Principal e-Note
Concord Elementary School - Aug 12, 2024
Notes From Nurse Bri
We are so excited to welcome everyone back to school in just a few short weeks! As you complete your back-to-school shopping and wrap up your summer fun, please update any health conditions and/or medications in Infinite Campus to ensure I have the necessary information to help care for your child while at school.
Medications at School
If your child requires a medication during the school day or has an emergency medication that will be kept at school (inhalers, epi pens, ibuprofen/Tylenol, etc.), please note the following requirements:
o must be in original packaging/prescription bottle with Rx label affixed
o must be brought in by an adult
o must have physician order (rx label or note from provider for any OTC meds)
o must have signed parent authorization form (Click Here for the Form)
o may not be expired
**PLEASE NOTE: Students are generally not permitted to carry medications to and from school. If your child's condition requires them to carry emergency medication themselves, an additional authorization form is required. Please email me to discuss your child’s needs further.
I will be available for medication drop offs at the K-5 Meet the Teacher nights and regular school days 8:20-3:40. Outside of those times by appointment only.
Extra Clothes - ALL GRADE LEVELS
As you pack your child's backpack for the year, please include a change of clothes. These are used for much more than bathroom accidents - rips, falls in the mud, spills at lunch, and much more. This is especially important for older students who prefer their own clothes and need larger sizes that are very limited in the nurse's office. Packing a spare outfit now will save you a trip up to school later!
Reasons for Exclusion from School Due to Illness
o Fever of 100°F or more
o Persistent cough or abnormal nasal drainage
o Any unidentified and/or widespread rash or weeping lesions
o Persistent pain (ear, stomach, etc.)
o Any untreated or suspected cases of conjunctivitis
o Communicable diseases such as Influenza, chickenpox, untreated impetigo or scabies, COVID-19
o Vomiting
o Diarrhea
o Tinea Capitis (ringworm of the scalp) - Students must be treated with oral medication for 24-48 hours before returning to school. May require a licensed provider note for readmission.
Students may not return to school until they are free from all symptoms for 24-hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
Please do not hesitate to contact me directly to discuss your child’s health needs and how I may support them during the school day.
Briannesanders@lindberghschools.ws Phone: 314-729-2413 Fax: 314-729-2454
Contact Information
Brian Moeckel, Principal
Liz Keutzer, Asst. Principal
Faith Rose, SSD Area Coordinator
Mrs. Herrman: Counselor
Mrs. Neibur
Mrs. Sanders, Nurse
Concord Elementary School
Email: concord@lindberghschools.ws
Website: go.lindberghschools.ws/concord
Location: 10305 Concord School Rd, Sappington, MO, USA
Phone: 314-729-2436
Facebook: facebook.com/ConcordFlyers