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ARI Literacy Leadership
January 2022
The Alabama Reading Initiative (ARI) is a statewide K-3 initiative committed to supporting the development of high-quality instruction that will prepare all students with the literacy skills needed to meet or exceed grade-level standards. The goal of the ARI is to significantly improve reading instruction and ultimately achieve 100% literacy among public school students.
WELCOME BACK TO 2022! The Alabama Reading Initiative hopes you are having an enjoyable week getting settled back into your schools. We know your students are happy to see your faces and to be back with you. As you know, school is a safe haven for so many of our students. We are so happy to welcome you back to a successful year. Let's FINISH STRONG TOGETHER!
As leaders, many of you are in the process of reflecting and adjusting the goals that were set at the beginning of the year. Now, what? Are you ready to LEAP forward? The year, 2021, is in our rearview mirrors! We encourage you all to take a GIGANTIC LEAP into unlimited possibilities. Start by using your mid-year data to plan for your desired end results.
"There are some things one can only achieve by a deliberate LEAP in the opposite direction."
Your leadership has made a great impact on literacy achievement in your school up to this point. How will your leadership continue to move your school forward this semester? How will you increase your leadership support? What steps will you take to stay focused on the MAIN THING this semester? Stay encouraged and do not underestimate the power of your leadership. YOUR LEADERSHIP MATTERS. YOU MATTER.
As we move into the new year, completing mid-year assessments should be a priority. Trust the process! Your faculty, staff, local reading specialist, and students have worked extremely hard. Be confident that you will see growth and gains from your mid-year data. After your testing window closes, the ARI will support each of you in planning your data meetings and/or attending your data meetings.
"It always feels too soon to leap but you have to. Because that's the moment between you and remarkable." Seth Godin
Happy New Year,
Your ARI Family
Journey to Success for Reading and Literacy: Circles of Influence for Improved Student Achievement
- How has your leadership impacted each of these areas?
- Has your school experienced growth in each of these areas?
- During the fall semester, in which of the five circles of influence has your district/school witnessed the greatest growth/accomplishment? Which circle was the most challenging?
- How will you plan to improve in each circle of influence as you move forward?
- How can ARI support you? Your school?
Our work this semester will consist of digging deeper into each Circle of Influence as we use the mid-year data to inform our actions. It is important to remember the circles do not operate in isolation. All circles should be in motion simultaneously to improve student achievement.
Please reference the Alabama Administrator Organizational Guide https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LHSgNc9b42sKBS9ZUWtWGxEG6gc-YSO6/view?usp=sharing for specific administrative tasks that should be completed each month for literacy success.
January Tasks:
- Determine Summer Reading Camp support needed (funding, parent notification, staffing).
- Provide intervention services (community support, 70+hours, resources).
- Develop strategies and resources for the parent or legal guardian to use at home to help the student succeed in reading with consideration of home language.
- Facilitate mid-year data meeting to analyze data and effectiveness of instruction and interventions.
- Utilize mid-year data results to guide Tier 1, 2, & 3 instructional adjustments.
- Schedule a data meeting.
Leadership Resources:
School Leaders: The Key to High-Quality Reading Instruction
Mid-Year Sample Data Tool: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FmYMRy00e_pYWpZoTDkH46WPPi0fpI6G/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107563275250874283080&rtpof=true&sd=true
Analyzing and Interpreting Standards-Based Assessment Data:
Using Phonics Assessments to Inform Instruction: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rdlj147NsQ3M0peTrEGd2riQ8FJqmO3u/view?usp=sharing
Literacy Act Portfolio
Have you developed Literacy Act Portfolios for your 3rd grade students who scored below the cut score? If not, you should have a solid plan in place to start this process now.
Per the Literacy Act, a reading portfolio should be started for all rising third graders who scored at the lowest achievement level on the reading subtest of the ACAP Summative Assessment in second grade. Portfolios should be developed even if the 3rd grade retention requirement is waived this spring.
What support do you need to get started? What clarifications do you need? Contact your ARI Regional Leadership Specialist if you need additional support. We are here to support you.
Link to Portfolio Document: Third-Grade Student Reading Portfolio (Final DRAFT ) formatted v4.docx - Google Docs
Here's What You Need to Know:
All rising 3rd graders who scored at the lowest level in reading on the ACAP in 2nd grade should have a portfolio.
A portfolio can be started at any time during the student’s third grade year, including at the beginning of summer camp, as needed.
A school team approach should be used to develop portfolios.
Portfolios will follow students to a new school or school district if the student moves.
The Literacy Task Force has determined essential standards to guide the core components of the portfolio. Three student work samples should be collected for each standard throughout the school year.
3rd Grade Essential Standards:
K-2 Essential Standards: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vLWQUIhW0QygTlgw08eJxEH8yuNDrWPs/view?usp=sharing
Official Memo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jx2JP13T7jN6OcA6V8zfl4Qr7HyzTYmN/view?usp=sharing
English Language Arts Textbooks and Materials
Stay Informed
In accordance with the State Textbook Law, §16-36-61, Code of Alabama, 1975, notice is hereby being given that the Alabama State Board of Education is scheduled to vote on the State Textbook Committee’s English Language Arts recommendations at the January 13, 2022, Board meeting.
The Textbooks and Supplemental Materials List to be considered by the Board for adoption and/or rejection is available at the State Department of Education Website at: Textbook Adoption and Procurement - Alabama Department of Education (alabamaachieves.org)
Summer Reading Camps
It is not too early to begin planning for Summer Reading Camp 2022. Per the Alabama Literacy Act, Summer Reading Camps, at a minimum, shall include 70 hours of time in scientifically based reading instruction and intervention.
You may want to begin by reviewing these outstanding resources:
Getting to Work on Summer Learning: Recommended Practices for Success
REL -Summer Reading Camp Self-Study Guide
Summer Starts in September
PLU Opportunity: https://alsde.truenorthlogic.com/ia/empari/learning2/course/viewCourseSearch?courseId=273541
Using the book, Summer Starts in September: A Comprehensive Planning Guide, participants will work in teams in their LEAs to develop a Summer Learning Plan. As a result of this PLU, participants will:
1. Research successful methods for planning and implementing summer programs.
2. Put together a team of educators and community leaders to work together to develop a successful program for students.
3. Recruit and train staff.
4. Identify students with the greatest need for summer learning.
5. Develop a Quality Improvement Plan.
Participants will earn 1.0 PLU. This PLU will be offered for three years.
It is hard to believe that winter is here, and we are halfway through the current school year. As we begin second semester, it is important to remember that just as every snowflake is unique and different, so are our students. What does their mid-year data reveal about them? Keep this in mind as we take a deep dive into mid-year data.
What implications do you identify schoolwide? Are there unique needs in specific classrooms and individual students? As school leaders, we play a vital role in these important conversations. As you lead your teams while data driven adjustments are made, don’t forget to focus on the accomplishments as well. Remember to keep the focus on students and student growth.
These conversation starters are great reminders that there is POWER in our words. This is true for leaders, teachers, and parents alike.
· “Let’s analyze how our students are doing on__________”
· “How did the students do compared to the last benchmark assessment?”
· “What practices helped students become successful?
For more great conversation starters, take a moment to review this data tool guide.
Implementing Structured Data Meetings: Full_Handbook.pdf (meadowscenter.org)
Words Matter: What Are You Saying?
Watch this short video and reflect on the impact of your words. Are your words motivating? Do your words spark positive change? Are you asking the right questions?
John Hattie’s research review in Visible Learning, indicates that feedback has a significant impact on increasing student achievement. Therefore, it makes sense that using words powerfully to craft effective feedback is fundamental to improving student performance.
Visible Learning For Teachers:
Coaching Cycle Log Aligned with the Results Based Coaching Tool
How Do You Know You Are Having Success As A Coach?
Coaching must impact student learning.
Relationships are a critical component but not the end goal of our work.
We need a tangible system for measuring our impact.
There is POWER in our words! What we say to students and teachers and how we say it—is one of our most powerful teaching tools. The Results Based Coaching Tool is the narrative for the work we do collaboratively with our partners in teaching and learning. Consider utilizing the guiding questions found in Diane Sweeney’s Coaching Logs when engaging with teachers using the Results Based Coaching Tool. When using this tangible system for measuring our impact, our words can impact the partnership and student learning!
Choose your words to encourage reflective dialogue by asking open-ended, probing questions, and using paraphrasing techniques rather than simply giving the teacher answers during each phase of your coaching work.
Consider Your WORDS for the following:
Pre and Post Assessing:
Pre and post assessments are critical components in measuring the impact of coaching cycles. They are efficient, provide descriptive insight into student thinking and understanding, and are aligned with the learning targets and goals for students (Sweeney & Harris, 2017, pg 136).
Possible Guiding Question: How will we assess the students to measure growth across the coaching cycle?
Ongoing Formative Assessment:
Are you monitoring formative assessment and effective feedback to develop next steps in your coaching efforts? Do you use evidence to see where students are relative to the goal? Continuous formative assessment to understand our impact is necessary. Noticing and Naming and You Pick Four are formative assessments that can be utilized to obtain an understanding of where students are in their learning (Sweeney & Harris, 2017).
Possible Guiding Question: How will students demonstrate their understanding of the target?
John Dewey says we do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experiences. This is a very important component of the Results Based Coaching Tool. Although we are being intentional about keeping the focus on student achievement, teacher growth is also important. We are building capacity in teachers and they are indeed acquiring new learning that will impact students for the remainder of their careers. Teachers are taking risks. How powerful is that! The results from the reflection will also help us to continually grow in our practice as literacy coaches.
Possible Guiding Question: How did the coaching cycle support the students’ learning?
2021-2022 LETRS Sessions Calendar
- As a reminder, educators have 3 years to complete the LETRS modules, and participants do NOT need to worry about “cohorts.” Simply register and join the session that works for your schedule.
- The LETRS 3E Session Calendar can be accessed with the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aOJkk2z1gXxFde7Mzc39sOnoTIAe3AGN/view?usp=sharing
- Enrollment for 2022-2023 is anticipated to begin March 2022.
- If you need any additional assistance, please email alabamaletrs@alsde.edu.
Literacy at Home: Digital Children's Reading Initiative | NC DPI
ARI Special Edition: ARI's Twelve Days of Literacy | Smore Newsletters is designed to share with families to encourage literacy throughout the month of December
What does the 452 'cut score' mean for 3rd grade readers? - Alabama Daily News (aldailynews.com)
Early Years Assessments - LiveBinder (livebinders.com)
Monitoring Comprehension (alabamaachieves.org)
The deadline for the first $1,000 LETRS stipend submission was December 15, 2021. The funding for this stipend was from the State’s (ALSDE) ESSER 2 funds. Eligible candidates must meet the criteria outlined in the memo.
LETRS Stipend Memo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uoNllqSlc5o61H2xncjbcWUmPjp2eXw1/view?usp=sharing
If teachers haven’t completed the Elementary (Units 1-8) or Early Childhood (Units 1-4) LETRS coursework and scored at the mastery level, please encourage them to continue working on the coursework — additional opportunities for a LETRS stipend will be announced in the coming months.
Districts will receive a total of $1,200 for each eligible educator — $1,000 for the eligible educator’s stipend and $200 to cover employer benefit costs associated with the stipend. If you have specific questions or need additional information, please contact Ms. Libby Frankel: libby.frankel@alsde.edu or the ARI office at 334-694-4632.
ARI Science of Reading PLU
- Date: January 27, 2022
- Times: 10:00, 12:00, or 2:00
- ARI is providing a PLU opportunity that is centered around the implementation of the Science of Reading. Consultants from the Region 7 Comprehensive Center (R7CC), who serve Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi are the lead facilitators.
ALSDE C & I Meetings
- South: Tuesday, January 25, 2022 – SARIC; Mobile, Alabama
- Montgomery Area: Thursday, January 27, 2022 – Troy University Montgomery Campus; Montgomery, Alabama
- Birmingham Area: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 – Shelby County Instructional Services Center; Alabaster, Alabama
- North: Wednesday, February 2, 2022 – Athens State McCandless Hall; Athens, Alabama
- Time: General Session: 9 – 12:00 & Afternoon Breakout Sessions
AASCD Winter Conference: Instructional Best Practices Virtual Event
- Date: January 24-25, 2022
- Visit the event page at http://www.clasleaders.org/aascdwinter22 for the latest information!
ALA-EL Winter Conference: Striving for Excellence
- Date: January 19-20, 2022
- Location: Bryan Conference Center, Tuscaloosa, AL
- Join the Alabama Leaders Advocating for English Learners’ (ALA-EL) winter conference and learn effective strategies for bridging the gap for English Learners in Alabama schools.
- Visit the CLAS PL landing page CLAS and Affiliate Events and Online Programs (clasleaders.org) for additional information.
Cognia Innovate, Elevate, Transform – Alabama Conference
- Date: January 12-13, 2022
- Location: Frazer United Methodist Church in Montgomery, Alabama
- Overview: You’ll learn from experts, build strong connections with peers, and share best practices with colleagues and friends from across Alabama. Click here for more information!
- For additional details, contact Jeff.Wooten@Cognia.org or Jeff.Langham@Cognia.org
We would like to encourage you to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Click on the icons above to like, follow, tweet, and join us today. Be sure to check out our new website at HOME - Alabama Department of Education (alabamaachieves.org)
Website: https://www.alabamaachieves.org/
Phone: 3346944900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlabamaDepartmentofEducation
Twitter: @AlabamaArchives