BSMS News from the Nest
Principal's Message
I hope that you have been able to enjoy the first weeks of summer. The building is much quieter without all the students and staff filling the halls. We are lucky to host STEAM Camp and Cursive Camp here this week, so I am still getting my fill of hugs and high fives!
Report cards were released last week. Please be sure to check your student's Sapphire Portal to review their progress. In addition, if you have any changes to your contact information such as emails and phone numbers, please take the time to update them in the portal as well.
If you happen to change addresses over the summer, you will need to notify the office so we can work through the process of securing transportation for the upcoming school year. If you happen to move to another school district, please reach out to us so that we can work through the withdrawal process and transfer student records to the new school district in order for a smooth start to the school year.
We will send out communication at the end of July/early August regarding student schedules, Back to School Night, and other beginning of the year details. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us over the summer so we can assist you. Important dates are noted below for you to mark on the calendar.
I wish all BSMS families a wonderful summer filled with sun, smiles and memories. The kids worked so hard this year, and they deserve the break. Rest up because August will be here before we know it!
Take care,
Mrs. Shelley
Upcoming Events
8/14- Back to School Night 5-7pm
8/20- First day of School
8/30-9/2- No School- Labor Day Weekend
8th Grade Celebration
Summer Office Hours
The middle school office will be open Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. during the summer. Because of vacations, please call the middle school office at 528-4113 or 528-5137 to be sure someone will be available in the office to assist you.
First Day of School for 2024-2025
The first student day for the 2024-2025 school year will be Tuesday, August 20, 2024.
If you move over the summer, please contact the Middle School Guidance Office with your new address and/or telephone number.
Fall Musical
We are excited to announce our middle school musical for November of 2024, Disney's Finding Nemo Jr.! All students in grades 5-8 for the 2024/25 school year are eligible to audition for our show. Students can audition for lead roles, the ensemble, and apply to be stage crew members. It's going to "so totally rock"!
Please follow the link below for more information on the middle school musical audition process. The password is Eagles (case sensitive). The website must be password protected to ensure the security of the copyrighted material and the student schedule. Please do not share the site and password on social media.
Please reach out if you have any questions!
Thank you,
JoAnne Grosskopf
David Morning
6th Grade Field Trip
In May, the sixth grade class went to Codorus State Park to experience three watershed stations. Students learned about macro invertebrates in stream water, soil density and tree genetics.
Message from our Nurse
Incoming 7th graders: The Department of Health requires immunivations in order for your student to attend school in the Commonwealth of PA. Please be sure to provide proof of immunizations to Ms. Nelson, jnelson@bermudian.org or you can fax them to 717-528- 0034. Your child may not be allowed to attend the first day of the 2024-2025 school year without the nurse receiving a record of the required Tdap and meningitis (MCV) vaccine.
Students Entering the 6th Grade:
Students entering the sixth grade are required by the state of Pennsylvania to have a physical before 12/31/2024. If you have had the physical completed by your family doctor, please make sure you have returned the private physician form to the school nurse with a copy of immunizations received.
Students Entering the 7th Grade:
Students entering the seventh grade are required by the state of Pennsylvania to have a dental exa before 12/31/2024. If you had the dental exam completed by your dentist, please make sure you have returned the private dentist form to the school nurse.
Physical/Dental forms may be found on the district website under “Services”, “Health Services” tab: https://www.bermudian.org/Page/935
Dates to Remember:
- ·Look for summer mailing: forms must be completed and returned to the nurse before the first day of the 2024-2025 school year.
Please contact the nurse if you have any further questions or concerns:
Julie Nelson, RN, BSN, CEN, CSN, M.Ed
Phone: 717-528-4113 x3740
Fax: 717-528-0034
Sapphire Community Portal Account
Parent Tutorials
Click this LINK to our webpage that is filled with a variety of videos that cover a wide range of topics, from how to setup a Sapphire account to check grades to how to help your child with homework.
BSMS Resources
Our BSMS Resource page has all of the forms and resources that BSMS parents might need to access throughout the year. It includes the student handbook, attendance excuses, family trip forms, physical forms, health forms and other useful information.
Please refer to this document if you are searching for school related information!
Guidance Office Forms
Cafeteria Reminders
Bermudian Springs Food Service Department will be using the SchoolCafe software for online payments. Parents/Guardians will be able to add money to students accounts for a fee of $2.25 as well as track their students purchases www.schoolcafe.com
Please contact Judy Sterling at jsterling@bermudian.org, or 717-528-4113 ext. 2780.
Judy Sterling
Director of Food Service
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Attendance and Family Trip Procedures
Regular attendance at school is essential to maintain a good academic standing. Excused absences include: illness, family emergencies, prearranged doctor and dental appointments, and pre approved trips and school activities. Other absences are unexcused unless prior approval is given through the main office. Prior approval should be requested by the parent or guardian in writing prior to the day of absence. After three unexcused absences, a notice of Illegal Absences will be issued. After a 1st Notice of Illegal Absences has been issued, a parent meeting will be scheduled in a attempt to support the family and student with attendance. Future illegal absences may result in the school presenting the attendance issue before the local magistrate. This can be monitored in your Sapphire Parent Portal.
This year we will again closely monitoring student tardiness. For each accumulation of 65 unexcused minutes, the student will receive what will equal to a 1/2 day unexcused absence.
Please provide the school with written documentation for all tardies and absences. Absences will be marked as unexcused until an excuse is provided. Upon returning to school after an absence, students must report to the office with written documentation signed by their parent/guardian. All written excuses must be provided with five school days of the absence.
There are a number of options for providing an excuse/note for your students' absence. Any of the following are acceptable methods to submit this documentation:
Complete the electronic form at this link https://forms.gle/CpobRhchUkVyZcze8 and hit submit.
Email a note/excuse to Mrs. Kayla Clouser at kclouser@bermudian.org at the middle school.
Send in a written note/excuse directly to the office with the student.
Excused Family Trips
A total accumulation of 10 excused family trip days for the school year is the limit allowed per student. Any additional days will not be approved. Please provide a weeks notice prior to the trip.
Educational Trip-Parent Request Form 2023-2024
Please remember if you have any address or bus stop changes, this information needs to be submitted to the building office of the school your child attends. Any changes submitted may take up to 48 hours to be implemented.
Opportunity for 8th Grade Students!
Care Solace
Social Media
BSMS Live Stream News each morning starting at 7:40AM
Helpful Contacts
Mrs. Jennifer Shelley- Principal
Mr. Matt Jenkins- Assistant Principal
Ms. Sherri Umbaugh- School Counselor
Mrs. Green- Building Secretary
Mrs. Clouser- Attendance Secretary