Vinewood Weekly Bulletin 10-30-23
Add Date
January 6, 2025 - January 10, 2025
Vinewood's Uniform Policy Review
Click on this link or use the QR code to share your thoughts on our school uniform policy:
The survey window: January 5th to January 10th
We are asking you to share your thoughts about requiring school uniforms at Vinewood Elementary. You will have the opportunity to share as many thoughts online as you like, and these will all remain anonymous. You will then be able to view other comments and vote on how much you agree or disagree. This thought exchange will be available from January 5th to January 10th.
As you know, Vinewood Elementary currently has a school uniform policy. The Lodi Unified School District Board of Education allows schools to adopt uniform policies if at least two-thirds of families, voting in a school-wide ballot, are in favor. Also, at least 50% of families (one ballot per family) will need to vote to make it a valid process. If the School Uniform Policy fails to receive the support of a two-thirds majority of the families who vote, and if a simple majority of families submit a vote, the Board of Education shall consider rescinding the policy at that school at the first Board of Education meeting in April. A ballot will be sent out later this month where you can vote on whether or not you support continuing the uniform policy.
If the policy is upheld, students will be expected to wear uniforms every school day, except on College Logo Days (Wednesdays), special Spirit Days (such as Crazy Socks Day or Sports Day), and Fridays when students may wear Vinewood-branded gear. There will also be options for exemption requests and provisions for students facing economic hardships or religious reasons as required by law.
The arguments in favor of uniforms:
• Uniforms can assist with modifying student behavior.
• Uniforms can enhance campus safety efforts.
• Uniforms make it easier to identify intruders on campus.
• Uniforms may reduce the frequency of gang-related attire being worn to school.
• Fashion styles and changes would no longer be a major concern for students and parents.
• Campus spirit may be heightened.
The arguments against requiring uniforms are:
• Requiring uniforms is a denial of free expression and individuality.
• Uniforms may prevent some students from expressing their cultural or religious identity, particularly if their religion has specific dress requirements that differ from the uniform.
• Perception of initial high costs of purchasing uniforms.
• Uniform policies can be enforced unevenly or inconsistently, leading to confusion or unfair treatment.
We greatly appreciate your feedback and thank you for your time!
Kona Ice AND Travelin’ Tom’s Coffee Truck
This Tuesday, January 7th, Kona Ice AND Travelin’ Tom’s Coffee Truck will be parked on Virgina after school. All purchases support our Vinewood Mustangs. Check out Tom’s menu at
Weekly Vinewood Parent Club News!
Vinewood Parent Club Meeting
Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 15 at 6pm in the cafeteria, hope to see you all there!
Our Mustang Buck store has Quarter 3 dates that need volunteers:
Our library still has books that need relabeling - sign up to volunteer:
We have one place where all our links are updated:
Science Camp
We have formed a Vinewood Science Camp committee to create a sustainable plan to get our Mustangs to science camp in 6th grade year after year. We would love to have more parents be part of our committee. Please reach out at
Current 5th Grade Families for the 2025 Trip - We ask that ALL current 5th grade families come to the fundraising meeting on January 15th at 5:15 p.m. (just before the VPC meeting) in the cafeteria to discuss upcoming fundraising plans. Now is the time to start fundraising, estimated cost is around $50,000, needing to be raised by fall break 2025.
Mandated Vision and Hearing Screening
The California state mandate for vision/hearing screening is to be done in kindergarten, second grade, fifth grade, and eighth grade, as well as upon referral at any grade level. (California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Section 2952 (c)(1)) . Vision and hearing screening in California public schools must be conducted by a Credentialed School Nurse. Vinewood's vision and hearing screening will be conducted during the school day on January 16th and 17th. Only the families of students who did not pass the screening will receive a letter regarding the screening results and recommended next steps. Students who passed the screening(s) will not receive a letter.
Holidays and Minimum Days in January
Monday, January 20th is Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. There will be no school on this day.
The only minimum day in January is Wednesday, January 15th. Students in grades 1-6 are dismissed at 12:25. Mrs. Kermgard's afternoon kindergarteners attend school in the morning from 8:00-11:20 (optional lunch time 11:20-11:40).
Instructional Calendar 2025-2026 (K-12)
Please click on the link below for the 2025-2026 Instructional Calendar:
Open Enrollment for 2025-2026 School Year (K-12)
The Board of Education of LUSD Policy 5116.1 regarding Intradistrict Open Enrollment requires us to notify parents of this option at the beginning of each school year. Existing law requires each child is to attend the school in which the residence of the parent or legal guardian is located. Assembly Bill No. 1114 adopted July 20, 1993, required that the governing board of each school district establish a policy of open enrollment within the district.
A child already attending school in the district may request an Open Enrollment agreement to attend another school in the district outside of their attendance area. Pursuant to the policy, an Intradistrict Open Enrollment request can be filed starting December 1st, 2023, and no later than February 1st, 2025, for next year’s enrollment. New students registering for kindergarten have a deadline of February 14th , 2025, to turn in the request.
In K-6 and K-8 schools, applications must be submitted each year. In high schools and middle schools, once the application is approved, it is valid for the remaining years.
Under this policy, parents may apply for enrollment in any district school, however, the following limitations will apply:
▪ Requests for Intradistrict Open Enrollment Agreements must be received by February 1st each year for enrollment the following school year. Applications may be accepted after this time if the principal determines that special circumstances exist.
▪ Students are accepted only if space is available and pupils residing in the attendance area are not displaced.
▪ Schools will retain some seats for projected enrollment of new students coming into their attendance area whenever possible.
▪ The district shall retain authority to maintain appropriate racial and ethnic balance among respective schools.
▪ Transportation shall not be provided for a student on an Open Enrollment Agreement.
Alternative attendance programs within the district include:
▪ Independent Study K-12: Grades K-12 at Independence School in Lodi. Students must meet certain criteria for enrollment.
▪ Valley Robotics Academy
Parents may obtain an open enrollment application from their school. Notification will be no later than July 2025, for grades K-12, of a student's acceptance or denial for entrance to a school, for the 2025-26 school year. If a request is denied, parents may reapply the following school year before February 1st. To appeal a site level decision, parents can contact the Child Welfare and Attendance Office.
Preorder Your Yearbook ($30)
Calendar - Upcoming Events & Activities
2nd Trimester Important Dates
Monday, January 6th – 2nd Trimester Resumes
Tuesday, January 7th – Kona Ice Truck Fundraiser (2:25 on Virginia Street)
Wednesday, January 8th – College Logo Day!
Wednesday, January 15th – Common Planning - Minimum Day / Spirit Day! (Free Style Day)
Wednesday, January 15th – Science Camp Informational Meeting for 5th Grade Families (5:15 p.m.-6:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria)
Wednesday, January 15th – Parent Club Meeting (6 p.m. in the Cafeteria)
January 16th & January 17th – Vision & Hearing Screening for K, 2, 5, & Referrals (Library)
Thursday, January 16th – Student Council Meeting (2:30-3:30 in Pod D)
Friday, January 17th – ELAC #2 (8:30 a.m. in the Cafeteria)
Monday, January 20th – Holiday: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday (No School)
Wednesday, January 22nd – College Logo Day!
Tuesday, January 21st – Happy 100th Day of School!
Wednesday, January 22nd – Vinewood’s GATE Info. Parent Night for Incoming 4th Grade Families (5:30 p.m., Cafeteria)
Sunday, January 26th – Stockton Kings National Anthem Performance (4-6 & Choir) at 2 p.m.
Wednesday, January 29th – College Logo Day!
Friday, January 31st – Student Council Meeting (12:25-1:15 in Room 12)
2/1 – 2/14: Transitional Kindergarten & Kindergarten Roundup for 2025-2026 School Year
Tuesday, February 4th – Happy 110th Day of School!
Tuesday, February 4th – Kona Ice Truck Fundraiser (2:25 on Virginia Street)
Wednesday, February 5th – Assessment & Collaboration - Minimum Day
Wednesday, February 5th – Spirit Day! (Crazy Hair Day)
Wednesday, February 5th – Parent Club Meeting (6 p.m. in the Cafeteria)
Friday, February 7th – Holiday: Lincoln’s Birthday (No School)
Tuesday, February 11th – 1st Grade Musical Concert for Students (1:40-2:10 in the Cafeteria)
Tuesday, February 11th – 1st Grade Musical Concert for Families (5:30-6:00 in the Cafeteria)
Wednesday, February 12th – College Logo Day!
Monday, February 17th – Holiday: Washington’s Birthday (No School)
Wednesday, February 19th – College Logo Day!
Thursday, February 20th – Dine Out at Smack Pie Pizza
Thursday, February 20th – Student Council Meeting (2:30-3:30 in Pod D)
Wednesday, February 26th - College Logo Day!
Thursday, February 27th – Lodi Middle GATE Informational Night for Parents (5:30 p.m. at Lodi Middle)
Thursday, February 27th – Lodi Middle Parents Informational Night (6:00 p.m. at Lodi Middle)
Friday, February 28th - Trimester 2 Report Cards Are Due and Sent Home
Saturday, March 1st – San Joaquin County’s Science Olympiad (McNair High)
3rd Trimester Important Dates
Monday, March 3rd – 3rd Trimester Begins
3/10-3/14: Dine Out at Squeeze Burger
Tuesday, March 4th – Kona Ice Truck Fundraiser (2:25 on Virginia Street)
Wednesday, March 5th – Assessment & Collaboration - Minimum Day
Wednesday, March 5th – Spirit Day! (Mix Match Day)
Tuesday, March 11th –Mrs. Osterlie and Mrs. Pilcher’s Play for Families (6-7 p.m. in the Cafeteria)
Wednesday March 12th - College Logo Day!
Wednesday March 12th – Music In Our Schools (MIOS) Concert (6 p.m. at Lodi High)
Thursday, March 13th – Student Council Meeting (2:30-3:30 in Pod D)
3/17 - 3/28: Spring Break
Tuesday, April 1st – Kona Ice Truck Fundraiser (2:25 on Virginia Street)
Wednesday, April 2nd - College Logo Day
Friday, April 4th – Yearbook Orders Are Due
Saturday, April 5th – LUSD’s Math Olympiad Tournament (Bear Creek High)
4/8 – 4/11: Spring Book Fair (Cafeteria)
Wednesday, April 9th – Common Planning - Minimum Day
Wednesday, April 9th – Spirit Day! (Fancy Day)
Wednesday, April 9th – Parent Club Meeting (6 p.m. in the Cafeteria)
Friday, April 11th – ELAC #3 (8:30 a.m. in the Cafeteria)
4/14-4/19: Dine Out at Casa Mexicana
Wednesday, April 16th – College Logo Day
Wednesday, April 16th – Student Council Meeting (Pod D)
Friday, April 18th – Humpty Dumpty Day (Egg Drop) at 10:30 on the Primary Playground
Wednesday, April 22nd – Happy Administrative Professionals’ Day!
Saturday, April 26th – Love Vinewood in Conjunction with Love Lodi for Campus Beautification (9-12)
April 28-May 2: CAASPP State Testing (3rd-6th Graders)
Wednesday, April 30th – College Logo Day
Thursday, May 1st – Music In Our Schools (MIOS) Concert (7 p.m. @ Tokay High)
May 5-May 9: Makeup Week for CAASPP State Testing (3-6 Grade Students)
5/5 – 5/9 Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
Tuesday, May 6th – Kona Ice Truck Fundraiser (2:25 on Virginia Street)
Wednesday, May 7th – Common Planning / Minimum Day
Wednesday, May 7th – Spirit Day! (Beach/Hawaiian Day)
Friday, May 9th – Jog-A-Thon
Friday, May 9th – Student Council Meeting (Room 12)
Saturday, May 10th – Vinewood’s Band to Music in the Parks & Six Flags Vallejo (6am-9pm)
Tuesday, May 13th – 2nd Grade Spring Concert for Families (6:30pm-7:10pm in the Cafeteria)
Wednesday, May 14th - College Logo Day
Thursday, May 14th – Open House (6:00-7:00 p.m.)
Sunday, May 18th – Vinewood’s 4th-6th & Choir Sing The National Anthem at the Sacramento River Cats
Tuesday, May 20th - Senior Walk (Time TBD)
Wednesday, May 21st – Assessment & Collaboration Day/ Minimum Day
Wednesday, May 21st – Spirit Day! (Anything But A Backpack Day)
Monday, May 26th – Holiday: Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 28th – College Logo Day
Wednesday, May 28th – End of the Year Awards 8:35-9:10 4th Grade; 9:30-10:00 5th Grade; 10:20-10:50 3rd Grade; 1:30-2:15 6th Grade
Thursday, May 29th – 6th Graders to Lodi Lake (10-1)
Friday, May 30th – Spirit Day! (Class Color Day)
Friday, May 30th – Minimum Day - 12:25 Dismissal/ Last Day of 2023-2024 School Year
Friday, May 30th – 6th Grade Birthday Cake Walk (8:20-8:40 at the Birthday Cake)
Friday, May 30th – Class Color Day! (K- Red, 1st- Purple, 2nd- Orange, 3rd- Green, 4th- Yellow
5th- Blue, and 6th- Tie Dye)
Friday, May 30th – Field Day (9-10)
Friday, May 30th – Kindergarten Promotion Ceremony (9:30-10:00 at the Birthday Cake)