Lions Park Paw Prints
Letter from the Principal
Dear Lions Park Families,
Thank you, thank you to our generous parent community who are providing dinner to our staff during parent and teacher conferences. Our staff are so grateful not to have to worry about packing two meals when coming to work on these days. It has been our pleasure to meet with some of you this week, and we look forward to seeing the rest of you next week. Please remember to notify the teacher or service provider in advance if you wish to confer on Zoom.
Today we are sending home the first trimester report cards with all students. When talking with your child about his or her report card, it will be a more meaningful conversation if the focus is not entirely on the numbers and letters. You may want to focus on highlighting areas of strength and opportunities for growth. Goal setting is a good way to help children take ownership of their own learning. When discussing strengths, you may ask your child what actions on his or her part contributed to successes. When discussing areas for growth, you could ask your child to brainstorm things he or she could do to improve. When I was teaching fifth grade, my students would frequently say things like "study more". While this is a good response, it is not specific enough to be useful. I used to encourage students to think of concrete ideas, such as making flashcards for vocabulary words before a science test.
As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Katie Kelly
Lions Park School
Student Vaccination
Tuesday, November 16 - Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3:40-7:40 p.m.
Thursday, November 18 - Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3:40-7:40 p.m.
Board of Ed Meeting, 7 p.m. @ FV
Monday, November 22-Sunday, November 28 - Thanksgiving Break, NO SCHOOL
Monday, November 29 - Classes Resume
Thursday, December 2 - Picture Retakes (AM), Prospect High School Madrigal performance at dismissal in courtyard behind school (near staff parking lot)
The District 57 Education Foundation is a non-profit organization comprised of Mount Prospect community members whose mission is to raise money to fund grants in the areas of curriculum, wellness, and technology. Grant requests may be written and submitted by district teachers, staff, students, and parents. The grants enrich the educational experiences of all students, helping them to achieve at their highest potential. Funded grants allow teachers to have access to the resources they need to support teaching and learning at Westbrook, Lions Park, Fairview, and Lincoln schools.
Over the years, the Foundation has funded computers, iPads, ELMO projectors, Smartboards, musical instruments, art supplies, fitness equipment, and supplemental reading material - all to enrich our children’s educational experiences. We are currently in a new Grant Request Cycle. A description of the grant request submission process and form is located within the Grants section of our website at
Grant requests are due by 12/17/2021 to the Ed Foundation at
Parent community members who are interested in submitting a grant request should contact the school principal to which the grant will benefit. The Ed Foundation will review all requests at our February meeting. Please contact the Ed Foundation Grant team at with any questions. Thank you for your continuous support of the D57 Education Foundation.
Parent and Teacher Conferences
- All parents at in-person conferences must wear a mask. If you prefer to confer without a mask, please request a Zoom conference.
- Please use hand sanitizer upon entry to the building.
- Maintaining social distance of 6 feet with staff.
If you have any Covid symptoms (or active Covid cases within your home) should notify the teacher and plan to connect over Zoom or reschedule.
Everyone has different comfort levels related to touch and distance. Our staff will refrain from shaking hands and getting close to you. We ask that you respect anything the teacher may have in place to keep themselves and you feeling safe.
Lions Park Elementary School
Location: 300 E Council Trail, Mount Prospect, IL, United States
Phone: (847) 394-7330