Raider Reporter Staff Edition
Once a Raider, Always a Raider

Amazing Raider Families,
This is the Great Kindness Challenge Week!
“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees." ~Amelia Earhart~
In a time of deep division and polarization, kindness has the power to bring us together. Kindness has the power to be contagious. Kindness has the power to melt the iciest of hearts and break down barriers. Kindness should be our normal day-to-day operation. This is the Great Kindness Challenge Week, and this year's theme is : Kindness Moves. Kindness compels us to act. The power of kindness is underestimated. It is highly contagious and makes people feel good. Nobel Laureate, Albert Schweitzer said this, "Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun melts the ice, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate. For this week, please watch this video called The Power of Kindness.
As high school students, how do you practice kindness right away? Here is a list practical ways in which you purposefully demonstrate kindness this week.
- Say a greeting (hello, good morning, good day) to someone. You never know who might need it.
- Throw your trash in the garbage. Don't leave it for someone else to pick up for you.
- Don't post bad things on social media about anyone. If you really want to show you are a kind person, do not participate in this kind of behavior and use your social media presence for good.
- Be a friend to a fellow Raider who does not have a friend.
- Be kind to your parents by doing your best at school, so they do not have to worry.
- Be kind to your sibling by spending quality time with them.
- Click HERE to get other ideas of kindness acts
Monday and Tuesday are Late Start/Early Release Days
Raiders, this is a reminder that tomorrow and Tuesday are Late Start Days. First bell rings at 9:20am. Dismissal is at 3;00pm.
Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) begins January 29, 2025
Parents, please join us for a four-week workshop series taught by PIQE. Please call our State and Federal Office at 619.628.6303 and speak to Ms. Rodriguez. You may also email her at gloria.rodriguez@sweetwaterschools.org. Also, read the flyer below for more information.
Credit Recovery Classes During Semester 2
Students, we will be offering Credit Recovery in the following courses listed below. If you failed one or more of this classes, you will called in by your counselors that you will need to potentially attend credit recovery before school, after school, Saturday or a combination of all three times. These courses are being offered because they are not available in APEX or in Summer School.
- PE (Ms. Bush will be the teacher)
- World Language (Ms. Hernandez-Cooley with teach Spanish Speakers / Ms. Torres will teach Non-Native Spanish)
- Chemistry (We still need a teacher)
SAT Prep for 11th Graders
Juniors, the SAT is back as part of the college admission process. We have created a test prep session just for you. Please read the flyer below. If you are interested, click HERE to register. Space is limited so sign up now.
Graduation Requirement Changes for Community Service
Seniors, the number of hours of community service required for graduation has decreased from 30 hours to 10 hours. Please check with your counselors or you social science teachers if you have met this requirement. If not, you need to start puting in your hours of community service now so that you meet the all graduation requirements.
Graduation Date is June 4, 2025
Class of 2025, your graduation date is June 4, 2025. To ensure your participation in this milestone event, please make sure that you pass all your classes, and you also do not get in trouble. Starting in February, the senior non-privilege list will released. You will be placed on the list if you have are not passing your classes at the first progress report, you missed school and did not make it up at Saturday School, you were seen at the main office for behavior issues and/or you owe the library monies.
Elks Lodge Scholarship Winner for January
Congratulations to Andrew Lopez for receiving the January Elk's Lodge Scholarship for $1000.
Let's have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Finley
Raider families,
Safety is our top priority here on campus. If students do not feel safe, it is difficult to learn. One of our biggest challenge is that our main gate is not attached to the main office like so many schools have. Consequently, the area between the main gate and the main office presents a challenge when potential or imminent threat arises. In meeting with the admin team, the Director of Safety and with campus assistants, we have created new safety protocols for access to the campus. I have included them in this newsletter. Thank you for your compliance is these safety protocols.
Students, let's send a bus load of students to attend the BSU conference at Southwestern College. Since this is during the day, it is a field trip. In order to participate, you must register and then complete the field trip form that asks your teachers permission for you to attend. Ms. Huntley is the BSU Faculty Advisor. If you have any questions, please see here in room 310.
- Click HERE to register.
Monday Bell Schedule
Period 3 Late Start
Tuesday Bell Schedule
Period 4 Late Start
Wednesday Bell Schedule
Period 5 Start
Thursday Bell Schedule
Period 6 Start
Friday Bell Full Schedule
Period 1 Start