The Wildcat Weekly
May 10, 2024
Message from Mr. Barnett
Yearbooks will be distributed on May 22. If you missed the order deadline we do have a few left. Please contact the front office to purchase one. The remaining books will be sold first come first serve.
I am happy to report that MAP testing is complete. Results take several months to receive and you will receive them in the mail. Thank you for being supportive of students and staff through the MAP process.
There will be no Library book check outs for the remainder of this school year. Books that are currently out are due on Friday, May 17. Please help students make sure books get back to school on the 17th.
Outstanding Lunch Balances
Families, currently we have over $689 dollars in outstanding lunch balances for our students. Please take the time to make sure you are caught up before the end of the school year.
Aaron Barnett
Aaron is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters