Wildcat Weekly
Springman Middle School 2024 - 2025
December 6th, 2024
Happy Friday!
We’re officially in the homestretch—only two weeks left until winter break and the start of 2025! As we head into the final stretch of 2024, let's make these last days count and finish strong.
It’s hard to believe how quickly this year has flown by, but we’ve made so many memories already. As we prepare for the holiday season, we encourage our students to stay focused and finish the year with enthusiasm, positive energy, and a sense of accomplishment.
Speaking of accomplishments, we are so proud of how hard our students have worked this year. Whether it’s in the classroom, on the "field", or in special projects, we’ve seen tremendous growth and teamwork. Thank you for your continued support—together, we’re creating an amazing environment for our kids to thrive!
As the temperatures have dipped this week, we’re hearing that it’s going to warm up a bit this weekend. It’s a great time to enjoy the outdoors while staying cozy at home. We hope you have a chance to relax and recharge before the busy final weeks of 2024.
Enjoy the weekend ahead, and let’s finish this year strong together!
Weather-Related Closings
❄️ Snow Days ❄️
This year, we will continue with the use of traditional "snow days." If we experience inclement weather that would make it unsafe (or impossible) for staff and students to get to school, or other emergency situation, schools will be closed, no iPads required. Though the Board approved an e-Learning plan for the District in 2023, that plan is an insurance policy, with remote learning days to be used only in extreme situations.
For many students, school is the safest place to be, even in bad weather, so the decision to close schools comes after a great deal of review, thought, and collaboration with our Buildings and Grounds department, the Village, our transportation providers, and other local school district officials (as outlined in our full guidelines).
The District will post on our website and social media channels, and send an email, phone call, and text message when there are closures or other weather-related impacts to school operations. To ensure that you receive notification, log into PowerSchool to check that your phone numbers and emails are correct.
While you're thinking about weather updates...
During severe winter weather, we will send school closure notifications via email, phone call, and text message. If you like to get notifications via text messages, regulations require that you take an active step to opt in to receive text notifications through BrightArrow.
So, if you haven't already done so, please text "YES" to 79041 so that you don't miss any important weather-related updates this winter.
Also, we know the winter months typically increases the amount of car riders. A friendly reminder side streets are NO PARKING zones. We have been contacted by the Glenview Police regarding this issue. Please avoid side streets like Short Ln. for pick up/parking.
What's On Your Plate? Family Recipe Contest
The D34 Food & Nutrition Services Department wants to serve your favorite family recipe on the D34 lunch menu this spring.
Submit a recipe for an entree or side dish (fruit, vegetable, or grain). All recipes will be reviewed by a panel of Food & Nutrition Services staff members. Finalists will be updated to meet the federal nutrition guidelines and then tested and rated by students.
The winning recipe will be featured on the school menu this spring! The winning student(s) also will be invited to help serve their recipe at lunch.
Last year, over 300 students at 5 of the District’s schools sampled the recipe finalists and selected the winning recipe. The winning recipe was shared by a Lyon Family and featured on our Spring menu, Yum Yum Chicken! It remains a favorite menu item at both Middle Schools this year. Please submit your favorite family recipe this year!
A Friendly Reminder...
Please remind your students there is NO cell phone use from bell to bell. With the end of the trimester, many students are feeling stressed about getting assignments in and tests. If students are not feeling well they should check in with us in the health office. Our typical practice (for stomach aches, headaches, and sore throats without fever) is to try some interventions in the health office and return to class. If still not feeling well they will be allowed to call home to discuss if pick up is needed. This practice and some push back from me, can help build resilience with our amazing students. See a quick reminder of ways to help build resilience below.
Resilience is the ability to face difficult circumstances with optimism and confidence. Here are some ways to build resilience:
- Practice self-care: Take care of your body by eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly
- Manage stress: Try relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing
- Build social connections: Connect with others by volunteering, joining a spiritual group, or spending time with friends and family
- Set goals: Set clear goals that you can reach to give you a sense of purpose
- Learn from the past: Think about what has helped you through tough times in the past.
- Stay hopeful: Be open to change and view new challenges with less worry
- Take action: Don't ignore your problems, instead figure out what you need to do and make a plan
- Practice mindfulness: Mindful journaling, yoga, and other spiritual practices can help you build connections and restore hope
- Avoid negative outlets: Don't mask your pain with alcohol, drugs, or other substances.
- Find purpose: Do something that gives you a sense of success and purpose every day
Student iPad Use + Expectations
We wanted to take a moment to remind you about the expectations with emails and photos on your school iPad.
Your school iPad should be for school purposes only. Photos should only be taken for classwork or projects. Additionally, you should never be taking photos of students or staff without their knowledge or permission.
Your school email should also be used for school purposes only. Emails should only be sent to other students for homework, classwork, or other school related reasons. Students should not be using email to chat back and forth with other students.
Please take a moment to clean out your camera roll and emails for anything that isn't related to a school assignment.
PTA Corner
Springman Happenings
Click on the links below to access the grade level and department websites at Springman! Take a look at what is happening around the building! These sites will be updated with new information every 2 weeks so be sure to check back every other week!
Mark Your Calendar
- December 12th + 13th: Winter NWEA MAP Testing
- December 23rd - January 3rd: Winter Break
- January 15th: Yearbook Orders DUE
- January 15th: 8th Grade Portraits
- January 30th: 8th Grade Gown Orders DUE