Reynolds Band E-News

The Reynolds Band team is so thankful this Thanksgiving for all of your support for our band members - whether it's carting your students back and forth for events, donating candy/food/money/etc, spending time helping out around the band hall, serving as a chaperone, or simply telling your students to practice. It truly takes a village to run a successful band program, and we are so lucky to have the very best one!
Dec 3 - Elementary Tour Part 1 (WE only - parent help needed!)
Dec 4 - WE Flute Performance @ District Office
Dec 6 - 7/8 Winter Concert @ PHS Auditorium - 6:30 PM - Call Time TBA
Dec 10 - Beginning Band & Jazz Band Concert @ Reynolds Gym - 6:30 PM - Call Time TBA
Dec 13 - Elementary Tour Part 2 (WE only - parent help needed!)
Dec 18 - Percussion Coffeehouse Concert @ PHS - 6:30 PM
Jan 10 - All-District Clinic & Concert @ PHS Auditorium (Arrive @ PHS at 8 AM, concert usually around 5 PM, more info to come)
For all band-related questions, please do not reply to this email. Instead, please email your child's director separately using their district email address.
Direct replies to this email will not go to any directors' email inboxes and will not be seen.
Sectional Updates
Wind Ensemble: No sectionals December 2-6 due to Caroling Tour and Winter Concert. Please note call time for Caroling tour.
**Symphonic Band and Concert Band updates to come on Monday!
🎄 Wind Ensemble Winter Caroling Tour ⛄
Volunteers Needed!
LUNCH SIGNUPS: In-Person help signups Available in Cut Time and lunchtime goodie signups are linked below. Please consider helping us feed our amazing band members. Thank you to those who have already signed up to help us out!
WHEN: *NEW* There are now TWO caroling dates! December 3 and 13. Note: December 3 is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving break!
CALL TIME: 7:30 AM - Rehearsal until 8:45 AM.
TIME: Members will load buses at 9 and depart at 9:30 AM and return at 1:30 PM. Students will be responsible for communicating missed class time with teachers. (They will miss 1st through 6th periods)
LUNCH: We need help! Please visit CutTime to sign up for a helper slot or if you prefer to donate goodies to our students, please see the signup below! **Please note: We will have cheese and pepperoni pizza available. We will have a gluten free pizza available for gluten intolerance.
ATTIRE: Band t-shirt and fun holiday themed accessories.
Tour Logistics Sheets went home prior to Thanksgiving Break! Please check your child's binder if you need a paper copy of the sheet.
Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble
WHEN: Friday, December 6
TIME: Concert begins at 6:30. Call times vary by band (please see attached logistics sheet)
WHERE: Prosper High School Auditorium
LARGE INSTRUMENTS: Please make sure to have transportation secured for your child's instrument. There will not be a truck available.
ATTIRE: Formal concert attire - please make sure to have formal, closed-toe dress shoes and dress socks. Shoes and socks should be all black with no markings, including the sole. Students can opt to wear holiday-themed accessories (Santa hats, etc). Ladies: Recommended thick black trouser socks or tights.
Logistics Sheets went home prior to Thanksgiving Break! Please check your child's binder if you need a paper copy of the sheet.
Tuesday, December 10
Logistics Sheets went home prior to Thanksgiving Break! Please check your child's binder if you need a paper copy of the sheet.
WHEN: Tuesday, December 10
WHERE: Reynolds Gym - Please enter through glass library loop doors - the same entrance as sporting events in the gym. Student entrance only through Door #09 - Parents will not be allowed to enter through Door #09.
TIME: Student call time is 4:55 PM - Doors open to audience at 6:15 PM - Concert Time is 6:30 PM
ATTIRE: Green Band T-shirt, Jeans or dark solid colored pants, tennis shoes. Students can opt to wear holiday accessories!
- Please remain seated during the performance.
- Please keep young children seated and quiet during the performance. The concert will be recorded and the directors would like to preserve the integrity of the performance. If a young child becomes restless, please find the exit and remove the child quickly to allow other families to enjoy their child's performance.
- Please feel free to take photos from your seat! However, please be mindful of Copyright laws - please refrain from posting videos of the band's performance on social media.
- Clapping after performances is encouraged! However, please keep in mind that this performance is a formal event and not a sporting event. Yelling, air horns, whistling, stomping in the stands, etc is highly discouraged in a formal concert event.
Volunteer Opportunities
Check back weekly for more opportunities!
December 3 & 13 - Wind Ensemble Parent helpers needed for our winter tours!
December 6 & 10 - Parent volunteers needed to hold/monitor building doors prior to concert time. Signups available in CutTime!
Last week we officially kicked off Band Olympics! Students submit "events" via SmartMusic, Google Classroom, before/after class, and playing tests to earn points throughout the year. Each week, we will post the Leaderboard Here!
7/8 Band Sectional Schedules
Sectional schedules posted below for Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, and Concert Band. For conflicts, please reach out directly to your child's director for alternate plans.
This does not pertain to beginning band members. Students starting band for the very first time this year are not required to attend sectionals.
7/8 Band Supplies
Beginning Band Supplies
Access at reynoldsband.com/lessons
Private lessons are a vital part of any successful band program and are what make the Reynolds band students really great musicians! Prosper ISD bands are very fortunate to have a staff of incredibly highly qualified teachers that have been vetted by the same intensive processes as all Prosper ISD school teachers. We very highly recommend that any and all band students enroll lessons offered through the Reynolds Band. Additionally, most students who take lessons from Reynolds lesson staff are able to take lessons during band class!
**Reminder: Private lessons are required for Symphonic Winds members as well as french horn, double reed, and percussion students.
Clarinet, saxophone, low brass, and percussion: Due to the high demand of for lessons from our amazing teachers at Reynolds as well as other schools, these sections tend to fill up FAST - we highly recommend signing up sooner than later to ensure a spot in the studio!
For more information about our lesson program, please visit reynoldsband.com/lessons or click the link below to enroll your child in the 2023-2024 Reynolds Band Private Lesson program today!