Eagle Wings
Week of September 15th
Principal's Message
Greetings Eagle Families,
It was a fantastic FULL week in the nest! Last week we enjoyed having families hear about our school & learn about grade level curriculum during our Academic Partnership Night. We ended our week with science all around! Our high school friends from Innovation Academy did experiments with each class and we had our first assembly of the year, Science for Everyone.
This week we'll continue with great learning and thriving. Our 2nd graders will head out on the first field trip of the school year and we'll be hosting a Girl Scouts interest meeting on Wednesday night in the cafeteria. PTO will also be hosting a Spirit Night at Tumble on Friday night.
If you missed coming out for Academic Partnership Night, you can check our website for each grade level's presentation. You can also click here to access our welcome presentation.
Yours in partnership,
Ms. Crawford
STEM Day with Innovation Academy & Science for Everyone Assembly
Important Dates
18 - Girl Scout interest meeting @5:30pm in cafeteria
20 --Spirit Night at Tumble @5:30pm
23 – 30 MAP testing (4th grade only)
26 - Eagle Dash Rally
27 - Family Book Night @6-7pm in Media Center
27 - Movie Night @7:30pm on front field
30 - Fall Book Fair begins
1-4 - Fall Book Fair
1 – 4 MAP testing (4th grade only)
2 - Vision Screening (1st, 3rd, 5th grade)
9 – Eagle Dash
14 - 15 Fall break (no students)
16 - Professional Development Day (no students)
21 – PK Vision Screening 8:30-10:00
22 – Math Night @5pm in cafeteria
From the Media Center
Fall Book Fair is Sept.3-Oct.4!
AES Media Center will host the Literati Book Fair with a Family Book Night from 6-7 p.m. Sept. 27 before the movie night. Our online fair is open! Use this link to purchase digital gift cards for students to use during the fair.
Your Scholastic Book Fair funds nevr expire, and you should receive email reminders if you have a balance. You can log in and purchase materials online.
We need volunteers! Sign up here: Fall 2024 Book Fair Volunteers Sign Up
September Lesson Focus: Digital Citizenship
K-5 students will learn about Digital Citizenship by Common Sense Media. Topics for K-2nd grades include Introduction to Digital Citizenship, Media Balance, and Online Safety. Topics for 3rd-5th grades include Media Balance, Cyberbullying / Online Communication, and News & Media. These lessons are a district requirement and enable Alpharetta Elementary School to reapply to become a Common Sense Education School.
TAG Screening Information
The Fulton County School System screens all students for eligibility for gifted services twice a year and uses a systematic approach to identify highly capable students who may qualify for gifted services. This document explains the screening process for each cycle, automatic screening, and classroom screening.
From Our Counselor
Morning Carpool & Arrival
A few important reminders about morning arrival:
- No left turn is allowed onto Mayfield between 7:10 and 7:40 a.m. Please adhere to the posted signs and traffic laws.
- Carpool ends at 7:35 a.m. If you arrive after 7:35 a.m., you will have to park and walk your child in the front door. If the bell rings during this time, you'll need to sign your child in on the Checkmate system outside the front door.
Transportation Changes:
Transportation changes should be provided to your child's teacher on the "Notes from Home" pad you received in your red folder during open house. Please keep in mind that changes in transportation must be in writing and EMAILED to the front office (toppint@fultonschools.org).
Early Pick-Up:
When picking up your student early for appointments, you will need to present your driver’s license for safety and security. Early checkout will end at 1:30 pm.
AES Family Handbook:
CLICK HERE to access our Family Handbook and take a moment review some of the practices we adhere to here at AES. By doing so, that helps all of us be (and stay) on the same page!
Lunch/Item Drop-Off
We know mornings can be hectic and lunch or other items can get left behind. Don't worry! There is a cart outside the front door where you can drop things off. Please put your child's name, teacher and grade and items will be brought in daily by 10:30 a.m.
Attendance Matters
Positive school attendance helps students to stay engaged in learning. Attending school regularly allows students to participate in discussions, hands-on projects, and collaborative activities that enrich their learning experiences. Each student’s active engagement in learning shapes their individual educational journey.
Positive school attendance is directly connected to increased student engagement.
1. Building a Supportive Community: Encouraging your child to attend school regularly becomes easier when they feel a sense of belonging within the school community.
2. Celebrating Achievements: Acknowledging your child's successes, both academically and personally, can significantly boost their motivation to attend school.
3. Engaging Learning Experiences: An engaging classroom environment plays a pivotal role in motivating students to attend school regularly. Support teachers in their efforts to create interactive lessons, hands-on activities, and discussions that spark your child's curiosity.
4. Involvement in Extracurricular Activities: Extracurricular activities offer students a chance to explore their interests beyond the classroom. Encourage your child to participate in clubs, sports, arts, or other activities that align with their passions. The excitement of these extracurriculars can motivate them to attend school consistently.
5. Recognizing Improvement: If your child has struggled with attendance in the past, celebrate their efforts to improve. Recognize their progress and emphasize the positive impact regular attendance can have on their academic journey.
Remember, your involvement as parents and guardians is an essential factor in creating a positive and engaging school environment. Together, we can foster an atmosphere where students are excited to come to school, engage in learning, and build a foundation for a successful future.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in ensuring the success of your child's education. For more information on FCS attendance policies please visit the FCS Attendance Matters Website or reach out to our school social worker, Randi Downey, LCSW, downeyr@fultonschools.org, 470-317-8530.
From the Cafeteria
To continue receiving Free or Reduced-Price Meal benefits, each household must submit a new application every year. Meal benefits for the 2024-2025 school year will end on Sept.18, 2024, if the household has not reapplied and are approved by that date. If there is an interruption in benefits or no reapplication is received, the household will be responsible for meal payments until the new application is approved. To ensure uninterrupted benefits, households must complete an online application before Sept.18, 2024, at www.fulton.nlappscloud.com, or submit a paper application to the school cafeteria manager by Sept. 16, 2024.
Please note: If your student attends a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school, you do not need to submit any meal application forms. A list of CEP schools can be found at https://nutrition.fultonschools.org/CommunityEligibility.
For any questions, please contact the Fulton County School Nutrition Program Meal Eligibility Desk at (470) 254-2220.
Code of Conduct
The new 2024-2025 Student Code of Conduct is available on the Fulton County Schools website. Click Here for quick access. Ensure that you and your Eagle review this important document.
The Fulton County Schools Code of Conduct is now ready for parents to review and sign in Infinite Campus. Families need to complete their digital attestation through the Parent Portal by accessing the documents tagged "NEEDS ATTENTION."
Here is a (link) with instructions on how to complete the Acknowledgment of Receipt Form. All parents and students (over 10 years old) MUST sign this form found within their INFINITE CAMPUS PARENT/STUDENT PORTAL ACCOUNT.
From the PTO
PTO Newsletter
PTO now has their own newsletter. Be sure to click on the link and read all about the great things PTO does to help AES!
From FCS
September 11, 2024
The Fulton County Board of Education met on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 for its regularly scheduled work session at the North Learning Center. The full agenda is available online via BoardDocs. Meetings are streamed live on the FCS homepage, with recordings available within 48 hours.
Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Mike Looney began his report by expressing that our collective hearts go out to those affected by last week’s Apalachee High School shooting, noting the tragedy, which happened in a neighboring community, hits especially close to home. Fulton County Schools, along with the county’s municipal partners, are deeply committed to maintaining a safe environment for our students and staff. Since the shooting occurred, Dr. Looney said district schools have been impacted by disruptive and dangerous social media posts and reminded everyone that individuals making specific threats on social media will be investigated and fully prosecuted under the law. If you see or hear of a threat, please notify authorities but do not forward, share or repost the threat on social media or publicly. He ended these comments with a new slogan, “Report. Don’t Repost.”
Continuing his report, Dr. Looney acknowledged that September is Suicide Awareness Month, emphasizing that the district has counselors and school psychologists available to help students at any time. Additionally, help is always available by dialing the #988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, a national network of more than 200 crisis centers that helps thousands of people overcome crises.
Division Update: Operations
The Operations Division provides high levels of service through five departments including Capital Programs, Facility Services, Transportation, Operational Planning and Nutrition. Over the summer, division leaders developed five strategic priorities to guide much of the division’s work this school year, including prioritizing safety and operational efficiency and strengthening employee engagement.
By embracing innovative practices, School Nutrition supports the needs of students and aligns with the district’s educational goals while serving approximately 75,000 meals per day. This year, the School Nutrition department is focused on enhancing the nutritional quality of meals and promoting student health and well-being. The team will introduce 32 new recipes enhancing the variety and quality of meal offerings.
The Transportation department has developed innovative ways to engage with students. For example, bus drivers will bring ‘Buster,’ a large remote-controlled bus, to classrooms to teach bus expectations and PBIS or Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. The department is also rolling out a safety program for elementary school students.
After completing 137 projects under construction in 84 schools last summer, Capital Programs is excited for the completion of Conley Hills Elementary School, construction of S.L. Lewis Elementary School and North Springs High School replacement projects, and the design of the new Camp Creek Middle School.
Also, this year, Operational Planning will work with school leadership and the Instruction Division to implement a new “Open Enrollment” Process.
After highlighting some of the division’s goals, Chief Operations Officer Mr. Noel Maloof assured the Board that Operations plans to emphasize communication and community engagement this year while strongly aligning with the district values of Integrity, Teamwork and Accountability. See the full presentation here.
School Closure/Consolidation
Deputy Chief Operations Officer Yngrid Huff presented data showing enrollment as a district is on a downward trend in Fulton County, resulting in excess classroom space throughout the school system. Specifically, the most significant decline in student population is at the elementary school level but middle and high schools also are impacted.
Ms. Huff shared that Board Policy FDB requires a review of schools that meet certain criteria – such as low enrollment or aging building conditions – to be considered for consolidation or closure. Neighboring schools also are reviewed for available space and whether they can accommodate additional students. The policy states that schools with enrollment below specific thresholds (elementary schools - 450 students, middle schools - 600 students, and high schools - 700 students) are administratively expensive to maintain, operationally inefficient, and cannot effectively support the staff and resources needed for an optimal educational program.
While Policy FDB does not require the Board to close or consolidate schools, it does instruct district staff to identify schools meeting those criteria and share a list with the Board for discussion. Nine schools each have 450 or fewer students enrolled, face a continued declining enrollment projection, and/or have aging facility conditions.
After a review of the schools’ data, Board members directed FCS staff to begin engaging the community about the possible school closure and consolidation of two schools: Parklane Elementary School in the south Fulton region and Spalding Drive Elementary School in the Sandy Springs region. Data for the north Fulton region also was examined, and Board members directed staff to postpone a similar conversation with the community until 2027 so that recommendations can be incorporated into the next five-year capital plan.
For the Parklane Elementary School and Spalding Drive Elementary School conversations, community meetings will be held in October, November and December to collect input for drawing new attendance boundaries in the affected schools’ attendance zones and to balance enrollments among neighboring schools. The formal recommendation will be presented to the School Board for a vote in February 2024, with changes occurring with the 2025-2026 school year. Board members also will receive feedback at their monthly community meetings.
The presentation, which includes facility condition/classification for all schools as well as a sub-set of elementary and middle schools with declining enrollments, can be found here. For more information you can email planning@fultonschools.org.
Instructional Calendar Parameters
The proposed calendar parameters for the 2026-2027 school year were presented to the Board of Education for first read and will be voted on at a later date. With the Board’s approval, these parameters will guide the development of the calendar for the 2026-2027 school year. The following is the list of the proposed calendar parameters:
- Aim for 180 instructional days during the year
- Plan as many full weeks of instruction as possible
- Implement opportunities for job-embedded professional development
- Designate at least two teacher workdays each semester
- Include a full week at the Thanksgiving Holiday for staff and students
- Conclude first semester prior to the winter holiday break in December
- Include two full weeks for staff and students at the winter holiday break in December
- Aim for Spring Break to be the first full week in April following the first Sunday in April to align with metro districts
- Utilize remote learning to state/national elections or other emergency situations
- Conclude last day of school for students to be prior to Memorial Day Weekend
- Consider opportunities for fall and winter breaks
Pre-Work Session
The Fulton County School system's pre-work session is a public meeting that takes place before each monthly work session. The session is an opportunity for the board to receive policy drafts and provide feedback, as well as to give presentations or focus on topics of interest. Audio recordings of the pre-work session are available within 48 hours. Topics discussed at this week’s pre-work session include:
- Strategic Plan update
- Program Evaluation: Every Child Reads
- Operating Guideline IJ Programs, Pilots, Research and Evaluation
- Facility Alterations
New Hires & Promotions
The following individuals were approved for a new position at the Board meeting:
- Montreal Bell | Director, Grant Services
- Lauren Busing | Principal, Lake Winward Elementary School
Board Recognitions
Each month the Fulton County Board of Education recognizes outstanding students, staff, and schools honored at the state, national, or international level. Honorees must have placed first at the regional or state level or be among the top finishers at the national or international level.
- Congratulations to River Trail Middle School student Minakshi Chilagani on winning first place in the 2024 Georgia School Bus Safety Poster Contest and second place in the national competition.
- Congratulations to Chattahoochee High School students Prinsha Chanda and Caroline Huang on winning first place at the 2024 National Beta Club Convention.
2024-25 Community Meetings with Board Members
Each member of the Fulton County Board of Education sponsors a monthly meeting open to all members of the community. The sessions provide an opportunity for direct contact with community members and give Board members a chance to listen to local issues and concerns. Click here to see the meeting schedules of all Board members.
Georgia Milestones Results Information
Spring Milestone scores have begun to populate in SLDS. Parents can access Georgia Milestones student score reports for the Spring 2023-2024 test administration by logging into Georgia SLDS.
Click on this link to access directions: Parent SLDS Access Steps.docx
FCS District Health Services
FCS is committed to ensuring that all students stay healthy, are safe and are reading to learn. Please click here to read more about health services information.
Community Info
Alpharetta Jr. Basketball Tryouts
Sunday, September 15th and 22nd
6th Grade-1:00-2:30
7th/8th Grade-2:30-4:00
Sunday, September 22nd-4:30-6:00
Tuesday, September 24th-6:30-8:00
Tryouts will be held at the Alpharetta High School Gym
Register at www.jlbballtryouts.net