Cambridge CAP
July 2024
Upcoming Community Special Events-Register Today!
Lake Ripley Ride Saturday, July 27
Try Cambridge Tri Sunday, August 18
CAP Care and CAP Youth Center Happenings 🍎
Parents Night Out-Happy Campers!
Date: July 12
Time: 6:30-9:00 PM
Location: CAP Care
Fee: $15
Ages: 3k-5th Grade
Join CAP Care for Parents Night Out!
Art and Play Preschool Fun!
Date: Thursdays July 11& 25, August 8 & 22
Time: 9:00 AM- 11:00 AM
Location: Cambridge Elementary School
Fee: $15
Ages: 3-4 years
Designed to give children an opportunity to explore, invent, discover, create, share, and learn!
Youth Center Field Trips!
Date: July 12 and August 16
Ages: 5th-8th Grade
Time and Fees Vary
Join CAP Youth Center for summer fun!
Youth Enrichment
Cops and Bobbers
Dates: July 15 - 19
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Grades: 2 - 6
Location: Cambridge Wildlife & Fishing Area Fees: $15 R / $20 NR
In conjunction with the Dane County Sheriff’s Department and the Cambridge Lion’s Club, our local law enforcement officers will lead the group in an introductory environment to the fundamentals of fishing. Topics covered include basic gear prep, how to bait a hook, how to cast, and how to catch the BIG ONE. Registration also includes free bait and fishing gear to keep.
CAP Youth Athletics ⚽⚾
Volleyball Camp!
Cambridge CAP Volleyball Camp
Dates: July 29-31
12:30-2:00 PM (7-8th Grade)
2:00-3:30 PM (5-6th Grade)
Grades: 5-8th
Location: CHS Small Gym
Join us for 3 days of camaraderie, personal growth and thrilling volleyball action!
Adult Athletics and Fitness
Summer Pickleball
Cambridge CAP Summer Pickleball
Dates: June-August
Time: Varies
Location: Ripley Park Tennis Courts
Join Cambridge CAP for the fastest growing sport in the country!
Ripley Park 😎
CAP Aquatics 🤿 🏊
Save 20%!
Get a discount when you buy a Cambridge Area Pool Membership and Fitness Center Membership!
Pool Party!
Did you know you could rent the Cambridge Pool? Find out more!
Summer Swim Lessons!
Sign up today for summer swim lessons!
Adult and Community Enrichment 🌎
Community Café
Date: Thursday, August 1
Location: Ripley Park
Time: 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Hosted By: Cambridge Foundation
Fee: FREE!
The Community Café is a free meal offered to anyone living or working in the Cambridge community and it takes place on the first Thursday of each month.
Senior Luncheon
Dates and Locations:
July 10 at Ripley Park
July 24 at Oakland Presbyterian Church Cambridge
Time: 11:45 AM-1:30 PM
Fee: $5
Join Cambridge residents 55+ for lunch and entertainment. Luncheons take place the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Call CAP to RSVP for an upcoming Senior Luncheon at (608)423-8142
Cambridge Food Pantry and Resource Center 🥣
Kristine Reich, CAP Office & Finance Manager
Kerry Marren, Community Outreach and Communications Coordinator
Mandy Hollis, Youth and Child Care Center Director
Martin Bathke, Athletics Supervisor
Ben Andrews, Aquatics and Park Supervisor
Email: cap@cambridge.k12.wi.us
Website: cambridgecap.net
Location: 403 Blue Jay Way, Cambridge, WI, USA
Phone: (608) 423-8108
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CambridgeCommunityActivitiesProgram