Lodi Primary School
January 2025
Email: fassbam@lodischoolswi.org
Website: https://www.lodi.k12.wi.us/
Location: 1307 Sauk Street, Lodi, WI, USA
Phone: 608-592-3855
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LodiSchoolsWI/
Twitter: @LodiSchoolwWI
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Message from Mrs. Fassbender
Happy New Year! On behalf of the staff, we hope that you and your families had a wonderful holiday and and a relaxing break!
District State Report Card: The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) is required by state statute to generate school and district report cards for every publicly funded school and district in the state. The report cards are intended to help schools and districts use performance data to celebrate success and improve their efforts to prepare students for their futures. These report cards include data on multiple indicators for multiple years. Once again, the School District of Lodi has earned a rating of Exceeds Expectations from the state and received its highest score to date. (Ranking: 46th out of 420 public districts receiving scores in the state! Also, ranking as the top district in CESA 5 and Columbia County.) Impressively, every school in the district also received the same designation. These achievements further solidify Lodi’s reputation as one of the top-performing districts in Dane and Columbia counties. We continue to be very proud of the student outcomes here in the School District of Lodi, which is reflected in these school accountability report cards. Mr. Vince Breunig shared a special video message with students and staff, acknowledging their efforts. In addition, all the students received a special Lodi pencil.
Cold Weather: Please continue to send your child with warm clothing. As the snow accumulates, students will need boots, snow pants, and gloves to play in the snow. It is very helpful to have these items of clothing labeled as many students have the same items. If you need any assistance with winter clothing, please contact the office.
Parent Loop: We are also asking all families that use the parent loop to drop off and pick up children to please stay in their car and have staff help your child get in or out if needed. This will help with the safety of all as the roads become icy.
Winter Assessment Window: We will be conducting our reading readiness screeners for K-2 staring January 6. This will assess the foundational skills. Students will also be assessed in the area of math. The results of this will be shared with families at the end of January. Students will take a social emotional screener again as well.
Thank you for your continued support of our teachers, support staff, and students. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Mrs. Amy Fassbender
How can I help my child at home?
Here are our words of the week for December. Ask your child if they know the word and what it means. New this month, we taught students how to divide the word into syllables as well as synonyms (words that mean the same) and antonyms for the words.
- effort
- progress
- celebrate
Important Dates & School Procedures
Important Dates
- Thursday, January 2 School Resumes
- Friday, January 3 4k am and pm have class
- Monday, January 13 6:30 pm School Board Meeting
- Friday, January 16 4:30-6:30 pm PTO Winter Picnic at LES
- Friday, January 17 8:15-11:00 am Developmental Screening
- Monday, January 20 No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Thursday, January 23 3:30-6:30 pm 4K Round UP (see flyer below)
Please Check Out these Community Opportunities ~ Peachjar Fliers
Attendance Protocol
This is a reminder of the importance of reporting an absence if a student is going to be missing from school. Families can complete the Absence Form (click here) instead of calling school or emailing the office. If you have questions or are unable to complete this form you can still call the office at (608) 592-3855.
The form is also accessible through the https://primary.lodi.k12.wi.us/ page with a link that says “Report an Absence” on the main page.
Primary School Updates
ACT 20 Updates
We have recently updated our website to include supports for families to assist their child at home under the tab "home support." Check out this link for ideas.
Virtual Day - What will this look like?
With winter weather coming, we want to be prepared in the event that the district would call for a Virtual Day. Below is what you can expect for your child.
- Grade 4k - Students will receive a bag with a few learning activities that they will be able to complete with families. The students will bring back their work the next day.
- Grade K-2 - Students would be provided a school ipad/chrome book with a letter from their teacher explaining the schedule for the day. We encourage students to attend a google meet with their classroom teacher where they will participate in a morning meeting. In addition, students would be provided with a bag with a few learning activities (written and on the ipad/chromebook) that they should be able to complete independently. The students will bring back their work and the ipad the next day.
- Students in grades 4k-2 can also watch some read alouds from Mrs. Fassbender and other staff.
Staff will be taking attendance during the google meet. But if your child is not able to attend this, completing the independent activities (written and on the ipad/chromebook) will count as your child present for that Virtual Day.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!
Winter Playground Guidelines
Here are the winter playground guidelines we share with students and we wanted you to have them as well.
- Students need to put on hats, mittens, boots, snow pants, and jackets before heading outside.
Students need to have boots and snow pants to be in the snow, go sledding on the hill and the snow mounds.
Students without snow pants and boots need to stay on the blacktop.
No throwing snow.
No eating snow.
Messages from Primary School Staff
Mrs. Val Bilkey - School Counselor
Hello Everyone,
In January we are going to continue talking about kindness, empathy and practice listening to others ideas and being flexible.
You can help your kids develop these skills at home by:
Modeling empathy: Respond to children with empathy and warmth so they learn it's the norm.
Talking about your own emotions: Model that is ok to have uncomfortable feelings by verbalizing your own.
Encouraging emotional sharing: Make it safe for children to express their emotions, even negative ones.
Reading stories together: Discuss the characters' emotions to help children understand other people's feelings.
Encouraging perspective taking: Have children consider how their actions might affect others.
Practicing active listening: Teach children to listen carefully to what others are saying and experiencing.
Playing together at home: Encourage kids to listen to others ideas of what game to play or how the game should go.
Practice flexibility: Have kids practice not getting their way, have them practice losing when playing games as a family.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if there is any way that I can help you or your child.
Phone- (608)592-3855 ext. 1216
Email- bilkeva@lodischoolswi.org
Mrs. Sue Chambers - Reading Specialist
How can you help your child at home?
The cold winter months are the perfect time to continue to nurture a love for reading in your young learners. It’s essential to create an engaging and supportive environment at home. Here are some effective strategies to help your K-5th grade students flourish in their reading journey:
Set an Example: Let your child see you reading! Share your favorite books and discuss what you’re reading. This demonstrates that reading is a valuable and enjoyable activity.
Visit the Library: Regular trips to the library can be exciting! Many libraries offer reading programs, story times, and events that foster a love for books. Let your child explore and choose books on their own, or explore a topic of interest together!
Read the Book! See the Movie! There are many great children's books that have been made into movies! Read the book together as a family, then watch the movie together! What was the same in each? What was different? Here is a list to get you started...and a quick Google search will give you many more options!
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- Matilda
- The BFG
- Charlotte's Web
- Clifford the Big Red Dog
- Stuart Little
- The Tale of Despereaux
- Because of Winn Dixie
- The Boxcar Children
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions at chambsu@lodischoolswi.org
Ms. Amy Good - Library Teacher
Hello from Lodi Primary School Library!
This month:- We read some books by Jan Brett, including The Mitten, The Snowy Nap, and Gingerbread Baby and made some winter decorations to hang up in the library, (you can see them in the windows!)
- We compared and contrasted those books to others and found ways they were alike and different.
- Also, there will be a reading challenge coming up in January that will be offered to your child to participate in called the Polar Bear Challenge. Please watch for this after winter break.
- Did you make a gingerbread cookie, a snowflake, or a mitten decoration?
- When are some good times that you could read over winter break?
- Can you tell me how you use shelf markers in the library?
- What small, (smelly) gift did Ms. Good and Miss Jen give you?
Feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions at goodamy@lodischoolswi.org.
Ms. Tekla Nimmow - Art Teacher
Thank you to those who bought something through Square1 Art this year! I am excited to buy new materials with the funds and have the students try new things this spring. I appreciate all the support for the art program, it means so much to the students and I. As we enter the new year we will be doing some fun things in the art room! We will continue building our drawing and painting skills and start using new materials like clay.
How can you help your child?
- Ask them what project they worked on right before Winter Break.
- What materials did they use?
- What has been their favorite art project so far this year and why?
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out at nimmote@lodischoolswi.org.
Mrs. Janelle Sivam - School Nurse
Frostbite is an injury to the body that is caused by freezing. Frostbite causes a loss of feeling and color in affected areas. It most often affects the nose, ears, cheeks, chin, fingers, or toes. Frostbite can permanently damage the body, and severe cases can lead to amputation.
Warning signs of frostbite include:
Numbness and a white or grayish‐ yellow color to the affected skin, which may feel unusually firm or waxy.
People with frostbite are often unaware until someone else points it out because the frozen tissues are numb.
At the first signs of redness or pain in any skin area, get out of the cold or protect any exposed skin—frostbite may be beginning.
Treatment for frostbite:
If you detect symptoms of frostbite, seek medical care.
Frostbite and hypothermia both result from exposure to cold. If you suspect someone has frostbite, also check if the affected person shows signs of hypothermia.
Symptoms of hypothermia may include shivering, exhaustion, confusion, fumbling hands, memory loss and slurred speech.
Hypothermia is a more serious medical condition and requires emergency medical assistance.
If there is frostbite but no sign of hypothermia and immediate medical care is not available: Get to a warm place as soon as possible. Unless absolutely necessary, do not walk on frostbitten feet or toes as this increases the damage. Immerse the affected area in warm—not hot—water (the temperature should be comfortable to the touch for unaffected parts of the body).
Or, warm the affected area using body heat. For example, the heat of an armpit can be used to warm frostbitten fingers. Do not rub the frostbitten area with snow or massage it at all. This can cause more damage. Don’t use a heating pad, heat lamp, or the heat of a stove, fireplace, or radiator for warming. Affected areas are numb and can be easily burned.
Adults and children should wear:
A hat, scarf or knit mask to cover face and mouth
Sleeves that are snug at the wrist
Mittens (they are warmer than gloves)
Water‐resistant coat waterproof and insulated boots or shoes.
Keeping students home when they are ill helps to reduce the spread of illness. The link from CDC is a quick guide of what you can do to help reduce the spread.
Wisconsin Wayfinder: Children’s Resource Network helps assist families, caregivers, professionals, and organizations in finding a wide array of supports and services.
Link to Wisconsin Wayfinder webpage or toll-free number 877-947-2929
Janelle Sivam RN, BSN (School Nurse) Primary School: 608-592-3855 ext:1004
Ms. Emma Sayeg - Music Teacher
We are excited to share that we have hired a long term substitute as the Primary School and OSC Music Teacher, replacing Mrs. Weber! Mrs. Weber will be assisting Ms. Sayeg in the transition into this position after break. The permanent position will be posted these spring. Below is some information about Ms. Sayeg.
My name is Emma Sayeg. I am from Milwaukee, WI. I graduated from Lawrence University with a degree in Choral & General Music Education. I decided to pursue elementary music in particular, because I believe music teachers at this level have a unique opportunity to help students learn to connect to the world around and beyond them through music! I love to see the ways students find to be creative and make magical musical moments as they sing, dance, play instruments, or compose. When I am not teaching or making music, I like to spend time cooking, crocheting, or doing puzzles. I am excited to join the team here in Lodi, because I was struck by this special student-centered community that the Lodi community and staff have created!
Newsletter from Taher Food Service
Food Service
Happy New Year Everyone! I hope everyone has a great holiday break!
January we will be featuring grapefruit, cabbage and winter savory (a type of leaf vegetable). Please watch for them on the menu and give them a try. I know grapefruit was a favorite the last time we did it so please try it again! We will have a grapefruit coleslaw and white beans with savory -yum! If there is something you would like to see on the menu please let me know and I would be happy to get it on. We will be doing Kids in the Kitchen sometime in the new year also. Please watch for more information next month.
Let’s have a great new year!
Diane Lueck
Taher Food Service Director
- For information on determining free and reduced meal eligibility, see this information from the Department of Public Instruction.
- Here is the link to the Food Service Website where you can learn how to check your account balance, make a payment or view the monthly lunch menu.
Lodi Primary & LES/OSC School Pto
Support for Students and Families
601 Clark St, Lodi, WI 53555
608-592-3855 ext. 1017