ECC Families Newsletter

2nd Six Weeks Video Highlights
ECC Parents and Guardians,
As we welcome November, we're filled with gratitude for the continuous support and partnership you bring to our school community. We have had an exciting month filled with fun activities and learning opportunities.
We would like to give a big THANK YOU to PTP for providing burgers during Spirit Week! We enjoyed the delicious burgers and teachers appreciated getting to sit with their friends and enjoy lunch! Thank you, Tracy, for planning all of our PTP events! We appreciate you so much!
We would also like to say THANK YOU to our parents! Y'all were all in last week for Spirit Week dress up days! It was so much fun seeing our littlest EAGLES dressed up showing their school spirit and love for our EAGLES!
As the weather cools down, please send your child with jackets, with their name on the label. We do have recess each day, and jackets do get left outside or students have the same jackets, and they pick up the wrong one when packing up to go home. Please LABEL, LABEL, LABEL! If your child's name is in it, we can get it back to them.
We look forward to an amazing November! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel to reach out to me.
Warm regards,
Kristi Baze, Principal
November and December will be busy months at ECC. Please read this newsletter for the following:
Please read this newsletter for the following information:
Upcoming Dates
Kona Ice
Veterans Program
Camo Day/Turkey Trot
ECC Famous Annual Bake Sale
Thanksgiving Break
December dress-up days
Veterans Program
We are excited to invite Veterans to our upcoming Veterans Program, which will take place on November 11th, @ 9:00. The program will be held in our ECC gym and should last about 30 minutes. This event is a special opportunity for our students to honor and celebrate the brave men and women who have served in our nation's military.
Due to limited space, please try to limit it to the veteran and 1 adult attending the program. We want to honor all of our students Veterans, but we still have to seat 450 students in the gym too. The program will be live streamed on our LISD FB if you are not able to attend due to not having a family member that is a Veteran.
We are excited to announce that it is time for our ECC Annual Bake Sale! This is a wonderful opportunity to contribute to our school while enjoying some delicious treats!
Funds raised will help us purchase new playground equipment, educational material, or support special events, such as, The Sweetheart Ball in February!
If you plan on shopping after 1:30, please park in the first two rows of the parking lot. The back portion of the parking lot is used for pre-k, buses, and kindergarten dismissal.
Please invite your family and friends to come shop during our Bake Sale. We will have staff members working during the day to help shoppers!
Thank you for your support! Together, we can make this fundraiser a sweet success!
Bowl or jar baking items
These are items that cause some bidding wars! Staff really love creating these!
Mixes in jars
Shoppers love these mixes in a jar! It's easy and yummy!
Individual Items
These individual items are also a big hit for shoppers!
Turkey Trot and Camo Day
Students will "hunt" for turkeys during their PE time. We will post pictures on our ECC Facebook page.
Notes from Nurse White
Notes from the Counselor
Morning drop-off for car and bus
The map below, shows you where to enter ECC. All cars and buses enter the West entrance.
If you are walking your child inside, you will still enter the West entrance, park in the parking lot and walk your student to the foyer.
If you are dropping your child off in the car line, the officer will direct the flow of traffic. The car line can seem a bit slow at first, please be patient and kind as we all learn the car and bus line procedures.
ECSE pick-up and drop off procedures on Bell Street
KINDER. Afternoon Pick-Up Procedure
Afternoon car line
For car line dismissal, enter the West entrance. Please have your car tag placed in your front windshield or hanging from a hanger on your rear-view mirror. This allows our staff to easily see your car tag. As the staff member is calling cars, another staff member is typing names, while teachers are lining students up in the cafeteria. It is a very systematic process. Please avoid jumping into a short line because this does cause a delay in our dismissal process. Watch the video below, to see how the morning routine is different from the afternoon pick-up procedure.
Reduced/free lunch forms
If you would like to apply for reduced or free lunch, complete the form below. Keep in mind that breakfast is free to all reduced students this upcoming school year. Breakfast is served beginning at 7:25 each morning. We ask that if your child needs breakfast, to please be at school by 7:45. This gives students time to eat breakfast before announcements.
Visitor Policy
Please remember visitors are not permitted to walk the halls or be in classrooms without permission. This is for the safety of all of our students. If you are leaving the cafeteria from lunch, please go straight to the office using the hallway closest to the cafeteria.
Lunch prices
Breakfast $2.50
Student lunch $ 3.25
Visiting adult lunch$ 4.50
Always double check the YAG, dates are subject to change.
Mentoring Alliance
If you are interested in your child attending Mentoring Alliance the contact info. is below. It is the parents responsibility to contact the bus barn, then the office at ECC 903-881-4400. We will place a green Mentoring Alliance sticker on their backpack so the bus drivers and monitors know your child is to get off the bus at EJ Moss West.
Child Find
Special Programs
If you suspect your child has a learning disability or his/her speech is delayed, please feel free to contact Special Programs. The contact information is below. Theses evaluations and services are provided through LISD.