ORSP Puppy Chow
May 17, 2024
Principal's Message
Hello Preschool families! Happy Friday!
Well, we are beginning to wind it down. It has been so wonderful to see the parents coming and going from the building for conferences.
Our classrooms are continuing their Getting Ready for Kindergarten or Gardening study. The 4-year-olds are getting so excited for Kindergarten! What an exciting time! Please be sure you have completed the enrollment for your child for kindergarten and also scheduled your child’s kindergarten screening with your elementary school.
Students’ last day of school will be Wednesday, May 29th. This will be an early dismissal day.
One reminder: Please remember that students are not permitted to wear flip-flops or other shoes that do not have a back on them. This is for your child’s safety. We appreciate your cooperation!
We are enrolling now for next school year. Please spread the word to your friends and family that the time is here to enroll for preschool for next year!
Have a wonderful weekend!
School Calendar
Memorial Day, no school: May 27
Last day for students/half day: May 29
Enrollment event at Oak Ridge Place Apartments: June 1
From Nurse Kelly
If your student has medication at school, you should be receiving a letter and a form regarding medication pickup on Monday. Please complete the highlighted section of the form regarding what your plan is for your student's medication and return the form to school ASAP. The options for medications are as follows: the school nurse can dispose of the medication for you or you can pick the medication up to take home. All medications need to be picked up by an adult before or by Tuesday, May 28. If your student's medication is one for potential medical emergencies (example: epi-pen, inhaler, etc.) please wait to pick it up until the 28th. Any medications still at school after the 28th will be thrown away by the school nurse by the end of day on Wednesday, May 29th. If you have any questions, please contact Nurse Kelly at 425-9143 or kcjones@ortn.edu
Assurances from Aleaha
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
3's- Gardening
The 3-year-old classrooms have started their exploration in Gardening! This week they talked discussed what grows in a garden.
4's- Getting Ready for Kindergarten
This week the 4's wrapped up- "Getting Ready for Kindergarten!". Time was spent each day reflecting on what they had learned and discussions around the Elementary School visits they all attended.
Character Strong- Purposefull People
We are wrapping up this school year with Kindness. Our classrooms will be discussing creativity through activities and books as well as reflecting on the traits they discussed this year.
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Lisa Downard, Principal
Erin Pearson, Education and Mental Health Coordinator
Nancy Chrisman, Family and Community Manager
Robin Johnson, Recruitment/Enrollment/Attendance Manager
Kelly Jones, ORSP Nurse