March 2025
West40 Community Resources Newsletter
Hello Partners, Collaborators, and Team Members!
We made it to February...barely!
January was certainly rough, but here February is! With all that is going on, I hope that you all are taking time to take care of yourself and your loved ones! We are here for you, here at West40, please don't ever hesitate to reach out!
In January:
- We had our Family Engagement Network Meeting where we really focused on networking and resource sharing. The meeting notes are available in the FEN section.
- We worked really hard on getting Immigration Resources out. The "Navigating Immigration Resources" guide is available below.
- We opened our Heart2Heart Food Mart!
- We hosted an Immigration Network Check In, it was widely attended. Please reach out if you have any questions.
- We also attended our usual Network Groups: Community Alliance, Dupage Community Network, West Suburban Juvenile officers Association, Face2Face with the State,
- I was a guest presenter at the ADAPT Meeting in Dupage County- to share what we are doing on the topic of Immigration.
- I sat on a career panel at the Dare to Dream Conference.
Did Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow? What does it mean? And why are we relying on a Groundhog for this information? Haha!
Stay Warm and Stay Strong!
Maria-Elena Agrela
Director of Community Relations
February is: Black History Month, Groundhogs Day (2/2), Chinese New Year (2/10)-This is the year of the snake, National Cancer Prevention Month (get those check-ups!), National Heart Month, National Children's Dental Health Month, Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (wear Orange on 2/5), National Snack food month, and Super Bowl Sunday (2/9).
Family Engagement Network
Our Next Meeting is This Friday February 7th!
This network is for professionals (School Personnel and Various Community based organizations) doing student and family engagement. We meet on the 1st Fridays of the month. Every month we have an opportunity to learn about resources, to network, and we always have a guest presenter.
Please join us for our February 7th Family Engagement Meeting! REGISTER HERE
When: Friday, February 7th
Topic: How to talk to Teens and Tweens about relationships and Boundaries
Presenter: Sarah's Inn Team
Type of meeting: Hybrid
Time: For In-Person Participants- Networking from 9:00AM -9:30AM, Presentation begins at 9:30AM
For Zoom- the Presentation begins at 9:30AM
*All registered participants will be entered in our raffle. Must be present (online or via Zoom) to win.
Location Notes: Please use entrance 8N, located on the North side of the building, along the 290 and Bataan Dr. You will need to ring the bell for entry, then proceed to the second floor using the stairs or the elevator.
***On the day of the meeting, if you have any questions, please call or text at 708-990-7975
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 3297 7802
Passcode: community
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,82332977802#,,,,*571524957# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 823 3297 7802
Passcode: 571524957
We look forward to connecting with you!
Registration https://events.humanitix.com/west40-february-2025-family-engagement-network-meeting
We look forward to connecting with you!
March- We will be rescheduling!
April 4th- Grooming 101- A Predator's Playbook byt Michelle Denault (this meeting will be in person only and will be a half hour longer)
May 2nd- A Discussion on Supportive Services for Families living with Autism and other developmental disabilities. Presented by Debra Vines, from The Answer Inc.
June 6th- TBA
***On the morning of the meeting, I will not be checking email, if you have any questions/concerns, please call or text at 708-990-7975
This network is for professionals (School Personnel and Various Community based organizations) who are doing work with Students and Families who are have recently immigrated here. We meet every other month, where we have an opportunity to learn about resources, to network, and we always have a guest presenter.
This Tuesday, 2/5, from 2-4PM, we are doing a Know Your Rights Training. It is being offered hybrid. More details HERE.
We will also meet virtually on February 11th to do another check-in. It will be virtual. Use the link above for more details.
I have added a lot more information to the Navigating Immigration Resources Guide.
Including a whole section on Short-Term Guardianship!
Come Find Us!
- February 3rd- Joey does Therapy
- February 4th- Wear Orange Day
- February 5th- KYR Training- Hybrid
- February 6th- RSSP Family Night
- February 7th- Family Engagement Network Meeting- Hybrid
- February 7th- A Time to Shine Prom at West40
- February 8th- Building Inclusive Communities
- February 10th- Joey does Therapy
- February 11th- Immigration Network Check-In Meeting: Virtually only.
- February 12th- Read to a Dog at Oak Park Library- Come see Joey in action!
- February 13th- Youth Network Council Meeting
- February 20th- Community Alliance
- February 20th- DuPage County Community Network
- February 22nd- West40 Job Fair
- February 24th- Joey does Therapy
Housing Crisis
I want to take moment to share resources regarding housing resources. I get at least 1-2 question a week asking for resources for families struggling to stay in their homes/apartments. Here are my recommendations.
- Families should call the Alliance to End Homelessness. 877-426-6515 https://myentrypoint.org/
- Families should also seek relief through CEDA for their bills. https://www.cedaorg.net/ The list of locations is below. CEDA's Family Support and Community Engagement Helpline is 312-795-8948
- Families can get discounted internet through Comcast.
- Food Pantries List can be found HERE.
- If there is a vet in the family, relief and assistance information 312-433-6015 https://vaccookcounty.org/
- The Harbour offers immediate, stable, and safe housing to youth and young mothers experiencing homelessness. We strive to promote safety, stability, and personal growth by providing services and support for long term housing stability, continued education and employment, and individual counseling to help break the cycle of homelessness. 847-297-8541
Heart2Heart Food Mart
Resources Galore!
Events in Your Community!
On Going Resources!
New Mental Health Website
This came from Jenny Evaskus from Mental Health Illinois
Although it is "live", it is still a work in progress and I know I am missing some great resources. Please check it out!
To provide feedback or information....please reach out: Email: jenny@mentalhealthillinois.com
Meet Our Community Resource Intern!
Kailey Clark
My name is Kailey Clark and I am a current intern here at West40! I am originally from Georgia where I completed a B.S. in psychology and neuroscience at the University of Georgia (Go Dawgs!). After college, I began doing psychiatry research at the University of Georgia and continued doing research at the University of Chicago in March 2020. My research focus has primarily been on the effects of psychiatric illnesses in young adults aged 16 to 25. I am currently in a Clinical Mental Health Counseling Masters program at Adler University and am looking forward to gaining valuable, relevant experience with young adults experiencing different challenges through West40. I enjoy being outdoors and petting all of the dogs!
Joey's Corner....
Joey Announcement!!!
Howl you all doing?
Joey and I are now officially an Animal Assisted Crisis Response (AACR) Team! This is in addition to being a Pet Therapy Team. It is another certification for us to hold, and we are very honored to have it and to be on the list nationally for crisis response.
We are still visiting the Children's Center in Oak Park, and doing Read to a Dog monthly events at Oak Park Library. Joey loves it!
Want a visit? Reach out!
Your furry friend,
Josephine "Joey"
West40's Director of Paw-sitive Relations :)
Pics from out in the Community!
Westchester Juneteenth Flag Raising Event
Speaker Welch’s 3rd Annual Juneteenth Festival
Community Alliance Meeting hosted by the Office of Congressman Garcia
Gurrie Middle School Rincon de Familia
Corazón's Comedy Night Fundraiser
Washington Dual Language Academy School & Career Expo
Immunization/Physical event at Morton Freshmen Center in Cicero
Loyola Medicine’s Pediatric Mobile Health Unit
Passing out resources
A sneak peak inside Loyola Medicine's Pediatric Mobile Health Unit
Speaker Welch with our West40 Team
Melrose Park Chamber of Commerce Legislative Breakfast
Senate President Harmon with our West40 Team
Connect with Us!
Please feel free to reach out questions!
Maria-Elena Agrela
Director of Community Relations
Email: meagrela@west40.org
Phone: 708-990-7975
Instagram @West40communityresrouces
Website: west40communityresources.org