ROE Kindergarten -Week of Sept. 16
We Are Better Together!
Greetings Kindergarten Families
We had a busy week working and learning together! We had many safety drills and the kids did a good job following the expectations. The Big Kahuna Fundraiser will end on 09/20, so keep selling and turn in your tickets for cute lanyard prizes.
Following are some important reminders to keep in mind for this school year:
- School hours are 7:20-3:05. If you are dropping your child off after 7:20, please park in the front parking lot and sign your child in at the front office. If you are arriving after 3:30pm for pickup, please park in the front parking lot and walk to the office with your car tag.
- Transportation changes need to go through the office. Please call 972-617-3523 before 2:00 pm for any transportation changes.
- Contacting your child's teacher: If you call or email your child's teacher, they will respond within 24 hours as our focus during the day is your students.
- Lunch with your student: Parents/guests are only allowed to come to the campus on Fridays to eat lunch with your child. Please see the letter that is being sent home with your student for details.
- Birthday treats: Birthday treats will only be served on Fridays. Please see the letter being sent home with your student for details.
What We Are Learning
We are learning how and when to use capital letters. Our names are so important that they always begin with a capital letter. Kids have been practicing sorting and matching upper and lower case letters. Students are practicing writing a sentence using a capital letter.
We will focus on math concepts to 10 and learn how to "decompose" (subtract) using pictures and 10 frames. We will continue to practice using our math centers and use i-Ready Math on the I-pads.
Social Studies and Science
Social Studies: We will celebrate Freedom Week.
Science: We will learn about Magnets and magnetic objects.
Suite 360: We will continue to learn about our feelings and emotions.
Dates to Remember
September 16: Celebrate Freedom Week
September 20: End of 1st six weeks -- No school Students; Staff Development
September 24: Hispanic Heritage Celebration 6pm - 7:30pm
September 27: No School
October 10: Parent Teacher Conferences 4pm - 8pm
October 11: Parent Teacher Conferences 8am - Noon; No school for students
Ideas for Learning at Home
Read, Read, Read
Read with your child every day. Have your child spy letters and words in the story. Can they find the letters of their name?
Math activities
Have your child count (1 to 1) items such as pennies, buttons, candy. Then, have them put together two sets of items (i.e. 3 pennies in one set and 6 pennies in another set -- how many all together?).
Be a scientist
Have your child experiment with magnetic items around the house.