Nokomis Montessori South
Week of May 6, 2024
Our School Vision
Important Dates
5/7 - Walk/Bike to School Day
5/17 - Fun Fair (5:00-6:30 PM)
5/21 - Coffee with the Principal (9:45-10:30 AM)
5/23 - Music Concerts (More info coming soon)
5/31 - Nokomis Montessori South Field Day
(NEW) Counselor's Corner
Nokomis Montessori South Students and Families,
The month of May is here, and the end of the school year is in sight. Let’s continue to stay focused, participate in classroom discussions, complete your school work, and of course get outside and enjoy the beautiful spring weather.
During the month of May, the school counseling department will continue to focus on personal safety for K-4, while the fifth graders will continue to shift their brains to middle school next year. All fifth graders should have found out their school placement for 2024-2025. Please reach out if you have any questions or you can always contact Student Placement at 651-632-3760 as well.
Summer school registration is in full swing. Dayton’s Bluff will once again be the main location for K-4th grade students living in Attendance Area B (which most Nokomis South students do). Fifth graders will have the option to choose from a variety of specialized programs. If you’re interested in finding out more information and registering your child for summer school, then please go to https://www.spps.org/summer,. You can also reach out to me directly by email, and I can register students as well.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions, concerns or anything else. You can contact me at my email: kyle.johnson3@spps.org, call me at my office phone number: 651-744-5318 or you can also fill out the Parent Referral as well.
Thank you and have a great month of May,
Mr. Kyle
(New) Playground Social
Thank you to our Community-School Engagement Committee and PTO for hosting the root beer float playground social last week! It was a huge hit--lots of smiles as children played and families connected.
(NEW) Walk/Bike to School Day--May 7
This week we will participate in National Bike/Walk to School Day. Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 7 students who ride the yellow school buses will have the opportunity to experience the health benefits of walking to school.
Instead of dropping children off in front of school, on National Bike/Walk to School Day our buses will drop off children at Eastview Recreation Center (1675 Fifth Street East), where students will be met by school staff and volunteers. Students and volunteers will then walk to school along the 4-6 block route shown on the map below.
Walking to school has many benefits. Studies find that physical activity improves academic performance. Schools with regular "Walking Wednesdays" report that students who walk arrive at school happier and better prepared to learn.
Parents and children who do not take the bus are invited to walk with us also and to join their schoolmates at the bus drop location or anywhere along the route. However, please do not park or drop off children where the buses will be unloading along Fifth Street.
Students will be off of school grounds for this event. To participate, if a Type I Field Trip Parent/Guardian Authorization Form was not turned in at the beginning of the school year, your child will need to turn one in to their teacher. In the case of bad weather, Nokomis South will decide whether to cancel or postpone this event. If you have questions, would like to volunteer, or do not want your child to participate in this activity, please contact Ms. Abby.
We’re looking forward to walking to school with your child.
(NEW) Spring Fun Fair--Mark your Calendars
Our Spring Fun Fair will be on Friday, May 17 from 5:00-6:30 PM.
What is it?
The Fun Fair is a fundraiser and community event. It is operated by Nokomis South families and staff. It features games, prizes, a silent auction, and food. All proceeds will be used to pay for field trips, the artists in residence program and Hmong New Year. Games will be free to play, but a donation of $5 per family is suggested.
Please see the flyer below with additional information.
(NEW) Staff Appreciation Week--This Week!
Just a reminder that this week, May 6-11, is staff appreciation week at Nokomis Montessori South! Thank you to all that donated items to support our staff appreciation week activities. Hand written notes or email messages of appreciation are also a great way to share your support and appreciation of our staff community.
(NEW) Library Books--A Reminder
Please encourage your student(s) to return their school library books. We have a few students that have 15+ books checked out. While we love that the students enjoy checking out books, we also want the books back so others can enjoy them. The last day to check out books from school will be May 24.
(NEW) Information from our Health Office Team
Check out the link below to learn about a fun clinic that will be held on Saturday, May 18, 2024 from 9am-3pm. Kids can bring toys for repair and see inside an ambulance.
(REMINDER) Coffee with the Principal
Principal Abby will host a Coffee with the Principal gathering on Tuesday, May 21 from 9:45-10:30 AM. The Coffee with the Principal events are informal gatherings--enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, hear some updates from the school, share feedback and ask questions, and connect with other Nokomis families.
In May, Ms. Abby will share some updates on our ongoing school improvement work and updates on budget and planning for the 2024-25 school year.
Like always, call our main office with any questions at 651-744-5500.
About Us
Email: abigail.felber-smith@spps.org
Website: https://www.spps.org/NokomisSouth
Location: 525 White Bear Avenue, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-744-5500
Twitter: @NokomisSouth