Wildcat Press Newsletter
Volume 3, Issue 20 ~ April 23 , 2023
Principal's Message
Hello Wildcats,
I hope everyone had a good couple of weeks and a great weekend.
We are in the final few weeks, teachers will be pushing to get the last bit of curriculum taught and students will be dreaming about summer. Please help us help your student by making sure they are taking time to complete all work. Check your teachers google classrooms to see what they are doing, find due dates and last days they will be accepting late work.
I spent Saturday playing golf in a tournament with a couple of my brothers. We had a chance to look back and laugh at some of the dumb things we did and how our parents handled those situations. We laughed a lot at how our parents became less engaged the older we got. However, we all had the same memories of what happened when we were not on top of our academic game. Our parents held us responsible, ensured that we spent our time getting our grades where they should be. That didn't mean we all got straight A's. Expectaions definatley varied by son, in some cases it even varied by class. The one constant was that we always had to attend school, give our best effort and complete our work in a timely manner. We laughed at how when we were not meeting expectations we would be grounded and have priveleges taken away. How we thought it was really mean, unfair and that our lives would end because we didn't have contact with our friends. You would have thought it impssible for any of us to grow up and be kind, decent , contributing members of our society. Yet when our dad joined us to ride with us and be a part of our conversations, we were so glad he had come. Grateful to have time with him. Please parents remember that today your role is to help them grow up, if you do that well the will love you always, they may not like you much right now, but that's okay. You are the adult!
Have a great couple of weeks.
Rod Huston
MHS Administrative Team!
Mr. Rod Huston
Mrs. Marguerite Brown
Assistant Principal
Grade Level: Juniors
Freshman F-N
Mr. Rudy Alvarado
Assistant Principal
Athletic Director
Grade Level: Sophomores
Freshman: O-Z
Mr. Kevin Swann
Activities and Clubs
Grade Level: Seniors
Freshman: A-E
May 24th - 1/2 day, release at 11:20am
May 25th - Graduation 7pm in Wildcat Stadium
Graduation Practice in the stadium at 6:45am
1/2 day release at 11:20am
Kibbles N Bits
Save a Life Scholarship: Spring
Scholarship Overview
Learning CPR and basic first aid are ways any one of us could potentially save a life. The educators and healthcare professionals of tomorrow take this mission even further by pursuing careers dedicated to the advancement of health and wellness. That is why The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is proud to sponsor the “Save a Life” Scholarship, offered exclusively to students majoring in the healthcare and education fields.
Award Details: $1,500.00 (one applicant)
Any student currently enrolled in, or applying to enroll within the next academic year, in a degree program in the fields of healthcare or education, at an accredited U.S. university, is eligible to apply.
You must provide your school GPA.
You must be at least 18 years old.
We take a broad view of what counts as a “healthcare field,” and that can include students pursuing mental health degrees or occupations, as well as administrative and non-profit programs. Applicants will have the opportunity to make their case for why their chosen field of study can be classified as healthcare or education-focused as part of their essay.
If you aren’t selected, that doesn’t mean we aren’t interested in your story — we still want to hear from you! Unsuccessful applicants may re-apply in subsequent scholarship rounds. Scholarships will only be awarded one time to each winner. Past winners are not eligible to apply again.
Deadline Details: May 1, 2023
Link to Apply: https://app.goingmerry.com/scholarships/save-a-life-scholarship---spring/14950
National Spanish Exam
22 MHS Spanish learners took the National Spanish Exam in April. The NSE is prestigious because the exams are the largest of their kind in the United States with approximately 85,000 students participating in 2023. 14 of our students scored above the national average.
Spanish III students Diego Cruz and Giulia Herckes received a “premio de bronce” for scoring from 75th - 84th percentile. Spanish I students Jaelyn Campos Velasco, Sydney Hammond, and Jacob Patrick received a “premio de plata” for scoring from the 85th - 94th percentile.
Felicidades estudiantes for attaining national recognition for excellent performance on the 2023 National Spanish Examinations.
AP Pre-Registration Gathering
On Thursday, April 27th during 5th period, all students taking an AP Exam will need to meet in the B Lecture Hall to complete pre-registration forms.
Spring Finals Schedule
Important dates to put on your calendars!
May 25 - Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal 6:50 am Wildcat Stadium
May 25 - Graduation Ceremony 7:00 pm Wildcat Stadium (Seniors must be in their assigned rooms by 6:00 pm)
GPS Tip Line
About MHS
Email: mhsinfo@gilbertschools.net
Website: https://www.gilbertschools.net/mesquitehigh
Location: 500 S McQueen Road, Gilbert, AZ 85233, USA
Phone: 480-632-4750
Twitter: @MHSWildcat_News