clean, Combat Cross Contamination, Cook, & Chill) of Food Safety. Students got to experience a “Food Science” experiment, testing bacteria growth at room temperature versus refrigerated temperature. Students learned bacteria grow fastest at room temperature aka- “Temperature Danger Zone!” Students demonstrated their knowledge of food safety through a culinary lab making “Chicken Stir Fry”. In September students will begin learning about “Preventing Accidents in the Kitchen” then onto “Proper Measuring Techniques”.
ProStart 1: Culinary Arts & Hospitality
Students in ProStart 1 began the year learning about the Hospitality & Foodservice Industry. Students have had the opportunity to evaluate the various parts of the foodservice industry including the commercial versus noncommercial segments. They also learned about the various segments of the hospitality industry including travel, tourism, foodservice, lodging & event management. Students learned the travel & tourism industry is a huge part of Culinary/Hospitality! Students began their experience in the culinary lab with practicing “Mise en Place” and measuring. They continued their practices in the lab through making a “Pasta Carbonara” recipe from Carnival Cruise Lines. Students will be working on the food safety ServSafe Certification from the National Restaurant Association over the next several months.
ProStart 2: Advanced Culinary Arts
Students in ProStart 2 began the year with learning about Stocks, Sauces, and Soups per their Ivy Tech Course. In the lab setting they created chicken stock which they will use to turn into delicious sauces and soups soon! Students also had the opportunity to use some in season ingredients including fresh picked tomatoes, peppers, and jalapenos.
ProStart 1 & 2: Advanced Culinary courses earn dual credit with Ivy Tech!!
Students in the ProStart 1 & 2 advanced culinary courses have the opportunity to earn dual credit with Ivy Tech Community College! If students complete the requirements they could earn credit in the following Ivy Tech courses:
Hosp 101: Sanitation & First Aid
Hosp 102: Basic Food Theory & Skills
Hosp 103: Stocks, Sauces, and Soups
Hosp 104: Nutrition
Hosp 105: Intro to Baking
Hosp 106: Breakfast & Pantry
Chapter-FCCLA introductory day was held in all HS FCS Classes on Wednesday, August 14th where officers shared with students the activities, service projects and travel opportunities with all FCS Students. Students also participated in the STEP 1 Activity where they learned the basics of FCCLA. They also learned the FCCLA Mission. Students were encouraged to come to the Ice Cream Social.
The East Central FCCLA held their annual Ice Cream Social on August 20th in the ECHS Cafeteria. Members enjoyed lots of ice cream with toppings and fun icebreakers so students could get to know each other. The officer team was introduced and they shared many events and service projects that FCCLA participates in throughout the year.
The Bus Safety Committee of Naomi Dickerson, Savannah Clary and Allyson Frazier have taught all of the Kindergarten Students at Bright Elementary and Sunman Elementary Schools. They are reminding the children how to behave around and in the bus. They also make a bus with the students. They will be teaching the kindergarten students at North Dearborn sometime in early September.
State-The East Central State Officers; Layla Craig, Kayla Craig, Abigail Cross and Chloe Offenbacker attended the Indiana State Officer training August 15-17th. The officers worked at the Indiana State Fair at the Indiana Dairy Bar on Thursday after school. On Friday and Saturday they planned the FCCLA Fall Rally event that will take place in late September.
Fine Arts
Melissa Gulasy - mgulasy@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
The art department welcomes everyone back and kick starts the year with awesome students and art projects! Not only are ECHS students learning great things in their fine arts classes each day, they are having fun doing it!
Digital Design - Shun Kurumado
Have you realized how AI is affecting our lives? Photoshop now has a really amazing tool called Generative Fill. This tool has been available for the last few years, and our art department now has this tool for all the art students. Using this tool, you can alter photos in many different ways. In our Digital Design classes, students started using the tool for their lessons and projects, and they are excited about it. In addition to the conventional tools in Photoshop, I am excited to see what the students could do with the new tool to make the digital art making process more interactive and innovative!
2-D Art Class- Ms. Mueller
Students in Intro to 2D Art began the year learning about the elements of Line, Shape, and Space as well as Notan Art. Utilizing those elements and ideas they created visually interesting graphical patterns and designs while incorporating a balance between light and dark, or positive and negative space. Many enjoyed the ability to doodle while others were challenged to be creative while maintaining craftsmanship.
In Mrs. In Gulasy's digital photography class, students are learning about the exposure triangle. Comparing the effect of different aperture, ISO, and shutter speed settings. These concepts aren’t always easy to teach. Students need to know what the words mean, how to control them on their camera, and why they matter. Students had the opportunity to break out into groups and take a series of photos in different aperture settings and observe how the focal length changes with each setting.
Last year, Mrs. Gulasy’s photography students participated in an art contest implemented by Prosecutor Lynn Deddens to help beautify the hallways of the Dearborn County Courthouse. Dearborn County Prosecutor Lynn Deddens, recently recognized 12 East Central High School students for their photography which was chosen for the Dearborn County Courthouse expansion.
The students whose art was selected met with Prosecutor Deddens, were given a color copy of their photography and received $50.00 each in prize money. Over the summer, their artwork was professionally framed up with a plaque citing their name and the year their photography was created. In all, there are 25 framed artworks from East Central High School in the new expansion!
Foreign Language
Matt Lyon - mslyon@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
Señor Lyon’s Spanish classes and Cade really enjoyed getting to know one another by using previously learned Spanish to do a scavenger hunt. They had to find students who drive a car to school, have certain pets, multiple siblings, and more by asking and answering questions in Spanish. It was an exciting way to ease back into Spanish after a long summer break.
The math department would like to highlight the Algebra 1 classes as well as our new Algebra 1 teacher, Mr. Clay Muncy. Mr. Muncy is an alumni of East Central High School, graduating in 2017. He attended the University of Cincinnati where he studied Middle Childhood Education and Psychology. He previously taught at Greensburg Middle School for 2 school years in a 6th and 7th grade math class. Outside of the classroom you can find Clay coaching soccer. This will be his 3rd season as the Head JV Boys Soccer Coach and a Varsity Assistant here at East Central High School where he hopes to lead the boys to a championship this season!
Algebra 1 classes have been working diligently on simplifying non-perfect square roots, evaluating expressions, combining like terms while using multiple operations. Students are completing the order of operations, using the distributive property.
Drama Department
We are excited for our fall production of Holy Mother of Bingo. The play is an interactive murder mystery, with the audience playing bingo for prizes and the chance to figure out who the murderer is.
Choir News
The concert choir will be performing on Tuesday, September 10th in our first Southeastern Indiana Honor Choir. The concert is at 7:00p and is free to the public. We will be performing alongside students from Batesville High School and Franklin County.
The show choir is working hard in preparation for their first performance on Wednesday, Oct. 2nd at the Aurora Farmers Fair. The performance will be at 6:45p. The students will also be performing on Tuesday, Oct. 15th for the Dearborn County Retired Music Teachers, and Sunday, October 20th at 3:00p for our fall concert in the PAC.
Piano Class
Students in Piano Keyboard class are working hard. They have been learning how to play to perform with other students by playing duets. The students have also been learning how to play chords so they can play their favorite song charts.
ISSMA Summer Showcase
Congratulations to the East Central Marching Trojans on securing a gold rating at the ISSMA Summer Showcase held in Kokomo! Students were wonderful in pushing through an extremely hot day and putting on a great show.
East Central Invitational-September 21
East Central is hosting a marching band invitational this year! This is the first time in a long time that East Central has hosted a marching band competition. We hope that you come out to support! If you are interested in volunteering for the day we could definitely use extra help--please email Megan at megryspeerdt@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us. We look forward to hosting a few southeastern Indiana schools and to seeing you there!
Fall Concert-Thursday, October 3 at 7:00pm
East Central High School is putting on a fall band concert this year! The high school Combined Concert Band and Jazz Ensemble look forward to putting together some great music and performing for the community. We have a "spooky" theme planned for the concert.
Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, Sept 10: SEI Honor Choir
Thursday, Oct 3: Fall Band Concert
Sunday, Oct 20: Fall Choral Concert
Rhonda Beck - rbeck@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
Welcome Back! For the first time, EC is offering Advance PE - Lifeguard Training as an elective course. In this course, participants will train to become a certified lifeguard. Students will not only earn certification in lifeguarding but also in CPR, First Aid, and AED.
This one semester course provides participants with classroom experience and hands-on opportunities to learn new skills and become a professional lifeguard. So far, the students have learned about the roles and responsibilities of a lifeguard, the legal ramifications and safeguards, and the drowning process with victim recognition while in the classroom. In the pool, the students have learned entries in the water, and approaches to victims in certain situations, plus some swimming training and a whole lot of fun.
Participants must be at least a sophomore to take part in this course (15 years old to be certified). Certified lifeguards are in high demand all over the state and country. This two year certification allows students the opportunity to work in recreational and competition pools, lakes and waterfronts, and water parks.
If this is something you might be interested in, please see the Guidance office for more information.
Tim Maluvac - tmaluvac@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
The beginning of the semester is full of activity in the science department. Here are just a few highlights from each class.
Biology I students are discussing the structures and functions of cells known as organelles.
Biology II students are beginning to discuss the processes involved in cellular reproduction, including mitosis and meiosis.
Anatomy students are learning chemistry and how atoms interact in chemical reactions. They are also identifying the various types of substances found in organisms.
Physics students have been looking at velocity and acceleration applications in graphic analysis. This sets the stage for the 5 equations of uniformly accelerated motion, as we move forward.
Integrated Chemistry/Physics students are moving on to dynamics and applications dealing with Newton's three laws of motion.
Chemistry II students are evaluating mass spectrometry graphs which help students identify unknown elements, compounds, and average atomic masses.
AP Chemistry students are evaluating and practicing a variety of organic reactions, including the synthesis of ester compounds, which are aromatic compounds that produce natural and artificial odors such as wintergreen and banana flavorings.
AP Biology students are evaluating biochemical reactions to get a better understanding of the components of important components of essential macromolecules and cell parts.
Earth Science students are identifying and classifying minerals based on their structure and composition.
Principles of Biomedical Science students are identifying persons of interest from whom to extract DNA correctly to help understand genetic traits and disorders.
Human Body Systems students are accurately identifying biometrics and using that data to pinpoint potential areas of concern for an individual's wellness.
Medical Intervention students are connecting antibiotics and infections by looking at various mechanisms in which antibiotics function inside of the body.
Social Studies
Bill Owen - bowen@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
In Mr. Stonefield’s Economics classes: "So far this school year, we have explored essential
concepts such as scarcity, opportunity cost, and the critical process of weighing benefits against
costs in decision-making. We have also examined the role of the factors of production—land,
labor, capital, and entrepreneurship—in the creation of goods and services. Next week, we will
begin comparing and contrasting the four primary economic systems and the diverse economic
goals that influence a society’s choice of system."
In Mr. Owen’s American History classes, students are becoming familiarized with the
course’s notetaking and guided reading methods. We have concluded our study of early
Colonial America, and are moving into the Revolutionary War era. Students have completed
the applications requirements for Ivy Tech Dual Credit.
In European History, we have just concluded our study of Medieval Europe and the Italian,
Northern, English, and German versions of the Renaissance. We will be taking our first unit
exam this week. We have also signed up with the College Board and students are preparing to
begin studying for the AP exam in May.
Ask your student about this structure - one of the oldest surviving buildings in the state of
Kentucky, and just across the river from Cincinnati!
Trojan Cafe
Phone #: (812) 576-4811 ext. 11916
Become an Official
The IHSAA is continually looking to for licensed officials. If you or someone you know is interested
please visit: https://www.ihsaa.org/become-official
Stay Connected to East Central Athletics:
Facebook: East Central HS Athletics
X: @ECTrojanSports
Website: www.ectrojansathletics.com
Pies Continues to Shoot Low:
Junior Rowan Pies, a 14th place finisher at the golf state championship last year as a sophomore, continues to dominate this fall. She has shot the low round (medaled) in every match played this year and every 18-hole invitational except one. Conference and Sectional 18-hole invitationals are upcoming.
Bentley Sets All-Time Mark:
Junior Callie Bentley recently broke her own cross country record by running the first female sub-19min race on the East Central Cross Country track. Additionally, the girls have won or finished in the-3 in all invitationals they've competed in this fall.
Honoring our Past Champions:
Recently we honored our 2004 Boys Soccer State Runner-Up team and the 1994 Football State Championship team at home events.
Tom Black
Email: tblack@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
Website: https://echs.sunmandearborn.k12.in.us/
Location: 1 Trojan Place, Suite A St. Leon, IN 47012
Phone: 8125764811
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sunmandearborn.k12.in.us/
Twitter: @EastCentralHS
Principal ECHS