The "Buck Nation" Tribune
The Official NGMS Family Newsletter March 14-18, 2022
- MONDAY March 14, 2022 - NO IN PERSON SCHOOL. Students will utilize their devices for Remote Learning.
- Tuesday March 15, 2022 is Parent Teacher Conference Night from 4-6 pm Sign up below.
- Thursday is a Parent Engagement Event from 6-7:30. Come learn about PTO/PTA, Sign up to volunteer and also to help plan activities for our students.
From Mr. Furtick Senior School Community Specialist
In person opportunities are often the most powerful as we shake hands and understand all of the people surrounding a child and working toward the best possible outcomes.
Please join us Tuesday March 15th for conferences. It is from 4-6pm. This opportunity to check in with teachers and discuss academic goals is designed to build stronger connections.
The most important step is your involvement. Attending the conference is essential to building a relationship with your child’s teacher, and opening lines of communication will show the school and your child that you care and are involved in his education.
The act of attending meetings with your child’s teacher sends a message to your child that education is important. Building a partnership with your child’s teacher is a great way for both of you to support your child and each other. Conferences are also a good place to hear about any behavioral issues or learning difficulties that the teacher may notice, and it’s best to know of those concerns as soon as possible. If one parent or guardian can’t attend, ask the teacher ahead of time about arranging for a Skype or speaker-phone call, so everyone can be involved.
This Week at NGMS...
Happy Sunday! I hope you remembered to spring forward with all clocks. That hour was a loss but this too, shall pass! Thank you for a successful week last week the push from everyone to ensure that we tested 99% plus of our kids was amazing. Thanks for sending your kids to school!!!
This weeks starts our move to more direct instruction for students. It is a two day a week move to traditional direct instruction (no Chromebook use for 90 % of the period) starting March 15th. The two days for more direct instruction will be Tuesdays and Thursdays.
As stated before, we know that students learn best with direct instruction and we want to make sure we can support the needs of our students and promote improved student achievement. Thank you for understanding and your support. We hope that we can see a push in direct instruction, especially as we are on the dawn of RICAS testing.
We strongly encourage you to complete the survey. The QR code is below so that you can easily access the survey. I know that we can do this and trust that we continue to push this survey. Please know I am thankful for you consistently supporting our students and the school. You are amazing!
This week's events and elective schedule is below:
- Tuesday March 15th -A day
Parent Teacher Conferences 4-6PM
- Wednesday March 16th -B day
- Thursday March 17th -A day
This is also a Parent engagement event 6-7:30 pm. We would love to see you!
- Friday March 18th -A day
- Saturday March 19th – Saturday School
Hall Sweeps will continue. When the hall sweeps are announced, please lock your doors. No in or out until we call an end to the sweep. This is to ensure that students are in place and accounted for during the day. We are noticing that periods with higher numbers of students are 4th during big block and 6th period. Thank you for supporting this important initiative. As you prepare for the week, take care of yourself and of others. Let’s have a fantastic week! Dr. Sermons
“One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world.”
Malala Yousafzai
Motivation for your Mind, Body and Spirit
From AP Rinalducci
As we dig into March, it begins to feel like the year is almost over, but we are barely over half way. We have fourteen weeks in the building. We have approximately 70 school days left.
That's 70 times your children will engage in the wake up for school and get through the day!
We have to do whatever we can to ensure they are prepared and accountable for each day.
I have my own in high school and I am in the struggle with you! I have to remind myself that each day matters. Recently, my son has been asking for random days off because teachers aren't doing anything (like I don't know better)! And when I get the texts that say he wasn't in class, he tells me the teacher just didn't see him (like I don't know better).
This year has been a hard year as a mom and I have had to cut to the internet, turn off the phone, not cook- that's right: "You better make yourself something because I only cook for children who go to school and work hard." I will never win mom of the year, and I am sharing this to explain that I truly get it- this year has been rough!
We can't quit! Parents, I know I call you often. It's because I am passionate about children being classrooms and learning and growing into more of the amazing people they already are.
I truly appreciate when you answer, come in, ask questions, work with teachers, counselors, and administration. Together, we can work to ensure students reach their best potential.
I hope to see you on Tuesday for parent conferences!
From AP Barnes...
Progress reports grades are available to view in Skyward. Please discuss with your child their current progress in their classes. I look forward to seeing everyone Thursday evening for Parent-Teacher Conferences.
From Mrs. Barrett... Guidance
Progress Report 3 grades were available on Skyward as of March 11, 2022. If you have trouble accessing them, please reach out to your child's school counselor.
If your child is struggling academically, please reach out to their school counselor to discuss support options, including Tutoring and Saturday Study Hall.
School counselors will also be available to meet during Parent Teacher Conferences on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 from 4-6pm.
Contact info: 401-456-9319
- Rose Thorp, Grade 6
- Lori Daignault, Grade 7
- Carissa "Ms. J" Jandrositz, Grade 8
- Shannon Barrett, Grades 7/8
From Mrs. Silva...
The Nathanael Greene Middle School Library was recently awarded a gift from the Brownstone Book Fund! We received a donation of 100 diverse, brand new, recently published books. The Brownstone Book Fund, a private foundation in New York City, is interested in fostering a love of books and encouraging families to read together.
Diane Brownstone, director of Brownstone Book Fund, notes: “I am interested in providing books for students, hopefully to excite and foster an early interest in and a love for books and reading. The library of my youth gave me an addiction to books that has enriched my life and my wish, with this collection, is to give this experience and pleasure to many other young people.”
The NGMS Library is extremely thankful for this donation and cannot wait for the students to start reading!
From Mrs. McDonough...
The NGMS yearbook is available for PRE purchase. Click on this link to place your order by credit card. https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/Order/LookupJob?jobnumber=1962522
For cash/check payment, please see Mrs. McDonough. Yearbooks will be distributed in June.
Additionally, if you would like to place an advertisement or message to your child in the yearbook, please contact Mrs. McDonough at 456-9347 or email kathleen.mcdonough@ppsd.org.
Lastly, if your 8th grade child would like to submit their baby picture for the yearbook, it can be given to Mrs. McDonough in B1 or emailed to kathleen.mcdonough@providenceschools.org.
Mrs. Cruz ELA/MLL Teacher
Mrs. Cruz is simply an amazing teacher. She is caring, supportive and does her best to keep students engaged. Her room is always a buzz of energy. Students are excited to enter and are super focused when they are there. We are grateful for all that she does to support the Greene Greatness Wave!!! Congratulations on a job well done. Please keep up the phenomenal work!
Nathanael Greene Middle School
The mission of Nathanael Greene Middle School is to create a safe and healthy learning environment. We practice mutual respect. We pursue high standards of learning, teaching, and conduct. We will equip students with the necessary skills to become life-long learners and responsible citizens.
The Vision
The Nathanael Greene Middle School will be a national leader in educating urban youth for future success in high school and beyond.
Email: Roy.Sermons@ppsd.org
Website: https://www.providenceschools.org/Greene
Location: 721 Chalkstone Ave, Providence, RI 02908, USA
Phone: (401) 456-9347
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NathanaelGreeneMiddleSchool/
Twitter: @NGreeneMidSch
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