Sells eNews
June 27th, 2023

August 30, 2024
No School on Monday - Labor Day Holiday
From Mr. Sachtleben's Desk...
It has been a great second full week of school this week. We are starting to observe a comfort level among our students as they are continuing to master their routine and schedule. With this, we want to continue to emphasize that our students meet our Common Commitments. This includes understanding our Voice Volume Levels in the classroom, bathroom and during lunch! We continue to teach these Common Commitments and are working to remain consistent from classroom to classroom. I encourage our parents to ask their student as to what is included with our Common Commitments! I know they can tell you!
I hope you have a great long weekend. Enjoy the day off on Monday! As always, at any time you would like to communicate with either the Admin Team or your School Counselor, please note our email addresses below.
Have a great weekend!
Admin Email Addresses
Principal: Matt Sachtleben (sachtleben_matt@dublinschools.net)
Assistant Principal: Katy O'Neal (oneal_katy@dublinschools.net)
School Counselor Assignments
Last names A-F: Mrs. Erin Bissell (bissell_erin@dublinschools.net)
Last names G-M: Mrs. Jessica Lanka (lanka_jessica@dublinschools.net)
Last names N-Z: Mrs. Dawn Wolf (wolf_dawn@dublinschools.net)
Building Info
Meal Prices Add Up! Apply Now for Free/Reduced School Meals
Check a back-to-school box off your list by going ahead and filling out the Free and Reduced Meal Application for your students. Apply online through PaySchools Central or use one of our printable forms (translated in multiple languages) to submit your information.
September Menus
Coming next week!
Attendance Information
If your child will be absent from school, please email our attendance line at sms_attendance@dublinschools.net
Or leave a voicemail at 614.718.8572
Please do not call the main line for attendance before 9:00am.
Please utilize the attendance EMAIL or attendance VOICEMAIL.
- Students MUST be in Rock period by 8:28am - Anytime after 8:28am is considered LATE and MUST sign in at the Main Office.
- LEAVING EARLY - A note from the parent/guardian should be given to Mrs. Stevenson (Attendance Secretary) first thing in the morning. She will give them a pass to leave class at the given time and your student will meet you in the Main Office at that time. You as the Parent/Guardian will need to come in to the office to sign them out.
- ARRIVING LATE - If your student is arriving late to school due to an appointment, they will need to sign in at the Main Office with Mrs. Stevenson. Medical appointments will be excused with a note from the medical provider.
The complete attendance policy is located in the Middle School Student Handbook on
pages 11-13.
Sells Athletic Corner with Mr. Jones
It was an event filled week at John Sells Middle School in the Athletic Arena! This marks our second full week of the regular season.
The Volleyballers lost to Buelah park on Monday, but came back stronger on Wednesday to sweep the Panther of Minerva Park! This marked the first win of the season for both the 7th and 8th grade teams.
Our 7th and 8th Grade Football teams took on two tough Eversole Run teams and came up short. They will be back in action next week against Olentangy Liberty.
The girls golf team secured two wins this week, braving hot days to shoot some cool scores.
Our Girls tennis team recorded a 5-0 win at Pickerington Ridgeview this week!
Cross country held there first meet of the year at Ballantrae Park. Every boys runner scored for the Rocks and Daviya W and Mio L finished 1st and 3rd in the girls division respectively.
The Sells Athletics Schedule for next week is as follows:
Monday 9/2/24
Tuesday 9/3/24
Girls Tennis vs Big Walnut - 5:00 PM - Karrer Middle School
Boys and Girls Cross Country vs Karrer - 5:00 PM - Ballantrae Park
Wednesday 9/4/24
7th Grade Football @ Olentangy Liberty - 5:00 PM - Olentangy Liberty Middle School
7th/8th Grade Volleyball @ Karrer - 5:00/6:15 PM - Karrer Middle School
Girls Tennis @ Grizzell - 5:00 PM - Grizzell Middle School
Thursday 9/5/24
8th Grade Football vs Olentangy Liberty - 5:00 PM - Sells Middle School
Girls Tennis @ Dempsey - 5:00 PM - Lincoln Sports Complex
7th/8th Grade Volleyball vs Grizzell - Sells Middle School
Friday 9/6/24
Saturday 9/7/24
Cross Country @ Mcgowan Invitational - Watkins Memorial High School
- Trey
PTO Information
Raising Canes Night
WHEN: September 11th
TIME: 1:00pm - 8:00pm
WHERE: Sawmill Road
Mention: Sells Middle School PTO fundraiser and 15% of sales will be donated
It’s that time! Our Fall Spirit Wear Sale has officially begun! We have a different design with new options this year, so make sure to check it out even if you have gear from last year. Our kids grow QUICK so grab some for their next size up or the whole family to support our awesome building!
PTO Membership Drive
Sells PTO has kicked off our annual DONATION ONLY drive as the only PTO fundraiser for this fall. We have several things planned for the students and teachers and they won't be possible without your support!
We are asking each family to donate $50 to allow us to continue to provide events and support for our students and teachers. Our goal for this year is $6,000.
It is easy to donate! Just click the button below or your child can drop off a check in the office in an envelope marked PTO Donation.
DCS News
Labor Day
As a reminder, there will be no school on Monday, September 2 in recognition of the Labor Day holiday. Enjoy the long weekend!
From the City of Dublin
A Squeaky-Clean DCRC
Staff have put in the work during the annual shutdown at the Dublin Community Recreation Center! Regular hours of operation and programming will resume Sept. 3. Sign up for a fall program using the Healthy Guide: https://bit.ly/DCRCHealthy
Pool Season Sending This Weekend
Labor Day weekend is your last chance to soak up the sun at Dublin Community Pool North and Ballantrae Spray Park. Both locations are closed for the rest of the year starting Sept. 3. Get your swimming in this weekend: https://bit.ly/DublinPools
City of Dublin Holiday Reminders
City Offices: Closed, Monday, September 2
Yard Waste: Tuesday, September 3
Recycling/Trash: Thursday, Sept 5
Dublin Community Rec Center: Closed Monday, Sept 2
Dublin Community Pools:
North: 10: a.m. - 8:p.m.
South: Closed