KISU Newsletter
Number 491.................................28th August 2021
Director's Message
Congratulations to our IGCSE students!!!
Grades A & A* UK 28.9% KISU 30.5%
Grade C or above UK 77.1% KISU 85.4%
If we look at just the students who studied for both year 10 and 11 at KISU the results are even more impressive.
Secondary Merits
Year 7 - Benjamin Toth-Nagy
Year 8 Liwalam Gangi
Year 9 Eynaas Gubara
Year 10 Dominic Wise
Year 11 Munenyiwa Munaka and Elizabeth Kilonzo
DP1 Joan Kirui, Arav Agarwal, Kartikey Jain, Nzime Kamunta and Aron Kidane
DP2 Lucy Kebirungi
The highest number of Merits across the secondary school were awarded to
Benjamin and Eynaas
Employees of the Month
Introducing a new member of the KISU family
Primary Award Winners
With online learning in full swing, it is important to remember that virtual learning follows the same rules and principles as physical learning. At KISU, we are all valued and our uniqueness is celebrated. Our community cares very much about each and every child and staff lead by example to develop empathy, compassion and respect in all students.
Our ‘Super Learners of the Week’ for demonstrating great care towards others are:
Year 6: Areen Shamsy
Year 5: Nampoina Rakotondrabe and Samwiri Karugire
Year 4: Daniella Nabogala
Year 3: Zeinab Charara
Year 2: Elizabeth (Maggie) Forbes
Year 1: Krishay Patel and Amaanya Sachdeva
Rec: Rayan Fazeli
KG3: Samantha Amolo (Sammy)
KG2: Edwin Waru
Primary 'Meet the Teacher' Videos
Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Learning Support and Specialist Teachers have sent you ‘Meet the Teacher’ videos along with a presentation that provides you with useful information. Please contact school if there is anything else you wish to know or discuss. The Primary Office, Class Teachers and the Head of Primary are happy to help in any way they can.
Home Reading and Ebooks
By now, all Primary children should have been sent their class username and password so that they can access the Oxford Owl ebook library. Please look on your Google Classroom Stream for the link and log in details.
News from Reception
This week children have had fun engaging in different 'All about Me' activities. They have explored different aspects of themselves: their characteristics such as their hair, skin, eyes as well as their differences and similarities. They explored their feelings and emotions, talked about likes and dislikes, and their future aspirations.
Year 1 News
In Year One English we have been exploring imperative/command sentences.
We practiced using a “bossy” tone of voice when reading the text “Not a Stick” by Antoinette Portis. We then orally composed, refined and rehearsed our own appropriate sentences.
Finally we composed some signs to highlight pertinent information using command/bossy sentences.
We had to use correct punctuation and neat handwriting to write each sentence.
Can you guess where our signs would be most suitable?
Year 2 Pop Art
Year 2 Artists have entered the world of Pop Art and have been exploring the features of this art movement through looking at the work of Andy Warhol and other famous pop artists. Pupils identified some of the common features of Andy Warhol’s work and then produced a piece of work in their sketch books to practise applying these features through their own context. Children traced a pattern onto repeated tiles, then used complementary colours to colour in each tile (Year 2 pupils will tell you that complementary colours are opposite colours on the colour wheel!)