Mower County 4-H Newsletter
January 7, 2025
Welcome to our 4-H Newsletter! The most up-to-date information about events and activities going on in Mower County 4-H! This newsletter is sent to all enrolled 4-H members and volunteers every other week. Be sure to also check your inbox for the 4-H Clover Update from Minnesota 4-H, which features state 4-H news, events, and opportunities.
Have something that you’d like to see added to the newsletter? Please send any newsletter additions to Mower County 4-H staff at mnext-mower@umn.edu.
Upcoming Events
January 7: Rabbit Project Bowl practice, 4-H Building
January 9: Rabbit Project Bowl practice, 4-H Building
January 10: Deadline to register for BLU
January 11: Introduction to the Poultry Project meeting, 4-H Building
January 12: Air Gun practice, 4-H Building
January 13: Rabbit Project Bowl practice, 4-H Building
January 13: Archery, 4-H Building
January 14: Banquet Committee meeting, 4-H office
January 15: Deadline to re-enroll in 4-H to stay on mailing lists
January 16: Rabbit Project Bowl practice, 4-H Building
January 19: Horse Project Development Committee meeting, 4-H Building
January 20: 4-H office closed
January 20: Archery, 4-H Building
January 20: Rabbit Project Bowl practice, 4-H Building
January 22: Animal Science Project Development Committee meeting, 4-H Building
January 27: Archery, 4-H Building
February 1: Deadline to apply to be a Regional 4-H Camp Counselor
February 18: Market Beef ID deadline
Important Reminders and Information
Re-enroll in 4-H by January 15 to stay on our mailing lists
In order to remain enrolled, you will need to show your family’s intent to participate by logging in to 4-H Online and reviewing, updating and submitting the following information:
Your family's contact and demographic information, including club, school and grade.
Each family member's health and emergency contact information.
Project areas of interest for this coming year.
A help guide can be found at https://extension.umn.edu/4-h/learn-more-or-join. Please re-enroll in 4-H by January 15 to continue receiving information and communication from the 4-H office.
View the 2024 Mower County 4-H Impact Report
Apply for the 2025 Helping Hands Award by February 14
Do you have an idea you’re passionate about but need help getting started? The 2025 Helping Hands Award is for 4-H youth who want to turn their ideas into projects! This award funds project ideas that are led by 4-H youth in partnership with supportive adults, local businesses, and non-profit organizations. Past awards have ranged from $300 to $2000.
Projects can focus on STEM, agriscience, healthy living, outdoor adventures, equity, and leadership. But don't hold back if your idea falls outside of these categories. Think about what sparks your interest and apply! Click here for information on program requirements, a list of 2024 projects, and how to apply. The application will close on February 14 at 11:59 pm.
County Extension Committee Opening
The Mower County Extension Committee (CEC) is seeking 1 adult to join the committee! Extension Committee meetings are held 4 times per year – typically the 3rd Thursday of March, June, September & December from 6:30-8:30 pm at the Mower County Fairgrounds in Austin. View application.
Questions about the position can be directed to Lisa Dierks, Regional Director at dierksl@umn.edu. Applications can be submitted to the Mower County Extension Office.
Programs and Events
Save the dates for 4-H camps
Regional 4-H Camp at Whitewater State Park
June 16-18: Grades 6-8 camp
June 18-20: Grades 3-5 camp
Mower County 4-H Day Camps
June 3 - Hormel Nature Center, Austin
One more day camp in June, date and location TBD
Registration information will be shared in the newsletter in the spring.
Apply to be a Regional 4-H Camp Counselor
If you're in 9th grade or above and would like an opportunity to utilize your leadership skills, make friends, and work with youth this summer, we need you as a camp counselor! Interested youth are encouraged to complete a camp counselor application for the 2025 SE Regional 4-H Summer Camp, which will be held at Whitewater State Park (on Highway 74 between Elba and St. Charles). Apply by February 1.
Apply to be a Regional 4-H Camp Counselor
If you're in 9th grade or above and would like an opportunity to utilize your leadership skills, make friends, and work with youth this summer, we need you as a camp counselor! Interested youth are encouraged to complete a camp counselor application for the 2025 SE Regional 4-H Summer Camp, which will be held at Whitewater State Park (on Highway 74 between Elba and St. Charles). Learn more and apply by February 1.
Attend 4-H Leadership Workshop Building Leadership and Understanding (BLU)!
BLU is an exciting leadership workshop with hands-on activities to help you discover and build your leadership skills! BLU is for youth in grades 6 and up. It will be held Feb. 15-16 at Camp Victory, Zumbro Falls. Register by January 10 in 4-H Online.
Thanks to our countywide fundraising efforts, this event qualifies for reimbursement from Mower County 4-H. See more information.
Create a 4-H/FFA Crop Scouting Team!
Crop scouting is a way to inspect crops for potential outcomes and risks. Scouts are people who make systematic observations and predict crop production while considering factors such as weather, inputs like pesticides and herbicides, and risks such as disease and pests. By being on a 4-H/FFA crop scouting team, youth will learn skills like teamwork, communication, problem solving and predicting outcomes.
Teams consist of 3-5 members, at least two screened volunteers, and at least one coach.
Register for Let’s Talk About Disability by February 6
Animal Science Projects and Information
Market Beef ID Deadline - February 18
All market beef (market steers, market heifers, and dairy steers) MUST be owned, tagged with a MN 4-H RFID ear tag, and identified by February 18. All market beef projects will need a 4-H RFID tag (including registered animals with breed tattoos). Do not use a 4-H green tag.
Exception: Market Beef (market heifers, market steers, dairy steers) identified with a 4-H green tag prior to November 5, 2024, will be grandfathered in for 2025 with the 4-H green tag.
Hatch Your Own Chicks for the county fair
Do you want to learn about incubating eggs, embryo development, and animal care? Mower County 4-H has two incubators for members to borrow and hatch their own project for the 2025 county fair. We have the incubators, eggs and supplies, all we need now is you! Contact the 4-H office at mnext-mower@umn.edu or 507-437-9552 to reserve an incubator!
Intro to Poultry Project Meeting - January 11
Join the poultry superintendents on Saturday, January 11 at 10 a.m. at the 4-H Building for an Introduction to the Poultry Project meeting. At this meeting, they will explain the poultry project, including when and where to get birds for the fair.
If you are new to the poultry project, or are interested in learning more about the project, please watch this video. It covers all there is to know about the 4-H poultry project.
Olmsted/Winona County LQA&E Training - March 29
Olmsted and Winona will be hosting LQA&E at Dover-Eyota High School on March 29 from 9 am - 12 p.m. Register in 4-H Online. For assistance, refer to the event registration guide.
All youth participating as a State Fair 4-H livestock exhibitor in beef, dairy, sheep, swine,
poultry, rabbits, meat goat, dairy goat, and llama - alpaca must have completed a livestock quality assurance training prior to August 1. An LQA&E training will be held in Austin during the spring. Stay tuned for more information.
Animal Science Project Resources
Interested in showing animals but do not own an animal? That’s okay! MN 4-H has an animal lease program that makes it possible for a 4-H member to have a non-owned 4-H project that can be exhibited at county fairs, Minnesota State Fair 4-H show, and other youth or open exhibitions. Learn more by visiting the Leasing a 4-H animal website or contacting the 4-H office.
Shooting Sports and Wildlife Information
Complete the Shooting Sports and Wildlife Registration Form
If you plan on participating in the Shooting Sports and Wildlife project, please complete the registration form and turn in payment to the 4-H office. This form lets the SS&W leaders know who is participating in each area, and the fees help cover the cost of ammunition and supplies.
4-H Archery Starts January 13
Archery practice will be on Mondays from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m., starting Monday January 13, at the 4-H Building. Make sure you are signed up for Shooting Sports as a project in 4-H Online to receive information about these practices.
Committee Information
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board is a group of youth and adults that meet to discuss program direction, events, activities, and issues that will help build and strengthen the Mower County 4-H program. View Advisory Board meeting agendas and minutes. Next meeting: Monday, February 3 at 7:00 p.m. at the 4-H Building.
Horse Project Development Committee
The next Horse Project Development Committee meeting will be held on Sunday, January 19 at 6:00 p.m. at the 4-H Building. This is an open meeting so all members interested in the 4-H horse project are welcome to attend.
Ribbon Auction Committee
The Ribbon Auction Committee meets to plan and make recommendations around the ribbon auction. The next meeting is Monday, March 3 at 6:30 p.m. at the 4-H Building
Resources for 4-H Families
Contact 4-H Staff
Adam Stevermer
Jessica Moreno
Cindy Stahl
Email: stahl225@umn.edu
Phone: 507-437-9552
Contact the 4-H office
Email: mnext-mower@umn.edu
Website: extension.umn.edu/local/mower
Location: 1105 1/2 8th Ave NE Austin, MN
Phone: 507-437-9552
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mowercounty4h