SCS Newsletter
From the Principal's Desk:
Dear Salisbury Families:
I hope this newsletter finds you well, and hopefully enjoying the snow- it finally feels like winter!
It was a nice return last week- it was noted by many how smoothly our students re-integrated into school. It was also a very hard week for many in our community (including students and adults in our school) and our hearts go out to all those affected by several different difficult events. In these moments, we at Salisbury Community School "lean in" to taking care of each other, and especially of the children in our care. It is our honor, and our cherished duty, to do so.
Difficult moments also remind us to hold those we care about close, to notice the small moments, and to give each other a little more grace. Salisbury is an incredibly kind and caring community- I know I feel EXTREMELY fortunate to have become a part of it, and feel fortunate that our greater community is so supportive of us as a school community. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Please have great weeks, enjoy the snow, and enjoy each other. May you all be at peace.
Important dates coming up:
Tuesday, Jan 9th: In-school band concert @11:05 in Gym.
Friday, January 12th: Progress reports sent home
Monday, January 15th: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)
Tuesday, January 16th: Teacher PD Day (no school)
Friday, January 19th: FOSCS Movie Night.
Saturday, January 20th: On-line school store closes
Important Notes from SCS:
Place your order now! The Salisbury Community School Merch Store is open!
Please note that there are two logos to choose from! Our traditional "circle" logo and one with a bobcat jumping into action!
Information on Progress Reports and Parent-Teacher Conferences
This winter we will be holding parent-teacher conferences between January 16th and February 9th. These are times for families to meet with teachers to discuss their child's January progress report. Teachers are just now putting the finishing touches on a revised progress report that will show student progress towards grade level standards and the IB Approaches to Learning. Report cards will be sent home on January 12th. Teachers will be reaching out in early January to set up conference dates and times for all families. Thank you.
Please send kids in with the "High Five" of Winter Clothes!
We know it hasn't been that cold lately, but please always send students in with the "High 5" of winter clothing, especially as days can still be plenty cold even without snow:
- Boots
- Hat
- Gloves
- Jacket
- Snowpants
A Survey from FOSCS on interest in after-school care
The FOSCS parent group is in the initial stages of exploring the need for and feasibility of after-school care. While we don't yet have an idea of when such care would be available or what it would look like, understanding the scope of need is the first step in solving such needs. Please take a moment to fill out this brief survey.
A window into our classrooms: Quiet Time
If you walk through the hallways of Salisbury Community School after recess and lunch on many days, you might think the whole place has gone to sleep! No, we haven't installed pre-school style "nap time", but we do believe greatly in the importance of having students practice calm transitions, self-regulation, and being independently focused. Quiet time every day is a great time to do that! It may look different in different spaces, but it plays an important role. Here are some pictures that will help you "see" into quiet time.
Notes from ACSD:
Free Dental Care for ACSD Students!
ACSD schools are participating in the 802 Smiles Network, which promotes dental health programs in Vermont schools. This means your child is eligible for a free dental screening at school and may be eligible to receive preventive dental services at no cost to you. All you have to do is to fill out the online consent forms by February 1st, 2024. We also have paper forms that will be sent home.
The registered dental hygienist can provide the following free services:
Dental Screening (simplified dental check-up)
Fluoride Varnish (brush-on liquid that can help prevent cavities)
Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) (brush-on combination of silver and fluoride that can help stop cavities from getting bigger)
Dental Cleanings (helps keep the mouth healthy and clean!)
Oral Health Education (teaches students how to brush, floss, maintain good oral health)
Dental Sealants (a thin layer of material placed on back teeth to prevent decay)
Our schools will be served by dental hygienist, Michael Messina. If you choose to participate, Michael will send you a follow-up letter after your child’s screening explaining the services provided, whether additional treatment is recommended, and help connect you to a dental professional, if needed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the school’s dental hygienist, Michael Messina at or our school nurse