Renner Middle School eNews
May 28, 2021
End of Year Technology & School Issued Materials Collection Information
If you still have a chromebook or any other school-issued items such as library books, textbooks, English/PACE novels, please return them to the Renner front office next week Tuesday, June 1st - Friday, June 4th from 9 am - 11 am and 1 pm - 3 pm.
The Chromebook return process will take a couple of minutes as we must visually inspect the device, match the PISD asset tag sticker to our records, and ensure that the charger fits the device.
Any school items, including chromebooks, Hot Spots, library books & novels, that are still missing after June 4th will result in a fine and a block on your student's schedule and any records transfers for 2021-2022.
More details can be found in the letter linked here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SWiIJFH60-Z6xgZNmlX0eTmOhHWzLBGyA1np8E6_4A8/edit?usp=sharing
Yearbook Pick Up
If you pre-ordered a yearbook and have not yet picked it up, you may stop by the Renner front office next week Tuesday, June 1st - Friday, June 4th from 9 am - 11 am and 1 pm - 3 pm to pick it up. If you are unable to come during that time, your book will be held until August and given to the student at the start of the school year.
If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Conway at michelle.conway@pisd.edu
May 31 - Memorial Day Holiday, Campus closed
June 18 - July 12 - Campus Closed for Summer
August 12 - First Day of 2021-2022 School Year
Not Returning to Renner for 2021-2022?
Shepton High School Information for 8th Graders
Calling all future stallions!
Check out our Virtual 8th Grade Open House that contains information about our campus, clubs/organizations, messages from teachers and counselors, and district resources.
Shepton 8th Grade Virtual Open House
We are very excited to see everyone in-person for our annual Stallion Stampede on Tuesday, August 3rd in a come and go event from 10:30am – 1:00pm.
Be on the lookout for additional information being sent in July (once all student information is transferred to Shepton) in regards to Shepton and Plano West athletic information, freshmen and sophomore orientations, and schedule pickup.
It is a Great Day to be a Stallion!
Shepton 8th Grade Parent Info - https://www.smore.com/qgc41
Plano ISD Invites Applicants for New Leadership And Ambassador Program
Plano ISD is introducing a new Leadership and Ambassador Program in the 2021-2022 school year and parents are invited to join the inaugural class. Applications should be submitted by 6 p.m., June 10, 2021.
This leadership program is designed to provide program participants with a comprehensive overview of Plano ISD. The ultimate goal of the program is to create a community of informed leaders. Participants will be provided with learning opportunities regarding the academic and operational goals of the district in order to help provide a greater understanding of internal operations at both district and campus levels. District leadership is looking forward to learning from program participants in two-way interactions. The program culminates in a recognition/graduation event in the spring.
The program is open to Plano ISD parents, PTA members, community members, and members of the Plano area business community, to name a few. The program will feature five daytime sessions, culminating in a recognition for graduates on the evening of May 19, 2022. Attendance at all sessions is required.
Interested individuals should apply to be accepted to the program through the online application process (English) (Spanish) by 6 p.m. on June 10, 2021. Applicants will be notified by email of their acceptance status by July 27, 2021.
For questions or more information, contact Plano ISD’s Assistant Director for Community Engagement and Events Brittnea Ussery.
Verification of Enrollment (VOE) Forms
Once your student's enrollment has been verified, the system will email you the letter.
For questions regarding Verification of Enrollment forms, please contact rhonda.snyder@pisd.edu.
Curbside Weekly Meal Bundles Distribution Changes to Summer Schedule
During the summer break, Plano ISD’s Food and Nutritional Services (FANS) Department will continue to offer free weekly meal bundles for children 18 years and younger. However, please note the summer distribution schedule.
Beginning June 1, distribution will be on Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Parents/guardians may pick up meals for their children at any of the following locations:
- Bowman Middle School, 2501 Jupiter Rd, Plano
- Clark High School, 523 W Spring Creek Pkwy, Plano
- Shepton High School, 5505 W Plano Pkwy, Plano
Meal bundles will consist of seven breakfasts and seven lunches. Food items included in summer meal bundles will need to be stored in the refrigerator or freezer and heated for consumption. Food storage procedures and preparation instructions will be provided with meals. Parents/guardians must review and follow these procedures and instructions to ensure overall food safety and quality.
Anyone picking up meals for children, without the child present, must bring appropriate documentation in the form of a school issued ID, report card, parent portal attendance summary form or birth certificate.
Due to federal guidelines, meals must be picked up during the stated distribution hours.
For more information visit www.pisd.edu/grabandgo.
FANS Meal Account Refunds & Transfers
2021-2022 Renner Football & Athletics
Follow this link for a message from two of our Athletics students, Sebastian Langley and Shane Parker, regarding 2021-2022 Boys Athletics at Renner Middle School and the Renner football program - https://youtu.be/LPjq91czgHM.
For more information, contact our Athletic Director, Kevin Kelln at kevin.kelln@pisd.edu.
2021-2022 Renner Volleyball Tryouts
Girls 7th and 8th grade volleyball tryouts will be Monday, August 16th - Thursday,
August 19th.
You must have the following forms completed before the first day of tryouts:
● Physical
● Rank One online forms (https://planoisd.rankonesport.com.)
● There are 6 online forms that must be completed in Rank One:
○ Medical History Form
○ Emergency Card
○ Extracurricular and Guidelines Statement
○ Travel Permission and Event Combo
○ UIL Forms Signature Page
○ Accident Insurance Coverage
All forms can be found under the Renner Middle School Athletics website
Parents please either bring a hard copy of your daughter’s physical to the front office
of the school or email an attachment of your daughter’s physical to
makenna.wiedower@pisd.edu (8th) or jessica.loyd@pisd.edu (7th).
RMS Girls Athletics Interest Form
Once you complete and submit this form, you will be receiving information via email throughout the year regarding tryouts (volleyball, basketball & track), paperwork deadlines and updates on all girls sports at Renner. Thank you for completing this form for the Renner Middle School Girls Athletics program!
Click the link below to join our email list: https://forms.gle/MHtyq5zP6PtC1Q8D6
Atletismo Femenino de RMS 2021 Pruebas de Voleibol
Las pruebas de voleibol de niñas de grados 7 y 8 serán del Lunes 16 a Jueves 19 de
Debe completar los siguientes formularios antes del primer día de pruebas:
● Física deportiva
● Formularios en línea de Rank One (https://planoisd.rankonesport.com.)
○ Hay 6 formularios en línea que deben completarse en Rank One:
■ Formulario de historia medico
■ Tarjeta de emergencia
■ Declaración de directrices y actividades extracurriculares
■ Permiso de viaje y combinación de eventos
■ Página de firmas de formularios UIL
■ Cobertura de seguro de accidentes
Todos los formularios se pueden encontrar en el sitio web de Atletismo de RMS
Padres, por favor traigan un comprobante de la física de su hija a la oficina principal
de la escuela o envien un correo electrónico adjunto de la física de su hija a
makenna.wiedower@pisd.edu (8th) o jessica.loyd@pisd.edu (7th).
RMS Formulario de Interés en Atletismo Femenino
Por favor complete este formulario si su hija está interesada en ingresar en un deporte el
próximo año. Una vez que complete y envíe este formulario, recibirá información por correo
electrónico durante el año con respecto a los equipos de voleibol, baloncesto, atletismo de pista y campo, los plazos de papeleo y actualizaciones sobre todos los deportes de las chicas en Renner. Gracias por completar este formulario para el Programa de Atletismo para
Chicas de las Escuela Intermedia Renner.
Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para unirse a nuestra lista de correo electrónico.
High School Athletics Information for Current 8th Graders
It is important to remember that we will be collecting physicals for the 2021-2022 school year for each and every athlete in our program. This will serve as a tremendous opportunity to promote obtaining a physical before this school year ends, right here on the Plano West campus at an incredibly reasonable cost.
As a reminder, Plano ISD is going to YEARLY physicals; all athletes will need a new physical dated after April 1, 2021 for the 2021-2022 school year.
The following link will take you to the UIL physical form and the free and reduced lunch form if you have need of it.
RankOne: https://planoisd.rankonesport.com
- Online forms for 2021-2022 will not be available to fill out until July 2021
Plano West Varsity Tennis Tryout Information
For all incoming 9th-12th grades students…..Any students who are interested in trying out for the Plano West Tennis Team for next school year should contact Coach Walker immediately at morgen.walker@pisd.edu. All necessary information for both the Varsity and JV tennis teams will be provided once you have contacted him. ABSOLUTELY NO STUDENTS will be enrolled in either the Varsity or JV programs without contacting Coach Walker AND attending tryouts!!
Follow Us on Social Media
Renner PTA Website: https://rennerpta.membershiptoolkit.com/
Plano West Tennis Summer Tennis Camp
Plano West will be hosting 2 tennis camps this summer and we’d love to have your children involved.
- Our first camp is May 31-June 4
- Our second camp is July 19-23
- Each camp will run Monday-Friday from 8am-11am
- The cost for the camp is $250 and includes a camp T-shirt
- Registration is open….you can register at www.highpointtennis.com/tennis-camp/ or call High Point Tennis Center at (972) 941-7170.
Summer Performance Courses - Click on PIcture for information packet
For Girls going into Grades 6-8
For Boys going into Grades 6-8
For Boys going into Grade 9
Plano ISD Athletics Summer Camps
Plano Public Library Summer Learning Kick-off - June 2-5, 2021
Learn about programs and pick up a Summer Learning kickoff bag full of fun things including bubbles to blow, a fan to keep cool, a reading log and activity sheet to get you started; available at all five libraries while supplies last.
Reading is an important part of Summer Learning! This year, our goal is your goal. Come up with the number of minutes you want to read this summer, and keep track using our reading log. Once you complete your reading logs, you can fill out our online form for a personalized certificate. Check our blog, PlanoLibraryLearns for great reading recommendations.
Discover something new with workshops and activities all summer long!
All ages:
- Discover Mars and join us for Solar Viewing with NASA Ambassador Les Murray
- Take It & Make It STEAM Connections held weekly; take home a kit to participate in a fun, virtual family activity
- STEAM Kits: hands-on activities explore science, music, art, engineering, money and more!
Tweens & Teens:
- Learn the basics of coding and circuits – a 5-session program for kids age 11-13 led by college students from UTD and SMU involved in the Society of Women Engineers
- Virtual Fan Fest, a Teen Street Team event
Teens & Adults:
- Coding Camp: Design a Video Game using Unity – 4 day program for teens and adults
- Safety programs from Plano Police officer Chris Bianez
- Gain perspective on financial choices
- Prepare to start a small business
Explore the library this summer with guided activities. Learn more about your local library and all the available resources for summer fun and learning. Complete activities focused on family or teen/adult learning (or both!). Then fill out our online form for a certificate of completion.
Learn more on our website or subscribe to our eNewsletter, Check it Out!
Hope to see you at the library!
Renner Middle School
Website: www.pisd.edu/renner
Location: 5701 W Parker Rd, Plano, TX 75093
Phone: 469-752-5800