Community Update

Community Update
May 17, 2024
Hello North Rockland Community,
End-of-the-year events and activities are underway at NRCSD!
This week brought exciting news for the North Rockland Central School District and our families as we were awarded over $2.4 million in state funding to expand access to free UPK programs. This will open up full day spaces for our newest Raiders this September! The District also held its final middle and high school academic breakfasts for 2023-24, began academy recognition dinners and hosted events like "Forever Friends" to connect and celebrate the year we’ve had together.
Looking ahead to the 2024-25 school year, we anticipate another year filled to the brim with innovation, exploration, expansion, supports and new opportunities in North Rockland. You can view this week's Superintendent's Message by clicking the link here or on the video below.
As a reminder - the NR Memorial Day Break was extended. Wednesday, May 22 is an early dismissal day and ALL schools are closed May 23 - May 27.
NRCSD Awarded
The North Rockland Central School District was awarded over $2.4 million in state funding to expand opportunities for local families to access free UPK programs.
The competitive grant award - among the largest of 64 NYSED awards across the state - will allow North Rockland to convert 200 half-day UPK seats into full-day seats as well as add 150 full-day Universal Prekindergarten placements. Register Here.
"We know that many children in our school community need additional support before starting kindergarten and we’re confident that this additional funding will help meet some of those needs," said NRCSD Superintendent Kris Felicello,"This investment by NYSED will move North Rockland forward in the critical work of improving outcomes for our children and families."
Budget Newsletter
Check out the 2024-25 Budget Newsletter mailer!
Over these last five years, we have made tremendous progress in bringing our
buildings, facilities, technology and offerings into the 21st century while ensuring
an improved learning environment. This year North Rockland is laser-focused on
our reenvisioned and renewed mission of providing a strong educational, experience
and social-based foundation to graduate EVERY student college and career-ready.
Effectively meeting the needs of all learners is the premise on which the Board of
Education developed the proposed 2024-25 budget maintaining an academic
program that will support success, staff development, communication, community
collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.
Behind The Budget Ballot ✅
Spotlight - Capital Improvements 🏗️
HES HVAC with Trustee Mary Romano
Haverstraw Elementary School is one of our most historic buildings. All three floors of the upper elementary school are currently undergoing HVAC upgrades, with the project receiving state aid returns of approximately 75-80%. Some of the new units and piping have already been installed, providing an opportunity for students to share their feedback. Learners have expressed their enjoyment of the cool air on hot days and have noted how quiet the mechanical systems are during times when they need to concentrate.
"HVAC upgrades at Haverstraw Elementary School will provide better classroom air circulation and filtration.” Romano, who was first elected to the North Rockland Board in 2008 explained. "More fresh air improves student and staff productivity, creating a better learning environment. Once complete, the new coil freeze detection system will help protect the HVAC system from damaging cold temperatures and extend the lifespan of these upper elementary components.”
HES New Doors with Trustee James Kraus
Students, staff and the community will enjoy noise cancellation, comfort and a fresh new look while taxpayers will benefit from reduced maintenance costs and better insulation of upgraded doors while receiving state aid returns of approximately 75-80% on the project.
“Haverstraw Elementary School is an old, beautiful building with creative tile inserts in its halls and thick oak classroom doors.” Kraus, who was first elected to the North Rockland Board in 2008 explained. “Replacing these doors will increase safety for students and staff by strengthening the windows in the doors by reducing the glass size and making them double pane while retaining their beauty. It will also improve energy efficiency.”
FES HVAC with President Peggy Zugibe
Efficient HVAC systems provide better indoor air quality and thermal comfort inside North Rockland buildings. This project offers major benefits to students, the community and stakeholders at no additional cost to the taxpayers while receiving state aid returns of approximately 75-80%.
“Replacing the HVAC at Farley Elementary School kicks off the upper elementary round of buildings to be improved.” Zugibe, who was first elected to the North Rockland Board in 1993 explained. “The upgraded units provide increased comfort during allergy seasons for students and staff, while running on less energy.” Having worked formerly as a special education teacher she is well-versed in the factors that can contribute to a healthy learning environment.
NRCSD Survey
🖌 NR Creatives Spotlight 📸
Highlighting students who have a passion and talent in art!
"Drawing" attention to our remarkably talented student body, Sagnola Delance has been selected as the NR Creatives Spotlight award recipient! Sagnola is an NRHS senior and Academy of Art student nominated by her teachers for her accomplishments, drive and visual art creations, who will be attending the RCC School of Nursing in the fall. Of her future plans Delance shared art will continue to be a part of her growth and journey. “Creating pieces that identify who I am and what I want to accomplish is what motivates me to become a better artist. I’m ready and excited for the potential I carry with the skills I worked all my life to improve, in hopes of being the best possible version of myself.“ We are so proud of the future grad and wish her all the best! Congratulate her here.
Join Our Cause
May is for NR Military Families!
In honor of National Month Of The Military Child, launched with Tuesday's Purple Up and in collaboration with our NJROTC - North Rockland is designating every Tuesday this month to celebrate service and sacrifice.
Join us Tuesday May 21 by donning your camo NR Together and NR Strong!
Support Your Favorite Service Branch Day 🪖
NRCSD showed they were thankful for the military and their children by supporting their favorite branch on Tuesday May 14! Farley Elementary incorporated the theme day into their Mental Health Awareness Spirit Week. During lunch periods the counseling center staff worked with students to practice gratitude and promoting positive mental health.
District Highlights
Check out the finale of Haverstraw Elementary School The Amazing Shake Competition. In this video, you'll see the top ten contestants compete in a formal dinner setting and the top three winners announced during a school-wide assembly!
AoA Recognition Night 🧑🏻🎨👨🏻🎨🎨
Congratulations to the 2024 NRHS Academy of Art (AoA) students who were celebrated during their Recognition Dinner & Medal Ceremony at the Merry Go Round Pavilion at Bear Mountain Inn last night. It was a magical evening that highlighted the growth of each graduating artist. From the early days of practicing line work in the lower elementary NRCSD art program to now moving on with complete portfolios and experience on their resumes, each honored artist received a certificate representing their journey.
Throughout the evening, students, families, NR Arts advisors and educators, our Superintendent and board of education members reflected on and celebrated the remarkable talent of these seniors. Many of them are pursuing art, graphic design programs or have plans to continue their studies in college. The event ended with a "final ride" on the carousel #NRTogether. More Photos.
S'more Outdoor Learning, Please ☀️🍫
Jen LaBier’s third-grade class went outside earlier this week for a fun STEM lesson on making s'mores using a homemade solar oven. Direct sunlight was the catalyst captured to create a grilling effect inside a foil-covered cardboard box. The top level of the cooking box reflects light into the lower level, which has been covered with plastic wrap. The plastic wrap allows the heat inside due to its transparency but does not allow it to escape, similar to a greenhouse. This hands-on lesson was a tasty example of the important scientific role the sun plays in warming our earth. More Photos.
Culture Day 🌎
“Food is our common ground, a universal experience.” North Rockland’s World Language Honor Society wanted NRHS to get a taste of the world, so they hosted “Culture Day.” Students were given the opportunity to pick a country to represent and make a cuisine native to that culture. Cooking and eating cuisines from around the world allowed learners to appreciate and explore different cultures, enhance basic life skills and encourage global awareness. The event was a huge hit, with the annex cafeteria packed with a line out the door to get a taste of the world! More Photos.
K-3 Gallery 65 Art Exhibit 🎨
Our youngest learners recently showcased their work at their own Reception Night event. Junior creatives stood next to their pieces, flashing their official “Gallery 65 Artist” pins, while explaining their methods and inspiration behind the framed, hung abstract pieces and pipe-cleaner sculptures. Using the skills they learned across NR's lower elementary art rooms this spring, K-3 artists applied the six key elements of abstract art: color, shape, form, texture, line and value to create a dynamic arrangement of geometric, organic or gestural shapes. Full Story/More Photos.
Forever Friends
Stony Point Elementary celebrated a year of friendships for their ICT & Forever Friends program. Forever Friends is a peer mentor program that pairs Red Raiders of different grades, where older students have the opportunity to serve as positive role models and encourages students to develop social emotional skills and lasting friendships. Throughout the year the program has hosted and participated in The Kindness Thanksgiving Project, Teamwork Obstacle Course Challenge, Easter Egg hunts and much more! More Photos.
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Rain showers couldn't keep Kate Cosman’s ACCESS-NR class away from the Rockland Boulders game at Clover Stadium this week. Students had been planning the trip themselves and thanks to the Good Samaritan Foundation for Better Health, who graciously donated a suite, they got the full ballpark experience. The class enjoyed socializing, eating lunch and exploring everything the stadium and suite offered. When the rain stopped, learners sang along with the performer of the National Anthem, "root, root, rooted" for the home team, discussed their favorite plays and kept track of the innings,"one, two, three strikes your out" and runs scored. The day was a home run for the Red Raiders! More Photos.
Raiders of the Week
Red Raider of the Week
Pat Walsh is our RED RAIDER OF THE WEEK!!!Pat is a sophomore on the North Rockland High School’s JV baseball team. During the first three games of the JV season, he was eight for eleven with three doubles. He also picked up a big win in relief over Suffern throwing two scoreless innings. He is also known to play great defense as our shortstop. His coach said, “Pat has been working hard this season and is an overall great kid.” Let’s make some #REDANDWHITENOISE for Pat!
Lady Raider of the Week
Alina Hosein is our LADY RAIDER OF THE WEEK!!! Alina is a co-captain of the North Rockland High School’s varsity crew team. Alina has been a part of crew since her freshman year as coxswain. A coxswain or cox is the person in charge of the boat to direct her crewmates to steer and time the row correctly. The job requires focus, leadership, and a strong voice, all of which she has. Alina is the first female rower at North Rockland High School to receive a D1 scholarship to continue her crew career In addition to crew, she was on the girls swim team. Her coach said, “Alina deserves to be nominated for Lady Raider of the Week because she is an exceptional leader and teammate on our crew team. She is dedicated to helping her teammates, always offering tips and ways to improve. We wish her the best of luck as she becomes an Iona Gaels!” Let’s make some #REDANDWHITENOISE for Alina!
Important Dates
Memorial Day Break
No school, all buildings closed.
Memorial Day Break extended with 5/22 becoming an early dismissal day and schools closed on 5/23 - 5/27.
Community Opportunity
Parent Portal and Chromebook Care 💻
Getting a Parent Portal account
Click here for the Flocabulary One-Pager!
- Want to see tutorials, make an appointment with a technology coach, and see available tech courses Click Here!
Internet Safety Materials
At North Rockland Central School District we take internet safety very seriously. It is important that we all have access to information on how to keep our students safe. Here are a few web resources:
Common Sense Media - click here
Connect Safely - click here
- Internet Safety Tips - click here
Peachjar Flyers
We're hiring!
The District is looking for more great employees to work with our students. If you are looking for a rewarding position, please consider applying with NRCSD.
Connect with us
School Times
2022-23 School Start, End and Bell Times ⏰
Grades K-3: 9:05AM - 3:44PM
Stony Point Elementary
Thiells Elementary
West Haverstraw Elementary
Grades 4-6: 8:42AM - 3:21PM
Farley Elementary
Haverstraw Elementary
Willow Grove Elementary
Fieldstone Middle School: 8:00AM-2:46PM
North Rockland High School: 7:20AM-2:06AM