February 7, 2025
District 5 Foundation
The District Five Foundation helps fund the Snack Pack Program in our school district. We have students at Dutch Fork Middle School who benefit from this program. If you would like to make a donation, you can use the QR code on the flyer below.
Thank you!
Student Council: Ronald McDonald House Charities
Student Council is raising money for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Columbia in honor of kindness week! Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) provides guest families with all the comforts of home, so they are able to focus on what matters the most, the health of their child. Keeping families close to each other and the care they need. RMHC is the catalyst to create a world where children have access to quality health care and their families are able to better comfort and support them while actively participating in their care. Students can donate any amount during their lunch. Thank you for your support!
Upcoming Events
02/10/2025 Begin Silver Week: Students Report to 6th Period at 08:15 am.
Kindness Week (see flyer below for more details)
*Black History Month*
**Career & Technical Education Month**
**** Basketball Game: 2nd Round (TBD) at 05:30 to 08:30pm****
02/13/2025 Winter/Spring/Kindness Week Pep Rally 12:30 to 3:30pm
*Basketball Championship PAC (TBD) 5:30 to 8:30*
02/14/2025 ****No School for Students*****
***02/17/2025 E Learning for students (Hurricane Helene Make up day )***
02/18/2025 Begin Green Week: Students Report to the 1st Period class at 08:15 am.
03/12/2025 DFMS Late Start (School and Buses are delayed by 1 Hour)
Your student is invited to participate in theme days in honor of Kindness Week!
Spring Picture Day is Coming! Feb 28th, 2025
Will you update the yearbook section of the parent newsletter? Thanks!
Time is running out! Capture the memories of this year and order yours today!
Scan the QR code or click here to buy:
2024 Instructional Materials for Public Review
Green/Silver Week Schedule 2024-2025
****Parent/Student School Reminders****
DRILLS: In accordance with state and district policy, we participate in a variety of required drills throughout the year. In February, we will participate in a Lockdown Drill. During this drill, an announcement will be made alerting students that this is a “drill.” District Safety officers in conjunction with our SRO and possibly local law enforcement agencies will assist in the drill and provide the administration with feedback.
*Wear jackets or coats in cold weather, please do not bring blankets.
*Make sure your outfit meets the Dress Code.
*Do not walk to Dutch Fork High School unless you are catching a ride with a sibling or parent or if you have a practice or meeting.
*Please remember to pull all the way forward in the car rider line when dropping off or picking up.
(Pulling forward allows more cars to unload or load.)
*IDs should be worn at all times on campus. Please ensure that your child is wearing their ID prior to arriving at DFMS each morning.
*Cell phones and wireless communication devices are to be off and away during the school day. If you need to get a message to your child before 3:30 pm, please call the front office at
Electronic Communication Devices
School Counseling Department
***Happy National School Counseling Week! You are appreciated! Thank you!***
Virtual Family Workshops
Mental Health Resources available to all parents:
Lexington-Richland School District Five has partnered with the Cook Center to provide caregivers free mental health resources through live webinars with a licensed therapist. Events are virtual, interactive and designed to help caregivers support their child(ren). Registration, attendance, and interactions are anonymous from other viewers.
Webinar topics range throughout the month from the effects of screen time, tools to support your child’s mental health, school avoidance, substance abuse, confidence, boundaries and more. Here is a link to the same information: The Cook Center.
Health Room
Meal Modification Form Request
A completed "Meal Modification Form" from your healthcare provider is required in order for nutrition services to omit or provide a substitute for any food allergies. Please return completed forms to your school nurse
Aiko Selage
School Nurse
Phone: 803-476-4809
Fax: 803-476-4820
Attendance Per Class:
If your student is marked absent, tardy , etc. in a class, please contact the Teacher of that class with questions and/or concerns. Per- class attendance is kept by the Teacher of that class period. As Attendance Clerk, I only reconcile the full-day attendance for a student. I hope this helps eliminate some confusion where attendance is concerned.
As always, if you have attendance concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 803-476-4804 or by email at klilie@lexrich5.org.
Fine Arts
Honors Fine Arts: Auditions
Auditions are now being accepted for honors fine arts classes for next year. Auditions are due by February 16. Please check the Honors Art Document for information on each area.
Spring Break 2026 - We're Going to SPAIN!
Hey Dutch Fork Family! I am so excited to announce that we are going to SPAIN for Spring Break 2026! If you were not able to attend the interest meeting, but would like more information about this trip, please reach out. I would love to give your student this once in a lifetime opportunity to see the world! Mrs. Alyssa Hooper ahooper@lexrich5.org
♥💕✝️⭐ FCA will meet on Wednesday, February 12 at 7:45 in the morning in the library. We will be having a time of fellowship, games, breakfast snacks, devotion, & prayer. Ms. Shari Selke will be our guest speaker and will share information about Sharing God's Love. ♥💕✝️⭐
From the District Website under Transportation Safety Rules:
"School projects, items sold for fundraisers and other unsafe items such as live animals, glass objects, baseball or softball bats, lacrosse sticks, skateboards, sharp objects or similar items can not be allowed on the bus and must be transported to and from school by means other than the school bus. This includes baseballs, basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, volleyballs and tennis rackets unless they are kept in the student's backpack or in a separate bag. Parents must arrange to pick-up or deliver oversized or unsafe items in personal vehicles or items should be kept at school whenever possible. Please speak with your student's coach to make arrangements to keep items at the school or for items to be provided during practices or training sessions."
Track & Field
Dutch Fork Volleyball
Dutch Fork Cheerleading will be holding Open Season Practice starting Monday, March 3 from 4:15pm-6:15pm. Practices will be on Monday and Wednesdays at DFHS in the Small Gym. Please reach out to Head Cheer Coach, Jasmine Thompson to sign up today (Jthompson@lexrich5.org).
C-Team Basketball Schedule for Girls and Boys
C-Team Football: Strength & Conditioning Schedule
PTO Corner
We have a new and fun site to get all your information about our PTO here :
Please sign up to help DFMS PTO provide Valentine treats for our staff on February 13th!
Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on SignUp: https://signup.com/go/CaruYda
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on SignUp)
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - SignUp will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!
Note: SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact dfmspto@gmail.com and we can sign you up manually.
Spirit Wear
Thank you to our PTO partners!
Website: http://lexrich5.org/dfms
Location: 1528 Old Tamah Road, Irmo, SC, USA
Phone: (803) 476-4800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dutch-Fork-Middle-School-549147891811317/
Twitter: @DutchForkMS