Second Grade Newsletter
Sept 16th-20th (scroll down for all the information)
Week at a glance:
Monday 09/16:
- Ms. Hannan Library: 9:10-9:40
Tuesday 09/17:
- Ms. Burns Library: 9:10-9:40
Wednesday 09/18:
- Mrs. Sampson Library: 9:10-9:40
- Mrs. Little Library: 9:45-10:15
- PTO Auction Flash Sale Closes
Thursday 09/19:
- Mrs. Davis Library: 9:10-9:40
Friday 09/20:
- Mrs. Turner Library: 9:10-9:40
- Field Trip Permission Slips and Payment Due
- JES Olympic Kick-Off Assembly WEAR GREEN
Looking ahead:
22 - Bailey Sampson's Birthday
23 - PTO Spirit Night @ Feedstore
25 - Homecoming Parade
26 - Fall Individual Pictures, 8am
27 - Homecoming Game/JES Tailgate
Volunteer Application
If you plan on volunteering at JES in any capacity this year (including but not limited to field trip chaperones, PTO events, Dragon Wagon, mystery readers, library volunteers/helpers, car drop off line, workroom volunteers, etc.), you must complete a CISD Volunteer application and a background check.
Lunch Visitors
We LOVE having our parents visit for lunch! Please remember that due to student privacy laws, we can not allow other students to sit with you and your child during your visit. Thank you for understanding!
2nd Grade Daily Schedule
Dragon Diamond Program
Our DRAGON DIAMOND program was created to cultivate kindness at Johnson Elementary School. Through our DRAGON CODE and monthly lessons on essential values such as generosity, helpfulness, and respect, we are inspiring positive attitudes and behaviors in our kids. This year, we are focusing on being “difference-makers” as we encourage our kids that their acts of kindness can make a difference in the lives of their classmates, teachers, and beyond!
Teachers who observe students being kind may give them a Dragon Diamond to be entered in a grade level drawing at the end of each week. Winners get to select a prize to remind them of their acts of kindness. While we cannot reward every student with a physical prize, we want to encourage our kids that being kind and doing the right thing is a reward in itself. Here’s where we need you!
Continue the kindness conversation at home! Ask your kids how they are making a difference at Johnson. Encourage them to include someone who may feel left out, brighten someone’s day with a compliment, help a friend who is hurt, or show gratitude to a grown-up. And when your child earns a Dragon Diamond, celebrate their kindness!
Reading and Writing Workshop
-reading strategies in fiction and poetry
-descriptive essays
-see key below
Math Workshop
Social Studies
-solids and liquids
Social Studies
-celebrate freedom week