Sunday Scoop with the Supe
May 5th, 2024
News and Notes from the VPSS Central Office
From the Superintendent's Desk...
As we head into this week, we have two major events that we want to make sure all are aware and recognize.
First off, our Senior Class of 2024 puts the final stamp on their high school studies with final exams and end of year ceremonies. All of this leading up to their Graduation celebrations which begin next week. Those will take place in Gueydan on Thursday, May 16, Kaplan and Abbeville on Friday, May 17. We wrap up Graduations with Saturday, May 18 ceremonies at Erath and North Vermilion.
Also this week we celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Week. It is my hope that in some small way you say thank you for a job that was once revered in society and now has turned into one of the most challenging and difficult professions around. None of our teachers get into the profession for the money and the praise, but any time they receive a simple thank you and moment of praise it often is the catalyst to keep on going. I truly hope that you take the time this week to find a way to show some token of gratitude to our teachers.
Last week I sent out a couple of surveys in order to get stakeholder input. I want to share some data that I was able to collect.
The communication survey received around 1500 replies and gave me some insight about what means of communciation are most beneficial for you. Most were in agreement that the text messages was teh most effective way to get info. Facebook pages, newsletters and websites are also used in some limited capacity. We will be working hard to get our websites and apps used a little more as mandated state information is placed on these sites and we want to make sure these are being seen. Thank you all for your honest opinions on this survey.
The late to school entry survey received around 900 replies from over 7000 families in our district. Numbers on this survey were a little low, but overall it was around 70% in favor of not doing a late entry and that if we have to cancel school it is easier if we just close for the entire day. Again I say thank you to those who took time to give me the feedback.
Finally be on the lookout later in the week or early next week for my interviews with our Top of the Class Valedictorians from the class of 2024. Always a fun way to interact with some our outgoing graduates.
Have a great week everyone,
Thomas J. Byler
The Final Countdown
Monday, May 6th
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Senior Final Exams Week
- Vermilion Retired Teachers Luncheon
- Accountability Commission - Baton Rouge
- Special Board Meeting - 6pm
Tuesday, May 7th
- Top 4-H Leader Banquet - 7 pm
Wednesday, May 1st
- School Nurse Day
- LHSAA Semifinal Baseball - North Vermilion - 5:30 PM - Sulphur
- Board Meeting Week - Committee 5/13, Regular 5/15
- May 16th - Gueydan High Graduation - 7pm
- May 17th - Kaplan High and Abbeville High Graduation - 7pm
- May 18th - Erath High (11 AM) and North Vermilion (6 pm) Graduation
- May 23rd - 1/2 Day of School
- May 24th - 1/2 Day of School and Last day of the school year