Duniway Dispatch
August 5th, 2024
October 4, 2024
- October 9: Walk+Roll to School Day @ Duniway
- October 11: No school for students - Statewide Inservice Day
- October 17: International Shakeout Day: Earthquake Drill
- October 21: Picture Day in the Auditorium
- October 25: Principal's Coffee, Cafeteria, 8 a.m.
- October 23: Early Release - Dismissal at 11:50 a.m.
- November 1: No school for students - Teacher Grading Day
- November 4: No school for students - Teacher Planning Day
- November 11: Schools closed for holiday
- November 20: Early Release - Dismissal at 11:50 a.m.
- November 25-26: No school for students - Parent Teacher Conferences
- November 27-29: Schools closed for holiday
Cirque du Soleil comes to Duniway!!
Principal Message
Dear Duniway Families,
Hello dragons! We had a great week at school this week. Without a question the highlight was the performance on Thursday of Cirque du Soleil! We were all entertained by contortions, diabolos and funny clowning. The performance was followed by a Q&A session with a range of great questions from Kindergarteners to 5th Grade. Students asked questions like:
"How did you learn that?"
"How often do you practice?"
"Have you ever made a mistake?"
"Do you ever get nervous?"
The performers (Contortionist from Mongolia, Diabolo performer from Taiwan and Clown, born in US) provided great answers and our students left very inspired.
Finally, we had our first indoor recess of the school year today with the midday rain. Our students did a great job adjusting to this routine and know they will be excited to get outside and enjoy the nice fall weather this weekend!
I hope you all have a great weekend. See you next week!
John Melvin
Walk+Roll to School Day on October 9th!
This year Duniway will be participating in International Walk+Roll to School Day on October 9th!
International Walk+Roll to School Day is a global event that involves communities from more than 40 countries walking and rolling to school on the same day. It began in 1997 as a one-day event; over time, it has become part of a movement for year-round safe routes to school. Today, thousands of schools across America–from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico–participate every October.
Ms. Lisa will be leading our Walk+Roll to school. We will start on SE Woodstock Blvd and SE Reed College Place at 7:20 a.m. Our route will take us south along SE Reed College Place to SE Crystal Springs where we will loop back towards Duniway arriving at school at approximately 7:50 a.m.
Can’t make the whole walk? No worries! Please join us along the route! The list and map below shows the route and approximate time we will be at each intersection along Reed College Place.
- 7:20 a.m. SE Reed College Place @ Woodstock
- 7:23 a.m. SE Reed College Place @ Tolman
- 7:27 a.m. SE Reed College Place @ Claybourne
- 7:30 a.m. SE Reed College Place @ Bybee
- 7:33 a.m. SE Reed College Place @ Knapp
- 7:36 a.m. SE Reed College Place @ Rex
- 7:39 a.m. SE Reed College Place @ Lambert
- 7:42 a.m. SE Reed College Place @ Crystal Springs
- 7:50 a.m. Arrive at Duniway
To ensure the safety of our students, we invite parents to accompany and supervise their child during their entire participation in the walk. Thank you!
If you are available to volunteer for the event, we have shifts at each of the intersections here on Konstella!
Music @ Duniway with Ms. Adams
In the music room, K-5th grade students have been working on singing the solfege scale (do re mi...) to develop their in-tune singing voices. Ask your child to sing this for you at home this week. Bonus points if they can also do the hand signs!
Spotlight: 2nd grade Leaf Ostinatos
Students selected four leaves, arranged them on their page, added a descriptive word for each leaf, and performed their composition (or decompositions at this point!) for their classmates. Great work 2nd graders!
Photo: Mrs. Neff's students selecting and creating their leaf compositions.
Physical Education @ Duniway with Ms. Lisa
We have had a great start to the year in PE. Our focus has been on getting to know our new class and building community through play. If you want to know more you could ask your students in 2-5 about Adventure Bingo and The Crazy Card Challenge. For K-1 you could ask them about The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors and all the ways we have been playing RPS in PE.
Utilizing the foundation of the community that we have built in the last few weeks we are moving into a unit on sportsmanship and recess games. In K-5th grade we will be talking about qualities that make us a good sport vs a poor sport and what we can do to show up as a good sport (even when it's hard). We will also be exploring some of the most popular Duniway recess games. K-1 will focus on GaGa Ball, 2-3 GaGa Ball and Soccer, and 4-5 Wall Ball and Football.
Photo: Students in Ms. Daley's class working together on the ping pong pass through challenge.