TuES News Family Newsletter
August 30, 2024
A Message From The Principal
Happy Friday Tuscarora,
What a beautiful 8 days we have had returning from summer break. Over the first days of school we had kindergarten and prekindergarten students slowly coming to school in small class sizes to learn routines and procedures. As of Wednesday, August 28th, all students enrolled at Tuscarora Elementary School have come to school. Let me share with you our attendance as the school year began (please note only those kindergarten and prekindergarten students who were assigned to arrive on specific days were included in the overall attendance count each of those days):
Wednesday, August 21 = 94.79%
Thursday, August 22 = 95.66%
Friday, August 23 = 94.91%
Monday, August 26 = 95.27%
Tuesday, August 27 = 95.41%
Wednesday, August 28 = 94.91%
Thursday, August 29 = 94.90%
Regular attendance includes students arriving on time and coming to school every day. The best first instruction comes from the classroom teacher, with consistent practice day to day at school. Our doors open at 8:30 AM at the center of the building, with any students arriving after 8:55 reporting through the main office; Any student arriving at 9:00AM or later MUST be signed in by their adult. A HUGE shout out to our prekindergarten students who were in 100% attendance on Thursday, August 29!
Labor Day, Monday September 2, all FCPS schools and offices are closed. Labor Day is a federal holiday that is celebrated the first Monday of September to honor the contributions of American workers and the labor movement that continues to celebrate successes in securing fair wages, reasonable working hours, as well as safe work conditions. While many will celebrate in a variety of ways this weekend possibly with family and friends, this three day weekend is a tribute to the labor movement and those who work within it.
We will see our students Tuesday, September 3 when we open the doors at 8:30AM; parents and guardians are invited to join us for our first PTA meeting of the year that evening at 6:30PM.
Have a lovely holiday weekend,
Carrie Zimmerman
Monday, September 2: Schools & Offices Closed
Tuesday, September 3: September PTA Meeting 6:30 PM
Wednesday, September 4: PTA Restaurant Night with Papa Johns
Thursday, September 5: PTA Restaurant Night with Papa Johns
Thursday, September 19: 2 Hour Early Dismissal (Dismissal at 1:30 PM)
Friday, September 20: 3 1/2 Hour Early Dismissal (Dismissal at 12:00 PM)
Friday, September 27: Tuscarora Fall Picture Day
Tuesday, October 1: October PTA Meeting 6:30 PM
Thursday, October 3: Schools Closed for Students and Staff
Monday, October 7: Parent Teacher Conferences At Night; School Day is 12:30 PM (Arrival) - 3:30 PM (Dismissal)
Tuesday, October 8: Parent Teacher Conferences At Night; School Day is 12:30 PM (Arrival) - 3:30 PM (Dismissal)
Wednesday, October 9: Parent Teacher Conferences; 3 1/2 Hour Early Dismissal (Dismissal at 12:00 PM)
Friday, October 18: Schools Closed for Students
Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) has updated expectations for use of personal mobile devices (PMD). These are devices NOT provided by FCPS which include: cell phones, headphones, smartwatches, smartphones, speakers, and/or cameras. Non-FCPS issued laptops are NOT permitted. Exceptions will be made under special circumstances, including but not limited to documented accommodations.
For more information visit the FCPS Student Code of Conduct
Mrs. Zimmerman will share more about the Code of Conduct at the first PTA Meeting of the school year, Tuesday, September 3 at 6:30PM.
2024 - 2025 Tuscarora Elementary School Supply List
Thank you to our families who brought school supplies to Open House and/or the first days of school. These are the supplies your student will use throughout the school year. Your family may replenish these during the school year by sending the supply in with your student(s).
Schoology Learning Management System (LMS)
Schoology is the selected learning management system for FCPS; register and/or login here for course management and communication.
FCPS Family Conferences
Conferences with classroom teachers will be held on the evening of October 7, October 8, and the afternoon of October 9. More information on how to sign up for a conference will be shared closer to this time.
Transportation – Walkers, Bus Riders and Car Riders
In order to get your student(s) to and from school each day, we need to know what this will look like. Confirm how your student(s) arrives at school and how they depart from school on a regular basis while at Open House, Monday, August 19 4:00 - 5:00.
Clarification about each modality is listed below:
A walker is a student who walks on/off school property to/from their home or care provider.
A car rider is a student who arrives/departs from a vehicle that enters/exits the school through the car rider line; the driver ALWAYS remains in the vehicle.
A bus rider is a student who arrives/departs using FCPS transportation and the Tuscarora bus loop. Bus Information will be available on or before August 10.
Please visit the TuES Family Handbook for additional specifics to our arrival/departure times, procedures and how to make a change if needed.
Physical Education at Tuscarora
Hello from the PE team here at TuES, We are excited to start a new school year! This Year there are 4 PE teachers: Mr. Hahn and Mr. Keimig (M-F) Mr. Creamer (M) and Mr. Smith (Th). On the days when your child(ren) have PE, please make sure they wear sneakers or a shoe that they can move around comfortably without falling off their feet. If your child is unable to participate in PE based upon a doctors referral, a note should be provided to the school.
In PE class we will be starting with the follow units:
-Soccer (Kicking, Passing, dribbling games),
-Cardio games (King ball 20 & Relay games)
2024 - 2025 Tuscarora Elementary School Sponsored Events
Thursday, November 21 6:00 - 8:00 PM Tuscarora Math Night
Thursday, January 9 6:00 - 7:30 PM Tuscarora Literacy Night
Thursday, January 9 7:00 - 8:00 PM Tuscarora Feeder Concert at Tuscarora High School
Thursday, March 13 6:00 - 7:30 PM Tuscarora STEAM Night
Thursday, April 10 6:00 - 8:00 PM Tuscarora Multicultural Night
Thursday, May 15 Field Day (during school hours)
Tuesday, May 20 7:30 - 8:30PM Tuscarora Feeder Grade 4 & 5 Spring Band Concert at Tuscarora High School
Wednesday, May 21 7:30 - 8:30 Tuscarora Feeder Grade 4 & 5
Spring Orchestra Concert at Tuscarora High School
Your Students Are Back At School And You Have Free Time Midday - Work at TuES!!
Any family members looking for something part time in the middle of the school day? We may have something that will suit you SO WELL. Our cafeteria has a lunch position shift from 10:30 - 1:45 Monday through Friday when school is in session.
What an opportunity to get your student(s) to school, have a little time in the morning, work at TuES where your student(s) are serving lunch, and then a little more time at the end of the day before dismissal at 3:30.
Ms. Lilybeth Rosas, our TuES Site Assistant, is interested in having you join our team. Check it out today so we can get you in the building this school year!
FCPS Food & Nutritution
Meal prices, menus and how to make payments are available on the FCPS Food & Nutrition website.
LINQ Connect Online Meal Account
FCPS uses the LINQ Connect program, one of the most widely used and secure online payment solutions available today. Visa and other trusted third parties have certified at the highest levels of Payment Card Industry-Data Security Standard security.
Apply For Meal Benefits
The Meal Benefits program is a USDA sponsored program that enables qualified children to get free or reduced-price meals. This includes breakfast and lunch; at Tuscarora Elementary School, ALL students receive free breakfast in their classroom from 8:30 - 8:55AM
School Cash Online
Tuscarora Elementary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
PTA Updates
Have you checked out our new website? All upcoming events, membership and the new member directory can be found there! Email us at Team.Tuscarora@gmail.com with any questions or feedback
The PTA is hosting our first meeting of the year on Tuesday, September 3 from 6:30-7:30 in the Media Center. We will review initiatives for the year, after school clubs, fundraising and events, and hold elections for a Treasurer and Vice President. We will also have an update from Ms. Zimmerman on back to school information and the code of conduct. Homemade cookies will also be served at the meeting. Any attendees also get an extra entry in our monthly gift card raffle. We hope you will join us to share ideas for how the PTA can best support the Tuscarora community this year!
The PTA will be offering numerous after school clubs for students this year. We currently have two options for the fall:
- iSTEAM will be offered on Tuesdays starting 9/24
- Magnus Chess will be returning on Tuesdays starting 10/15 - more registration info to come!
We are looking at iCOOK and an ASL club for students in the Spring.
If you have questions or suggestions for any other after school clubs, please reach out!
Our back to school spirit night will be at Papa John's on September 4 and 5. You can order all day long!
TUSCARORA TUESDAYS start on Tuesday, September 17 at Red Robin. The PTA will be hosting a restaurant fundraiser at different local restaurants on the third Tuesday of every month. A percentage of sales will benefit the PTA so we can support field trips, teacher appreciation and great school events! Any members of the PTA will be entered into a monthly raffle to a gift card to that month's Tuscarora Tuesday restaurant.
BINGO AND GAME NIGHT will be held on Thursday, September 26 from 6:30-9pm. Come join the PTA and play some bingo or assorted board games with your family and friends. Ms. Zimmerman will be calling bingo numbers and food trucks will be available to purchase food while you play. Assorted prizes from Warehouse Cinemas to Worthington Manor Golf Course to numerous local restaurants will be up for grabs!
Car Rider Family Number Visor Tag
Parents whose children are daily car riders may request an additional car tag for a second vehicle by completing this form. We are unable to provide more than 2 car tags per family. This is only to request a second tag for families that already have an assigned family carline number.
Parent Preference Book list
FCPS is committed to systematically building school library collections that encourage a love of reading, are aligned to national and state guidelines, and adhere to local policies and regulations. This year FCPS will begin using a new feature that allows parents/guardians to select titles their children are not permitted to check out from the school library. This option will be managed through the platform that FCPS uses for its Library Management System, Library Solution for Schools (LS2). To opt-in to this feature and create an account, parents/guardians should complete this Opt-in form to initiate the process. Once submitted, additional instructions for account creation will be provided via email and the account will be activated within three business days.
FCPS Expectations and Student Code of Conduct
Every student deserves a safe and supportive space to learn and grow. In Frederick County Public Schools, one of our core goals is the safety and well-being of all students. FCPS fosters an environment of respect, responsibility and trustworthiness.
FCPS Student Firearm Possession
“It is unlawful for students to possess or use any weapon on school property. Students who have or use a weapon on school property will be suspended from school, and the police will be notified of the incident. A weapon is any object designed to harm another physically or an object which is used in a way that can physically harm another. This school is committed to providing each of you with a safe environment, and we will do all we can to carry out that responsibility including, if necessary, conducting searches of student lockers.”
Email: TUES.Attendance@fcps.org
Website: https://edu.fcps.org/tues/home
Phone: 227 - 203 - 1260
Location: 6321 Lambert Drive, Frederick, MD 21703
Twitter: @TuES_Pack