Boyertown Area Senior High
Boyertown Area School District - Home of the Bears
Week In Review
Friday, September 6, 2024
Important 2024-2025 Dates
September 6- Senior Sunrise (6:20am Softball Field)
October 11- HOCO Football Game & Student Picture Retakes
October 12- HOCO Dance
October 21 & 22- Senior Portrait Retakes 2:00-8:30pm
BASH Parking PERMIT ONLY: Effective Tuesday 9/3/2024
Effective Tuesday, September 3, 2024, only students with BASH Parking Permits may park on campus. All others will be ticked and given an obligation.
Picture Retakes & Senior Portrait Info.
Picture re-take day is scheduled for October 11, 2024.
Senior Portrait make ups are October 21st and 22nd from 2:00- 8:30 PM.
Class of 2026 Parking Permit Applications UPDATE!
Good Afternoon Class of 2026,
Throughout the day, BASH administration and security have been monitoring the student parking lot and evaluating parking efficiency. Due to the number of seniors who participate in internships, are part time, have late arrival or early dismissal, and those who drive to/from AM & PM BCTC, parking spaces often appear open even though they are paid for by students. Based on our initial research today, and continued research throughout the week, we anticipate being able to provide up to a maximum of 80 additional spaces for the Class of 2026. Please note, that 26 of these potential 80 spaces will be at the Ed Center, requiring students to walk through the grass, or carpool, to BASH. These students will be informed of their parking location, based on first come, first serve for eligible students. All of the following requirements must be met to be eligible:
- Students must be cleared of all obligations (detentions & fees) by Friday, September 6, 2024, at 4:00pm. You can check obligations via Infinite Campus under the obligations tab (directions attached).
- Students MUST possess a valid PA DL by Monday, September 9, 2024.
On Sunday, September 8th, 2024 at 7:00pm, we will send an Infinite Campus message to the entire Class of 2026 with a G-Form link titled, “BASH 2024-2025 Parking Permit Application” for students to complete. Please make sure you have the following important information readily available: Student ID Number, HR Section 11??, Vehicle Make, Model, Year, Color, and License Plate. You must be logged into your BASD G-Suite account, this form will ONLY work with your BASD G-Suite account. Attached are the parking rules and regulations, as well as Ed Center Additional Parking details for you to review prior to your application.
Finally, please understand that based on historical data, we are likely to receive over 150 junior parking pass applications for a maximum 80 spaces. We will work as quickly as we can to notify students of their eligibility next week to purchase a pass and to distribute their parking hang tags during lunch periods. Until a student has been notified that they are eligible, only students with parking passes may park on campus. The cost for BASH or the Ed Center parking is $100, either cash or check payable to Boyertown Area School District.
Thank you for your patience as we evaluate our complex parking situation.
BASH Administration
MCCC Dual Enrollment Info.
Montgomery County Community College/BASH Dual Enrollment Registration Day is Monday, September 16th
All students who are taking dual enrollment courses through MCCC should be prepared to register for their course(s) by completing their MCCC/DE Application by September 9th.
Follow these easy steps:
Go to this link:
*For Start Term enter “2024 FALL Semester”
**You are registering as a Dual Enrollment Student & NON-DEGREE
Once you complete the application, you will be emailed your MCCC login and ID. This information is important for you to have when MCCC reps visit on Wednesday, September 16th for our registration day.
This is only for MCCC dual enrollment courses. Registration for Harrisburg University of Science and Technology registration will begin in October.
Parents of Multilingual Learners
Dear Parents of Multilingual Learners,
It's time to schedule a meeting with your child's ESL teacher. This is an excellent opportunity to discuss your child's English Language Development and address any questions you may have about their school experience. This is a great way to stay informed and engaged in your child's education.
Please use the link to select a time that works best for you:
I look forward to connecting with you and working together to support your child's success.
Best regards,
Mrs. Patti Baumgard
ESL Coordinator
PM BCTC West Tech Departure & BASH Return Update
Good Afternoon PM BCTC West Students & Families,
After collaboration with BCTC, and our bus company, we have adjusted our PM BCTC West dismissal time to 2:40pm instead of 2:57pm starting Wednesday, September 4, 2024. This decision was made to align closer to the dismissal of the other county schools. This will not impact instructional time for our students, but instead shift their return arrival time at BASH to closer to 3:25pm.
This will only impact PM BCTC West students starting on Wednesday, September 4, 2024.
Thank you,
BASH Admin
Back to School Teacher Information
For those unable to attend Back to School night, please click here for a list of BASH Teachers and their introductory videos.
Technology Policy Clarification for Open Campus, Lunch, and Hallways
- Students may use their technology before HR and between classes (the 4mins they receive to switch classes).
- Students must have their technology in their bookbag, or caddy, from bell to bell.
- Students may use their technology in Open Campus and Lunch.
- When in Open Campus or Lunch, technology need to stay there, or at least be out of sight in a pocket, when going to the restroom or another classroom. No student should be using their technology in the hallways during the class period (even if they are in lunch).
Thank you,
BASH Admin.
Important BASH Updates: Cell Phones & Discipline 2024-2025 SY
Parent Pickup & Drop Off
Good Afternoon BASD,
As construction continues on E 4th Street and Madison Street, we wanted to provide you an update on traffic patterns to ensure the safety of our students and staff. Please follow the map flow below to access parent drop-off and pickup. We HIGHLY encourage students to take the bus. If you are unable to take the bus, please allow for additional time to drop-off and pickup your student.
BASH Locker Room Expectations
Please see the message below from our HPE Department:
- Electronic Devices Use: In accordance with our Electronic Devices Policy, electronic devices (including cell phones, Air Pods, and smartwatches) are not permitted in physical education class. The students are expected to lock their electronic devices in our locker rooms. While in health classrooms, electronic devices must be put away in students’ bags or stored in teacher designated locations.
- Locker Room Policy:
· Students use of locker rooms and gymnasium is authorized only during designated physical education class.
· Students are expected to provide a lock to protect their belongings during physical education class. All locks must be removed at the end of each class period. All BASH students are responsible to lock their belongings during physical education class.
· Students are expected to be responsible for and protect their valuables. BASH will not be held responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Technology Usage Fee Info.
New for 2024-2025: The Technology Usage Fee is included in the Annual Student Information Verification (ASIV). There is NOT a letter to send home with students. ASIV includes the following:
As a component of our student 1:1 device program, the District continues with a “Technology Usage Fee.” This fee supports the maintenance and upkeep of equipment distributed to all Grades 2-12 students. The current “Technology Usage Fee” is $20.00. Any family who qualifies for the state of Pennsylvania’s free lunch program will have the fee waived. Any family who qualifies for the state’s reduced lunch program will have the fee reduced to $10.00. Families experiencing financial difficulties are encouraged to contact their school office to discuss additional payment options. More details regarding payment of the Technology Usage Fee will be emailed in October.
Waiting until October allows the free/reduced lunch determinations to be complete and eliminates the need for tech fee refunds, etc. In October, the district will notify parents/guardians of the payment procedures, due date, etc.
Administration & Counseling Updates 2024-2025 SY
In order to better serve the needs of our students, BASH have moved to a team model with our counselors for the 2024-2025 school year. This will allow all counselors, as well as our new Student Support Liaison, Mrs. Cornes, to better support our incoming 9th grade students, while providing more time for all of our students. Please click on the BASH Counselor Webpage for additional counseling information including college visits.
Administration contact information is below:
Mr. Jared Sparks, Building Principal (
Mr. Ryan Venner, Grade Level Principal (
Dr. Matthew Bergey, Grade Level Principal (
Mr. Eric Houck, Grade Level Principal (
How to View Obligations (Fees & Detentions) in Infinite Campus (see attachment)
Community Bulletin Board
BASD hosts an online Community Bulletin Board. The electronic bulletin board features district and community activities, events, clubs, resources, and more. The board is updated regularly and is an excellent source of information regarding things happening throughout our community and beyond. Be sure to check it out regularly!
Many of the clipart images used throughout this newsletter were purchased through before the company went out of business.
This picture is a modified version of our BASD logo.
The BASD logo is protected under copyright law.
This is the official BASD bear logo. This logo is protected under copyright law.
Canva is also used in the creation of this newsletter.
Any additional applicable copyright information for items used throughout this newsletter
will be provided on a use-by-use basis.
Boyertown Area Senior High
120 North Monroe Street
Boyertown, PA 19512
(610) 369-7435