December 13, 2024
PTA Holiday Fun Night 12/13/24
PTA Holiday Shop 12/9 thru 12/13/24
Winter Concert 12/12/24 at 7:00 PM; Snow date 12/19/24 7:00 PM
Board of Education Meeting 12/16/24 at 7:00 PM in the Library
Early Dismissal12/20/24 12:40 PM
Holiday Recess - School Closed 12/23/24 - 1/1/25 Happy Holidays
School Reopens 1/2/25
Please see flyer below for our Holiday Spirit Week!
Miss Johnson & Mrs. Collier
We have been busy in second grade! Second graders were so excited to make the placemats for the senior luncheon and loved having all the seniors come. Students are still hard at work getting ready for the “musuem walk” we will have next week where they will get to teach their classmates about a topic they became an expert on! They are working hard getting ready for the holiday concert and busy putting together some special items for winter break!
Mrs. Fedorczyk
Grade 6 Math
After spending quite some time polishing up skills needed to work fluently with decimals and fractions, we have now added working with all rational numbers to our mathematics repertoire. Students have been working to extend their knowledge of positive numbers to now include understanding what it means to have a negative number. Students explored plotting numbers on a four-quadrant coordinate plane and used absolute value to find the distance between two points on that plane. This included an understanding that distance is always positive and that absolute value is the mathematical representation of a number’s distance from zero. We have recently begun to break down whole numbers into their prime factorization using factor trees. Knowing a number’s prime factorization can help determine the greatest common factor (GCF) two numbers have in common. Knowing the GCF will help sixth graders solve more difficult math problems that require representing expressions in multiple ways. Solving for unknown quantities will be our next area of study in sixth grade. It will include understanding what an equation represents and how to use the foundational skills we have learned so far to solve algebraic equations with one variable. Becoming good problem solvers continues to be embedded in all the math we do. After all, that is our purpose for learning math, to be able to solve problems!
The countdown has begun!! We hope everyone is getting excited for the Holidays! We shared our own family traditions by presenting My Holiday Traditions Family Project. It was so fun reflecting on our own wonderful holiday traditions and finding similarities and differences among each other. We have been enjoying writing informative writing pieces. In math, students are applying properties to multiplication facts, adding and subtracting two-digit whole numbers, multiplying decimals, and working with numeric and algebraic expressions. Staying home for the holidays and looking for fun ways to keep busy? Click the link (Events | Macaroni KID Sussex) to see a list of fun events in our area during our Holiday Recess. We are looking forward to all the fun events to come this Winter! Happy Holidays!!
Mrs. McGowan
In Physical Education, the students got to learn a variety of floor hockey skills and play modified versions of floor hockey. Students learned and were able to use cooperation, offensive and defensive strategies, describe how to hold and use a hockey stick, and demonstrate how to pass a ball or hockey puck to a teammate. During the week of December 16, the students will get to participate in holiday stations. Some of the stations will include sleigh ride, candy cane ring toss, bowling, and many more. We ask that students wear sneakers for P.E. class. Students are able to bring sneakers in their backpack, if they choose not to wear them to school. We also have extra sneakers in the gym for students to change into if they need to.
Mrs. Earley and Mr. Tiberi
ATTENTION 6th Grade Parents
6th Grade Parents it is that time of the year for you to submit your child's baby picture for the yearbook. You may email the baby photo to meghan.earley@stillwaterschool.net or you may send in a copy and we will scan the photo and get it back to you! We would like to have them all by the end of January!
Thank you!
Mrs.Earley & Mrs. Green