Pony Express
Principal Update
Dear Mustang Families and Caregivers,
Returning from a break is always difficult, but the smiles and laughs from our students reuniting with one another created a lot of warmth during a chilly week.
Believe it or not, it is already time to begin thinking about the 2025-26 school year. We invite each student who will be a Mustang next year to attend our Course Fair and Choice Sheet Night on campus from 5:30-7:00 PM. Families will preview next year's offerings in advance of filling out course selection sheets later in the week. Teachers, counselors, special program staff, administrators, and student volunteers will host information sessions and hands-on demonstrations so students can make informed decisions.
Looking ahead, we have other important routine and special events on the horizon, so please stay tuned for updates and reminders in our school communications. Please check out our Save the Date section below, which is updated each week.
Let's make it another great week to be an O. Henry Mustang!
☮️, ❤️, and 🐴’s,
Marlo Malott
Coming Up January
- 15 (Wed)ACES TIME Honor Roll / GL Assembly 6th and 7th Grade-- AB Honor Roll, Super Star Awards, No Tardies, Attendance
- 15 (Wed) Course Fair for SY 25-26--5:30-7
- 16 (Thur)Evacuation Drill: 11:00 am- 4th period
- 16 (Thur) ACES TIME Honor Roll / GL Assembly 8th Grade-AB Honor Roll, Super Star Awards, No Tardies, Attendance
- 17 (Fri) AISD MS All-City Band Rehearsal & Concert (All City Band members only)
- 18 (Sat) AISD MS All-City Band Rehearsal & Concert (All City Band members only)
- 21 (Tue)-24 (Fri)Camp O. Henry
- 21 (Tue) Mustang Council (CAC) Meeting
- 23 (Thur) Lockdown Drill: 2:35 pm, 8th period
- 24 (Fri) Beginning Band Bowling- Westgate Lanes
- 27 (Mon)Austin HS Choice Sheets
- 29 (Wed) Staff Development / Student Holiday / Lunar New Year (Grade Level/Parent Mtg)
- 31 (Fri)7th/8th Grade Band O Rama@ Austin HS
Happening This Week
First C Team Basketball Practice: 4:00 PM
Tuesday, 1/14 C Day
Wednesday, 1/15 -A day
6th and 7th Grade Honor Roll Ceremony: 1:45 PM
Course Fair Night - 5:30-7:00 PM
Thursday, 1/16- B Day
Student FCA - 7:30 AM Big Gym
8th Grade Honor Roll Ceremony: 1:45 PM
7th Grade Boys Basketball vs Small MS. B Team 6:00 PM, A Team 7:00 PM
8th Grade Boys Basketball @ Small MS. B Team 6:00 PM, A Team 7:00 PM
Friday, 1/17- C Day
6th and 7th Grade Choice Sheet Presentations - During Class
Saturday, 1/18
Soccer: O. Henry vs. Small Middle School. A Team 9:00 AM, B Team 10:30 AM
National Junior Honor Society
NEW NJHS Applicants
WE are excited to announce that we have decided to open up the O. Henry NJHS chapter to 7th graders (and eligible 8th graders) this year. We are going to have a mid-year application process for interested students.
NEW NJHS Applicants-- check out the Link about NJHS and the application OR Students can self-enroll in the Blend course Application at this URL: https://aisdblend.instructure.com/enroll/D9EBFT
NJHS induction ceremony will be Thursday, Jan 30th at 6:00pm
If you have any questions please contact Mrs. White - Becky.White@austinisd.org.
Athletics News
Girls' Athletics Clothing Donation Request
Girls Athletics is in need of gently used sweatpants, leggings, shorts, and sports bras. We are in need of all sizes. Please bring donations to the front office. Thank you!
Counselor Corner
Grief and Loss
Mustang Families, we are planning to host a grief and loss group for O. Henry students beginning on Friday, December 6th. If you would like your student to be part of this group, or would like more information, please email ivy.claflin@austinisd.org (OHMS counselor).
PTA News
Parent involvement is what makes a school GREAT! A great way to help and get to know the staff is to volunteer in the front office. SIGN UP HERE TO VOLUNTEER IN THE OFFICE!
Mustang Mall
The Mustang Mall now has a dedicated square credit card reader, so the kids are able to use watches, Apple Pay and cards to pay!!
We are always looking for volunteers to work the store during the 2 hour lunch period. CLICK HERE to sign up for Mustang Mall!!
Upcoming Important PTA Dates:
- January 15 - Course Fair Night 5:30 - 7pm - Any prospective and interested students and families are invited to this come and go event. Students will preview course sheets and be able to talk to teachers and students enrolled in courses. Mustang Mall will be selling swag, PTA will have a membership and info table. Refreshments and treats will be provided.
- January 20 - NO SCHOOL - MLK
- January 28 - Mustang Council (CAC) Meeting - 4pm
- January 29 - STUDENT HOLIDAY
Enroll Austin School Year 25-26
Annual Registration
Dear Parent or Guardian,
We hope your child has had a fantastic year so far at O. Henry! We appreciate your partnership this year and are thrilled to begin preparing for the upcoming year.
We wanted to announce that our annual registration process is now open. To ensure your child is all set for next year, you will need to register your child using the AISD Portal by mid-May.
Registering online will only take a few minutes and ensures your child has a smooth transition into the following year. This process allows us to make sure all of your information is up to date.
If you have any questions about the registration process, please call 512-414-7328 or our front office at 512-414-3229.
Lizbeth Rodriguez-Loza
Registrar/ PEIMS Clerk
Attendance Reminders/Updates
**90% rule what does it mean?**
**90% rule what does it mean?**
If a student drops below 90% in a course, an "NC" is entered instead of a grade. The grade may be passing – but the student did not attend at least 90% of the time. Please contact your student’s Assistant Principal to see what corrective steps must be taken.
Notices are going out to families this week whose students are dropping below 90% attendance and we will be required to attend "Attendance Matters" workshop:
2024-2025 Bell Schedule
Community Information
Nominations for Salute!
Salute is Austin ISD’s annual celebration to recognize some of the district’s outstanding team members for their continued dedication to student excellence and achievement in our schools.
Nominations for 2025 Salute Awards are now open!
District staff, families, and the community are invited to submit a nomination for a campus staff member they believe represents the very best of Austin ISD.
The Salute Awards recognizes campus-based staff members in TEN categories. The winners will be celebrated at our Salute Awards ceremony, where we will also honor Teachers of Promise and Teachers of the Year.
Nominations will close January 15 at 5pm.
All Austin ISD staff, students, family, and community members are invited to nominate Austin ISD staff members in the following categories:
- Campus Clerical/Office Support Staff of the Year
- Teaching Assistant of the Year
- Custodial/Facilities Maintenance Staff of the Year
- Transportation Staff of the Year
- Food Service/Warehouse Staff of the Year
- Campus Safety and Security Staff of the Year
- Librarian of the Year
- Counselor of the Year
- Assistant Principal of the Year (Includes Academy Directors & Academic Deans)
- Principal of the Year
Click here to submit your nominations!
Check out last year's Salute Winners and Finalists below!