BGVA High School Updates
Weekly contact November 18-22
Weekly Updates for BGVA High School Students
Welcome to our High School Newsletter for the 2024/25 school year! This is your one-stop place to find important information, make weekly contact, and stay connected. Read on for more information!
Important Dates!
- November 18: Cascadia Tech Academy Assembly at RHL gym from 2:15 to 3:15pm
- November 20: ASVAB Testing @ Prairie HS from 9 to 11am
- Thanksgiving Break Wednesday Nov 27- Friday Nov 29 - Teachers will not be available but your courses will be open to work on.
- December 1: FAFSA/WASFA Application Opens
- December 6: For Seniors - High School & Beyond Plan is DUE!
- December 11: ASVAB @ RHL from 8:30 am -11:00 am
Other Important Links:
Extra Curricular Activities
Extracurricular Activites
- An important reminder, even though you are a BGVA student, you can still participate at your local high school for their after school activities, such as sports, drama, clubs and other activities. Studies show that students engaged in extracurricular activities have better attendance and higher grades. Make sure you reach out to your local school or contact your BGVA advisor if you have any additional questions regarding these opportunities.
Core Values
- Bold: Be kind/ Best at Getting Better
Goal oriented: Growth Mindset, work together
Visionary: Value everyone’s participation
Adaptable: Any time Any place Any student Any pace
November Counselor Newsletter for High School
Please check out our Counselor Newsletter for more information about Running Start, High School & Beyond Plan, scholarships, Cascadia Tech, graduation, and more.
Quick Links:
SENIORS Did you apply for the College Bound Scholarship in grades 7, 8, or 9th Grade?
11/18/24 & 1/8/25- Cascadia Tech Interest Presentation & Field Trip
12/6/24 - Seniors High School & Beyond Plans Due
Testing Dates Quick Links:
Gratitude Month
BGVA Virtual Giving Tree
- From all of us at BGVA, we hope our students and families have a joyous and memorable holiday season. We understand this time of year can bring challenges. Our wish is to ease some of the difficulties families are experiencing. If you are interested in receiving assistance; please fill out this form by November 20, 2024.
- BGVA Giving Tree
According to Character Strong, gratitude is the character trait of choosing to appreciate and notice things in the world, in others, and in one's own life. It involves feeling and expressing a deep sense of thankfulness, and taking time to genuinely express that thankfulness to others
Some examples of gratitude include:
- Being thankful for gifts, favors, compliments, and services received
- Being thankful for things like being able to see, hear, and walk
- Feeling a sense of having been given a gift by someone or an event
- Check your school email EVERY DAY!
- Work in your classes every day
- Contact your teachers for any questions or help
- Attend your Advising appointments!
- Wednesday mornings are "late start." Your classes will be available, but your teachers are in meetings until about 10:45 a.m.
Weekly Contact
Generosity Kindness Gratitude & Oxytocin by Simon Sinek
Weekly Certificated Contact!
After watching the video above, answer the questions on the Google Form below.
Click Here to open Google form.
Erin Krupicka
Erin is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters