EPS Family News-February
February 3, 2025
Dear EPS Families,
On January 9, we said goodbye to 3rd grade teacher Mr. Valerio and welcomed Ms. Scialfa. On January 29, we said goodbye to Ms. Rosenthal, our long term substitute in art and we welcomed Mrs. Puglisi today to our art room. We are so excited to welcome our new EPS family members. Please be sure to introduce yourself when you have the opportunity.
Our amazing PTO continues to work hard for the students. Our family movie night was a great success and we thank all those who volunteered their time as well as everyone who attended the event. Coming up this month, we will be hosting a Parents Night Out to benefit the LLS foundation in tandem with a Dine to Donate. We also continue to collect our hearts for staff! See the flyers below.
Lastly, we will celebrate School Counselors Week during the first week of February. We are so thankful for all of the important work that Mrs. Burns does with our students and families. She consistently goes above and beyond to ensure that all of the students needs are met and that ALL of our students acquire the knowledge of what it means to be a Kid of Character and a fantastic citizen. A big thanks to Mrs. Burns for all she does.
All My Best,
Amy Amiet, Principal
Kids Heart Challenge
PTO Fundraiser To Show Some Love to the EPS Staff!
Preschool Lottery Is Open!
Join Us To Be Informed On The Referendum Vote!
Parents Night Out! February 12
Save the Date-Family Bowling!
February Lunch Menu
Important Dates to Remember
2/3-Preschool Lottery Opens
2/4-Winter Club Session 2/Referendum Town Hall @ LMS 6 pm
2/5-Winter Club Session 2
2/6-Winter Club Session 2
2/7-Show Some Love Fundraiser Deadline
2/10-PTO Meeting @ 7 pm
2/11-Winter Club Session 3
2/12-Winter Club Session 3-Parents Night Out @ 6 pm
2/13-Winter Club Session 3
2/14-Early Dismissal @ 1:15 pm/American Heart Association Fundraiser Due
2/17-School Closed in Observance of Presidents Day
2/18-Winter Club Session 4
2/19-Winter Club Session 4/Parent Book Club @ 7 pm
2/20-Winter Club Session 4
2/25-Winter Club Session 5
2/26-Winter Club Session 5
2/27-WInter Club Session 5