Hastings Elementary STEM Academy
Panther Press Vol 1 Issue 5
Vision: A Premier STEM campus committed to excellence in which every student is reading at or above grade level by 3rd grade.
Mission: We exist to build a strong academic and social foundation for our STEM Scholars.
Core Values:
1. Utilize a variety of instructional strategies to promote success for all students.
2. We will use evidence of student learning to inform and improve our instructional practices and differentiate for our student’s needs.
3.We will collaborate amongst grade levels and teams to ensure growth and success for all our STEM scholars.
4. We will model everything we expect from our students, lifelong learning, positive behaviors and respect.
Theme: Lead with Impact
Motto: Excellence is the Standard
# Everyone Grows#Every Student#Every Day#Whatever It Takes!!! #Periodt
Hastings' BIG ROCKS:
Quality Tier 1 instruction with teachers consistently using effective instructional strategies.
Teachers routinely assessing students and adjusting instruction based on the data.
Leader in Me/House System
District Initiatives-Amplify & Eureka
Principal's Message
Greetings Hastings Elementary Family,
Things to accomplish this week:
- BOY Assessments continue...
- Be prepared to model during Team meetings
- Continue to perfect your teaching craft
- Have Fun
Reminder: Hold students accountable when transitioning to and from lunch; some grade levels are noticeably above a level 1.
Make it a great day, remember "The Choice Is Yours"!
Principal Robinson's Attendance Challenge
Our weekly attendance goal is to achieve 95% attendance. Attendance makes an impact on achievement.
ECSE - 95%
PreK - 91%
Kinder - 93%
1st - 92%
2nd - 95%
3rd - 95%
4th - 93%
Mrs. Mosley Attends Mason's Football Game...Love This!!!
HESA...Every Tuesday and Thursday!!!
HESA Shines A Light On Great Things...Week of August 26th
It's a "Celebration" at HESA!!
- Mosley - 20 pts.
- Epperson - 20 pts.
- Oliver - 20 pts.
- Merritt - 20 pts.
- Robinson - 20 pts.
Note: Please let me know anytime I fail to give you credit for your points!!
Ms. Merritt's Class Showing Off Their Amazing Art Work!!
HESA Reppin College Day!!!
HESA Thanks Jada Gordon For Facilitating This Week's Faculty PLC
HESA Two Princesses Celebrate Their Birthday
HESA August Morale Event
Clear Backpacks Are Mandatory
Panther safety is our #1 priority and we are dedicated to providing a safe, secure learning environment for all students and staff.
Evidence Based in Research By Hattie
Safety and Security Internal Audits
Campus Expectation: Instruction begins promptly after the morning announcements which is 8 AM and all classroom doors are to be closed and locked at that time.
Do not prop open any entry doors and do not let parents, district staff and anyone else without a badge enter through any door other than the front office.
Front office staff do not buzz anyone in until you have asked them the nature of their campus visit.
Our number 1 priority is student and staff safety; so do not take these campus protocols lightly. Otherwise, you jeopardize the safety of everyone here.
Four PLC Questions for Teachers
Standards: What do we want teachers to know and be able to do?
2. Evidence: How will we know if teachers have learned it?
3. Intervention: How will we respond if some teachers do not learn it?
4. Extension: How will we respond when they do learn, or already know it?
WIN Time Non-Negotiable
3rd-4th grade teachers will ensure that students are working on the essential standard on iReady or Sirius and the teacher is conduct Guided Reading or use iReady at the teacher table.
WIN Time- Pulling One Group Per Day
24-25 Parent Teacher Conference Log
You are required to document every parent on your log:
House Service Project
Each house will be responsible for spearheading one service project for the 24-25 school year.
Isibindi-September/October {Canned Food Drive}
Altruismo-November/December {Blanket/Coat Drive}
Amistad-January/February {toiletries for the Duncanville Pantry}
Reveur-March/April {Shoes}
House Of Reveur Staff
Rêveur is a royal House whose name in French means “dreamers” or “idealists” — because the members who fill this group are students filled with freedom and wild abandon who recognize their dreams and will let nothing stand in the way of achieving them. This can be seen in the unicorn, which is on the center of the House’s crest, a powerful creature who is almost impossible to tame. Similarly, the House of Rêveur is a House of passion.
Lazalde - 1st
McGuire- 2nd
Ashby- ECSE
Esparaza- Pre-K
Garcia-Hernandez - Pre-K
Mayweather - Kinder
Carter- ECSE
Retana- Kinder
Dominguez- Kinder Aide
Byrom- Music
Murray - 2nd
House of Isibindi
Cadena - Attendance Clerk
Armstrong- 1st
Ross - BIC Aide
Evans - SEL Counselor
Larson- Pre-K
Andrade - PreK
Johnston- Aide
Zeno- Secretary
Erwin - 1st
Maia - ISS
San Miguel - PreK
Staar - 3rd
House of Amistad
Amistad is the House that originates from Mexico. A group of kind but powerful individuals that are known most for their unconquered spirit. This is why, in the language of their ancestry, their name means “friendship.”
DeGrow - Interventionist
Carter - GATE Specialist
Frizell - Pre-K
Polk- 3rd
Madrigal- SPED
B. Murray- Pre-K Aide
Cruz- 2nd
Hall- Diagnostician
House of Altruismo
Altruismo traces its origins to the rainforests of the Amazon, where a group of powerful Brazilians were given the name because of the Portuguese meaning behind it: “the Givers.”
Williams - 4th
Robinson - Principal
Coach Duren - Gym
Isaac - Interventionist
Epperson - SPED
Miller - Assistant Principal
Merritt - Kinder
Bagsby- 3rd
Mosley- 4th
Hastings Elementary STEM Academy Non-Negotiables
- Safety is your top priority.
- Have Fun!!!
- Morning duty starts promptly at 7:30 AM.
- Classroom teachers are ready to greet students at 7:30 AM at their classroom doors.
- Content boards are ready daily at 8:00 AM.
- Actively monitor students at all times.
- Build relationships with your students.
- Model and practice your expectations
- Teach from your feet not your seat {If you are sitting it's because you are working one on one with a student or conducting small group instruction at your teacher table}.
- Aggressive monitoring should be occurring when students are working independently.
- Excellence is the Standard
- Stay Positive
Reminder: Campus Protocol
Remember our campus protocol is for you to text me at 214-205-1554 when you are going to be absent and/or late for an emergency or last minute.
If you know in advance, complete the Absence from Duty form (see Mrs. Zeno).
Finally, remember staff hours are 7:30 AM until 4:00 PM and instructional aide hours are vary.
Alternate schedules MUST be approved by Principal Robinson.
Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind: Theme: Personal Mission Statement
Message: Who gets to decide who you become? Is it you or someone else? This week you are going to write a personal mission statement. A personal mission statement is about your most important purposes and dreams. It will help you decide who you want to be.
Quote: A personal mission statement becomes the DNA for every other decision we make.
HESA Quote Of The Week
Teacher Impact on Student Achievement...Your attendance matters!
HESA September Birthdays
9/1 - Sinthia Perez
9/10 - Nicole Zapata
9/11 - Dr. Goodman
9/13 - Melissa Retana
9/24 - Starr Scott
9/30 - Beverly Carter
Staff and Teachers MUST Input Their Own Absences in Skyward and Red Rover
If you do not know how to input your absence, please see Mrs. Zeno for instructions.
If you are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms; you MUST self-report; refer to the email I sent with step-by-step instructions on how to self report. Unlike, last year school year, you will be required to use your own days when out for Covid-19 or Covid-19 symptoms.
Remember our campus protocol is for you to text me at 214-205-1554 when you are going to be absent for an emergency or last minute.
Thanks and your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Hastings' 2024-2025 Committee Leaders
Take ownership and pride in the work that your committees will be performing this school year. #Excellece is the Standard
Leadership, Culture and Academic Committees will be our three committees. Leadership will be chaired by Ms. McGuire and Co-Chaired by Mrs. Miller, Culture chaired by Ms. Garcia and Co-Chaired by Ms. Mayweather and Academic by Mrs. Robinson, Ms. Williams and Ms. Polk
HESA 24-25 Committees
Academic: Madrigal, DeGrow, Isaac, Cruz, Zapata, Mosley, Perez and Maia
Culture: Retana, Armstrong, Canchola, Merritt, Erwin, Garcia, Lazalde, Session and San Miguel
Attendance: Miller, Cadena, K. Johnson, Williams, Iglehart-Lopez, Cruz, and Armstrong
Campus Book Study (Optional) T-TESS Domain 4.3 Professional Development
One Word That Will Change Your Life!!!
#Where there are two or three!
#Coffee Bean
2024-2025 Guiding Coalition
Below are your colleagues who will be serving and supporting as as the Guiding Coalition for the 24-25 school year.
- Pre-K: Larson & San Miguel
- Kindergarten: Merritt
- First: Armstrong
- Second: A. Murray
- Third: Bagsby
- Fourth: Mosley
- Support: DeGrow & Issac
- Instructional Support Specialist: Maia
- Assistant Principal: Miller
- Principal: Robinson
23-24 Guiding Coalition Meeting Dates (Library)
- September 24th
- October 22nd
- November 12th
- December 10th
- January 28th
- February 25th
- March 11th
- April 8th
HESA Tutoring First Semester
- September 18th
- September 25th
- October 2nd
- October 9th
- October 30th
- November 6th
- November 13th
- November 20th
Ask me how much you can earn for tutoring.
Follow Hastings on Social Media
Dates to Remember
September 2nd - - Labor Day {No School}
September 3rd - Eureka PLC
September 5th - Amplify PLC
September 5th - Faculty PLC
September 6th - HESA Celebrating Grandparent's Day
September 12th - Title 1 Open House
September 20th - Professional Development {No School}
September 27th - HESA Pride Day Celebrations
October 11th - Hispanic Heritage Program
October 14th - October 18th - Fall Break
October 31st - Science of Truck or Treat
November 21st - Parent Engagement Event
November 25th - 29th - Thanksgiving Break
December 18th - Reading in a Winter Wonderland
December 23rd - January 3rd - Winter Break
Janauary 6th - Professional Development
January 16th - Parent Engagement
January 20th - Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday {No School}
February 13th - Sneakerball Math Night in Pantherland
February 14th - Bad Weather Day
February 17th - Presidents Day
March 10th - March 14th - Spring Break
March 13th - Student Led Conferences
March 17th - Professional Development
April 18th - Bad Weather Day
May 8th - Aloha, It's Summer
May14th - PreK 3 Awards Ceremony
May 14th - 4th Grade Award Ceremony at 6:00 PM at DHS
May 15th - PreK 4 Award Ceremony
May 16th - 1st Grade Award Ceremony
May 19th - 2nd Grade Award Ceremony
May 20th - Kinder Award Ceremony (Tentative)
May 21st - 3rd Grade Award Ceremony
May 22nd - Last Day of School
May 23rd - Teacher Work Day
May 26th - Memorial Day
May 27th - 28th - PD Exchange Day