Orchard View Middle School
Information Station - OVMS Weekly Newsletter
Week 3
Dear Students,
I continue to remain impressed by how you are conducting yourselves to start the year! Keep up the amazing work!
1) Cell Phones - have been a non-issue! Great job keeping those phones in your lockers and staying locked in when learning!
2) Passing Time and Bathrooms - Excellent job getting to class on time! It is so nice to see everyone hustling and getting to where they need to be. Thank you for your attention to our SOAR expectations and rules for hallways and bathrooms. The first two weeks could not have gone better! Keep it up!
3) Lunch Room - Amazing job cleaning up after yourselves! Just a reminder: we don't go outside or in the gym until the table tops and bottoms are free from litter. I have been amazed at how clean our cafeteria has been after lunches. Please keep up the great work!
If you mess up:
No one is perfect, and sometimes, when we make mistakes, there are consequences for our actions so that adults can take time to help us get back on track. Aside from phone calls home or quick talkings-to, some students throughout the year may find themselves in detention.
Most Common Lunch Detention Referrals:
- minor office referrals - repeatedly not meeting classroom CHAMPS expectations
- Multiple infractions for not being prepared (i.e. Chromebook not charged, not having binder, etc)
- 4 or 5 tardies to the same class (or to school).
Lunch Detention Protocols:
- If you are assigned a lunch detention, you will get an email reminder.
- Students must be in the detention room (next to the cafeteria) by the time lunch begins
- For the beginning of lunch, students in detention will fill out a "Reflection sheet" to reflect on why they received a detention. Students may also be required to participate in a restorative circle.
- After completing reflection-sheets, students will then be allowed to get into the lunch line
- Sub Sandwiches are NOT ALLOWED for students in lunch detention as your entire consequence would be served standing in line...
- Students will then be allowed to eat lunch in the lunchroom at an assigned table, or in the detention room (student preference).
- Failure to complete Reflection Sheet will result in additional Lunch Detention or After School Detention.
After School Detention
(Mondays: 1:10-2:10, Tuesday-Thursday: 2:15-3:15pm):
- The most common reason for after school detention is 6+ tardies. If you are late to class or school more than 5 times, every tardy thereafter will result in an after school detention.
- So far, tardiness has been a NON ISSUE!!! Great job!!!
- Let's try and keep it this way throughout the year!
- The second most common reason for an after school detention is a major office referral.
- Repeatedly not meeting CHAMPS expectations in class
- Disrespect towards adults or other students
- After school detentions may also be assigned to students who fail to serve their lunch detentions.
In after school detention, students will also complete Reflection Sheets. Restorative Circles may also occur during after school detention if issue impacted multiple students.
Great Job!
You have all started the year so well. I could not be more proud!
Keep up the good work. If you have any issues or concerns, please make sure to reach out through the "I need to talk to an adult form."
I look forward to another amazing week with the most amazing collection of students I can recall.
Super proud of you all!
Have a great week!
~Mr. Smith
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Assistant Principal
For those of you that didn't catch this information at orientation, our assistant principal from the past three years, Mr. Dodge, accepted a head principal position at a middle school in Kent County a week before the school year began.
We are all super proud of Mr. Dodge! He will make an amazing head principal.
The OVMS assistant principal/athletic director position has been posted, and we will interview a number of outstanding candidates this week.
For the foreseeable future, Mr. Holman will be filling in as the interim assistant principal and middle school athletic director. Mr. Holman and Mr. Smith worked together for four years prior to his well-deserved retirement.
We are excited about our candidates, and it has been awesome having Mr. Holman back for a reunion tour! I will make sure to keep the community posted as this position is filled.
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8th Grade Washington D.C. Class Trip
There will be a Parent Meeting regarding the annual 8th Grade Trip to Washington D.C.
This meeting will include information regarding:
- Dates
- Cost
- Fundraising Opportunities
The meeting will occur after our Open House, September 24, at 8:00pm in the Art Room.
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MIddle School Sports
September Sports Schedule
Week Two:
- 9/10 - Cross Country (Away: West Michigan Christian)
- 9/11 - Football (Away: Whitehall)
- 9/14 - Cross Country (Away: Ludington)
- 9/14 - Boys Soccer (Away: Manistee)
Week Three:
- 9/16 - Volleyball (HOME: 4:00PM)
- 9/17 - Cross Country (Away: Fremont)
- 9/18 - Volleyball (HOME: 4:00PM)
- 9/18 - Football (HOME: 4:30PM)
- 9/21 - Cross Country (Away: Oakridge)
- 9/21 - Boys Soccer (Away: Whitehall)
Week Four:
- 9/23 - Volleyball (HOME: 4:00PM)
- 9/24 - πOVMS Open House π
- 9/25 - Volleyball (Away: Whitehall)
- 9/25 - Football (HOME: 4:30PM)
- 9/28 - Boys Soccer (Away: Fremont)
- 9/28 - **8th Grade Volleyball (Away: Hesperia)
- 9/28 - Cross Country (Away: Fruitport)
- 9/28 - Boys Soccer (Away: Ludington)
- 9/30 - Volleyball (HOME: 4:00PM)
- eGaming - Every week Wednesday and Thursday
The following sports are offered this fall:
- MS Football (7th/8th Grades - Co-ed)
- MS Volleyball (7th/8th Grades - Girls)
- MS Cross Country (6th-8th Grade - Co-ed)
- MS Soccer (7th/8th Grade - Boys)
OVMS also has Sideline Cheer, but that is not an MHSAA competitive sport (Competitive Cheer is considered an MHSAA sport, but that is a winter sport. More info on that later int he school year).
Please remember that students must have a physical on file, and they must completed Final Forms to try out (this includes boys soccer this year).
If you have any questions regarding athletics, please feel free to email joshua.smith@orchardview.org.
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Open House
Our Open House will be Tuesday, September 24, 6:00-7:30pm
The suggested date of September 25 is not a good date as we have a home football game and a home volleyball game that day.
Please make sure to put this date on your calendar. If you are unable to attend, please let me know right away.
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Great Community Event hosted by Consumers Energy
Duration: 2 hr
Public Β· Anyone on or off Facebook
CLICK HERE for more information:
Bring the family for an evening of fun including
bounce houses, yard games, bucket truck rides,
dinner and more!
Our Energy Experts will share reliability projects
happening in your area, too!
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Coats For Kids - Free Brand New Coats
The Knights of Columbus Holy Rosary Council #13579 is hosting Coats for Kids this year.
This is an event where children can come and receive a free brand new coat. Our mission is to help kids stay warm in the winter when a childβs family does not have the resources to adequately meet this need.
Parents do not need to sign up, but it is first-come-first-served. All children must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian and the child must be present.
Where: St Mary's Catholic Church located at 239 W Clay Ave, Muskegon, MI 49440.
When: 6:00PM - 9:00PM Thursday September 12, 2024
Coat sizes: boys and girls sizes 12M - XL
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OVMS eGaming Club Announcement
Attention all gamers! Orchard View eGaming starts on Wednesday, September 11th, and Thursday, September 12th, and will continue every week through November 13th and 14th. Join us for an exciting season of gaming fun!
The cost for the entire season is just $20. To sign up, please bring your payment to the main office. Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity to connect with fellow gamers and compete in your favorite games.
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Robotics Team
We are hosting a season kickoff event for FIRST! Robotics. Join us for free pizza, drinks and the live stream for the INTO THE DEEP Season Game Reveal!
If youβre interested in becoming a member of the team, volunteering or just want to see what weβre about, come join us! Students and parents are welcome.
FIRST Robotics is much more than you may expect.
A team needs:
Part designers
Fund raisers and more!
CLICK HERE for more information
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School Computers
Every student at Orchard View Middle School will be provided a school Chromebook.
6th Grade: Computers will stay at school. Students will retrieve their computers at the start of the day and return them prior to heading home. If a student needs to take a Chromebook home, a check-out process will be explained.
7th and 8th Grade: Computers will go home with students. The expectation is that these Chromebooks return to school fully charged and ready to use for the day's learning.
Chromebooks are vital tools for developing digital literacy, creativity, and critical thinking. Students must follow the Chromebook Use Agreement which includes guidelines for care, usage, internet safety, security, software, and charging. Misuse of Chromebooks can lead to disciplinary actions. These rules and procedures reflect our commitment to providing a safe and productive learning environment.
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Reporting and Supporting Each Other
Middle School is a fun and exciting time, but it is important that we take care of each other.
As social groups form, students will seek out attention and validation from one another. While this is typical of your age group, if these social relationships do not stay healthy, unnecessary drama can be created.
Before you act or before you speak, take a few breaths, and think, "who is this helping?"
Ask yourself:
1) Is this true?
2) is this helpful?
3) is this inspiring?
4) is this necessary?
5) is this kind?
If you can't say, "yes" to all of the above, then don't do or say whatever it is you are considering.
If you know about a situation between students filled with drama or emotions that you think could turn into an altercation, whether it be verbal or physical, please make sure to connect with an adult right away. Every adult in this building is trained to support you or to get you access to someone who can support you. Violence is never necessary.
At the start of every newsletter is the:
CLICK HERE for "I need to Speak to an Adult" form - this will get you help the quickest.
CLICK HERE for Okay2Say - this is completely anonymous (but doesn't get to principals as quickly).
We are here to help. Please make sure to follow the Hallway SOAR expectations and thank you for helping us make our school community safe!
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Meal Magic
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Please take a moment to complete the form and return it to your studentβs school. The Education Benefits Form collects information needed to ensure the school receives state and federal funding for education programs. Without this information, Orchard View Public Schools could lose important funding for education programs that our students need. These supplemental grants and
programs have the potential to offer supports and services for our students
including, but not limited to:
- Instructional staff (ex. Reading Interventionists, Math Tutors, Academic & Behavior Aids)
- Teaching supplies and materials
- Counselors and Social Workers
- School Nurses
- Professional Learning for staff
- Parent and Community engagement supplies and activities
- Technology
Why is Orchard View requesting financial information? The Education Benefits
Form determines eligibility of a student or household. The total count of eligible
students is used to determine the funding amounts that will be made available to a
school. The more forms returned the better.
What do I need to do? Please complete the attached form and return it to any
Orchard View school building office
How will this information be protected? In keeping with current practices, all
forms are protected in a locked filing cabinet
What else might my student or household be eligible for? Based on the
information you provide on your Education Benefits Form, your child may qualify for
other programs such as:
- Pay to play or Pay to Participate
- Programs that provide food support- Summer EBT
- Programs that provide field trip support
- Programs that provide school supplies or assist with school fees
- Programs that provide holiday support
- Potential household support for cable and internet
If you have any questions, please contact Kayleigh Macomber at 231-760-1550
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Boys & Girls Club and After School Clubs
OVMS will still offer NEST (tutorials and homework help) after school, and we intend to offer a number of awesome clubs. More information regarding clubs and after school opportunities will be available once the school year begins.
Look for weekly newsletters on Sunday nights from the Principal, Mr. Joshua Smith.
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Gator Recycling
OVMS gets money from this dumpster (by weight). We intend to use this money to fund things like our SOAR Store. Please consider dropping any paper-based recycling products in our bin.